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heat monster finally caught up with me

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match past Sat--93° when we finished--was humid, in t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes (don't tell SASS HQ)


shot 3 stages, did stupid stuff on 2nd and 3rd ones.  Got cramps after shot 3rd--called it a day; don't like my mind getting fuzzy while shooting live ammo.


bit of time with water and in front of a fan was needed--still had a headache for rest of day


been hydrating even before beginning of match and all through the stages but guess it wasn't enough.  was only one that 'cried uncle' for this match


hoping this was a fluke and not my 72 years catching up with me


we shoot again this Saturday so guess I'll find out without having to wait too long




Happens to all of us sooner or later.


Good on you for knowing when to quit. Much better than toughing it out and requiring an ambulance.

2 hours ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

match past Sat--93° when we finished--was humid, in t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes (don't tell SASS HQ)


shot 3 stages, did stupid stuff on 2nd and 3rd ones.  Got cramps after shot 3rd--called it a day; don't like my mind getting fuzzy while shooting live ammo.


bit of time with water and in front of a fan was needed--still had a headache for rest of day


been hydrating even before beginning of match and all through the stages but guess it wasn't enough.  was only one that 'cried uncle' for this match


hoping this was a fluke and not my 72 years catching up with me


we shoot again this Saturday so guess I'll find out without having to wait too long



Take a look at electrolyte tablets - in addition to plenty of water.


I don't like Gatorade or many of the other "sports drinks" due to the amount of sugar and/or caffeine.


If you have a local store that caters to runners or triathletes give them a visit.


I will start my match by taking one tablet with water and alternate 16 oz bottled water and 32 oz Powerade through the match, taking another tablet halfway through, and maybe another after the match depending on how I feel - usually only the two, though.


Since I've started doing this (this year), I don't feel nearly as exhausted as I did last summer.


:ph34r:  Chief Rick has good advice.  Find an outdoor/running store selling Vitalyte.  It's a powder, and when mixed according to directions is isotonic---  it diffuses into your system and doesn't need to be digested, so it goes to work FAST.  Combats cramps and keeps you going.  Invented by a marathon runner who happened to be a biochemist.  He recognized there was nothing on the market with PROPER minerals, in corret balance, and proper amount/form of sugar.  This is the stuff the park service and Search/Rescue groups use to rehydrate victims of excess heat/exertion.

Added bonus:  if you are ever awakened in the night with leg cramps, ingesting a properly mixed glass of it will get rid of the cramps in a couple of minutes.  No side effects.

Best to swap swigs with plain water during a match.  I usually do a quart along with a quart of water.  Keeps the old synapses firing as they should.....  if we ONLY DRINK WATER, we will flush away the needed minerals.

BTW, as Chief Rick alludes, most of what's found in the grocery store is worse than useless.

10 hours ago, Bad Bascomb, SASS # 47,494 said:

:ph34r:  Chief Rick has good advice.  Find an outdoor/running store selling Vitalyte


Got some on order and will be giving it a try this weekend


wife says I'm just an Old Fart and this is normal.  


After having shot matches in the high desert of Cali, I also learned that you need to start your hydration regimen a couple of days before a match to make sure your system has a sufficient amount of fluid to start out with.  I found if I started hydrating the day of the match, or even the night before, it was too late.


I got heat exhaustion a few weeks back after a match.  Took a gulp of pickle brine, and felt better about 15mins later.  Then just relaxed in the AC.  I've read that coconut water is good to, but it's on the pricey side.


Gotta pre-hydrate a day or two before and keep drinkin' through the match. In AZ if the temps are under 80 I drink a bottle every other stage. Or so. Above that a bottle or more a stage is the rule for me & Cimarron. We don't tolerate the heat like we used to so we don't shoot in the summer. Sucks but heat stroke sucks more, LOL.


When I worked in Charlotte I nearly got heat exhaustion walking tracks and doing clearance checks on trains one fine 105 degree day. That woke me up to not only staying hydrated but also getting some food and / or electrolytes into myself. 


I tried using those flavor packets in water but they messed with my stomach due to the use of Aspertame as a sweetener. That stuff is bad for you. I didn’t care for straight Gatorade so I would mix half Frost Gatorade with half water and chill. That was a good mix for me.


Please be careful with the heat. We want everyone to take care of themselves and also, look out for your Pards and Pardettes in the heat as well. :)

5 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

I tried using those flavor packets in water but they messed with my stomach due to the use of Aspertame as a sweetener. That stuff is bad for you. I didn’t care for straight Gatorade so I would mix half Frost Gatorade with half water and chill. That was a good mix for me.


