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    Where ever there's a Bounty to be had........

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    Jersey City, NJ
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  1. I used all kinds of stuff, cheap cooking oils (but using Olive Oil gave me a hankerin' for fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil), fresh bacon fat, Crisco and beeswax. When I had original Winchester rifles, I used Ballistol in the barrel and lifter area, and white lithium grease on the toggles and such. With my cap and ball guns, I used either cooking oil lubed wads, or tallow/beeswax blend smeared across the cylinder face. For cleaning I use industrial cleaning wipes from Home Depot (also handy around the kitchen), afterwards I wiped the barrels out with Qmaxx Black Diamond, Gunzilla or Eezox. Same goes for rifle and shotgun. Guts of all my guns are lubed with white lithium grease.
  2. @Rooster Ron Wayne try this, just a pdf upload from the link StockRefinishing.pdf
  3. Clubs I have shot at, will allow GF's to safely move with guns in hand, to this other position, if there is a place to safely ground the pistols and engage with the next gun, then pickup pistols and safely move to next pistol position. Or move safely with pistols in hand to the next pistol position. @Nawlins Kid SASS #36107 has explained this no reupholstering for future engagement a few times, and I always forget it.
  4. If you just shooting local matches, like on a Sunday, you could donate what you can to that local club.
  5. I had a Winchester made around 1880, and the caliber was stamped on the barrel, between the two sights, closer to the rear sight.
  6. Slippery Dick has the mold that was for sale for a spell, I believe he is currently working on that getting the mold working with his casting machines. I emailed him about it earlier today actually. No response yet. here's his contact info on his website; https://slipperybullets.com/contact-us-2/
  7. try to plan to arrive a day early, to site see and just take it easy. Two full days of travel wiped me out. Also try to plan a down day on the return as well. Some how the travel back was more exhausting. also, hydration and electrolytes. bring plenty of hydration packets from the drug store, or wherever, there are also places locally to get these supplies. You can use google maps to look around the neighborhood you'll be staying at to find restaurants, groceries, pharmacies, etc.
  8. Popcorn and Wimmin's Pro Wrestling!
  9. I've been using a Papa Dave gun cart for 16 years, 2025 will be 17 years, still running strong. It's durable, and lightweight. Easy to put together, and disassemble, I keep mine in the truck of my car.
  10. Here's two photos, my finger is pointing to the area to pick-out the spring in one photo, and the other photo is my dental tool pulling the spring out.
  11. If you have something pointy and slim, like a dental tool, there is a small area where you can pull out the metal retaining spring.
  12. @Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L i might see you again at PA State next year if that match is on your radar.
  13. This all I got so far, hope to add Virginia to it next year, might be a slim year for me.
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