Was that the blue stuff in the cooler back at the table during the annual?


3 hours ago, Red Eye Jim said:


Was that the blue stuff in the cooler back at the table during the annual?


No idea.

On 7/31/2018 at 7:57 AM, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

Find an outdoor/running store selling Vitalyte


supposed to come in today and will try it tomorrow when we mow/weed whack range.  


turns out that Monday I continued to have a case of the "fuzzy stupids"  so realize it takes me a good bit of time to completely overcome this.  


will report back on tomorrow's sojourn 


We only have one of you.

I prefer a universe with you in it.

I've had to drop out of the rotation my own self.

I dislike runnin' up the white flag but sometimes a man has to pull his freight.

3 hours ago, Linn Keller, SASS 27332, BOLD 103 said:

I've had to drop out of the rotation my own self.

I dislike runnin' up the white flag but sometimes a man has to pull his freight.


Yeah, there'll always be another piece of steel to ring. We're not defending the Motherland when we're on the line. We need to live to shoot another day.


OK, back from the match today


drank at least a gatorade sized drink during each stage.  Did have some of that electrolyte powder in a couple of bottles--alternated with water.  


Also spent last night making trips to outhouse due to all the pre-hydration I did on Friday


got through the match in fine fashion.  Was tired at the end but then everyone was.


saw a few pards that had brain lapses during last couple of stages as weather was close to  what it was last week (mid 90s and very humid)


Think hydration, or lack of, was my problem and easy to correct


I relaxed my 85-degree rule today for the Palmetto Posse's annual Jimmy Buffet match.  Had a good time (as always with this club) but I've had all the hot and humid  I need for a while.


My wife, Smokin' Limey, has the same issues.  She stays hydrated, but her other big issue is she MUST EAT too!!  She has to have a meal, not snacks, the morning of the shoot.  


Ranger, had the same problem myself just today.  Hot (90) Humidity (don't know) and on the 4th stage started to wander around lost.  Decided that was "it" and bailed out for an Air Conditioned car and bunch more to drink.  It's not a fluke, unfortunately.  At our age, tolerance of heat drops way off.  Take Care.


I been bit a few times when I was younger and, I thought, invulnerable. I learned better. Now I’m older and wiser....at least as far as this subject is concerned. ;)


We shot with the Mountain Oyster Gang at Higgensville again today.  It was plenty warm but every once in a while we'd get a little breeze and that helped. But his range suffers from lack of shade and the white chat gravel reflects the sun back up.    I was feeling the stress by 4th stage but tried to keep cool and keep my water level up.  Between the 5th and 6th stage I was pouring a ounce or so of  cool water on the top of my head and letting it run down my back every so often.  I'd use my wat bandanna to mop down and wrap around my neck.    As far as my shooting,  I didn't do great but much better than a couple of weeks when it was much hotter with higher humidity. 


We did have one shooter shoot one stage and had to leave due to the heat.  Another shooter helped him with his equipment and seen that he got off ok. 


When we hit the road at 2:30, the temperature gauge in the truck read 92.  About a half hour from home it topped out at 99.


Iowa State Match this year in Indianola, Iowa. Brutal. Was told heat index was 106. You couldn't buy a breeze.


Those 1870's clothes don't really wick away the perspiration that well.


So naturally this was the first State Shoot Shortcake and I decided to attendB).


Fortunately about a month before, we told our plans to Cowboy Carty. He turned us on to the electrolyte tablets you put in water bottles. Bought up a bunch at Hyvee. I have no doubt that is what kept us going. Iowa folks had tons of iced water for us. THANK YOU!!


Shortcake gave out our extra tablets to fellow shooters who were feeling the heat.   It worked great for them. We made some good friends there and firm believers in replenishing electrolytes. 


Cold water and electrolytes have been working real good for us this summer.

On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 4:29 PM, Utah Bob #35998 said:

I been bit a few times when I was younger and, I thought, invulnerable. I learned better. Now I’m older and wiser....at least as far as this subject is concerned. ;)

I hear that.  Wisdom seems to come a little bit at a time.  :)



Orlando match on Saturday started with 2 stages in sun, then 2 stages in shade. Before moving to last 2 stages in shade, offered Posse one or two more stages.

Posse opted for one more stage.


Then offered Posse three position stage description, or stand and deliver stage description.

Posse opted for stand and deliver.


Heat Index was 102+ at end of match.


Come on Halloween in Central Florida!!!

Amarillo Rattler


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