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  1. I only used this once or twice, time for it to find a new home. Brownells # 080-586-900 (doesn't seem to be listed anymore) SOLD
  2. John B Henry Fine Antique Firearms outside of Philly PA
  3. Yeah, spoke with a dealer who deals with antique firearms about my musket the other day, said they have one for $1900 and can't find anybody interested, and they thought they'd be able to move it at this price.
  4. when I first seen these, at a few antique gun shows in PA years back, they were pushing 5 digits, if not 5 digits........now it seems people who are trying to sell them, can't move them and are reducing prices quite a bit.
  5. I have '73 musket in 44.40 made around WW1. I've used in a few matches without issues. It's fun, it's cool, and yes it can be unwieldy. I do not know the tube capacity, nor do I have a bayonet for it. As for the weight, it doesn't seem to be much heavier than my Uberti 66 with a 24" barrel.
  6. This is a good idea, gonna give it a shot as my rubber bands on the collets broke.
  7. They would round down since Senior FCGF doesn't have the minimum of 10.
  8. No USA makers of aftermarket mainsprings? I've never found one......
  9. Do you shoot 45acp in other pistols? 1911? Glock? Whatever else? I do 45acp for smokeless, also same load for my 1911s. I load 45cbwy spl just for black/subs. My converter is the Kirst.
  10. Also, you can use 45 Cowboy Special ammo in the 45 ACP conversion cylinder. I do this in my Old Army's.
  11. Attached are some of @Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 tuning guides for Pietta's, and Uberti's with info on doing the coil type conversions. I used these years back for my 1860s and they came out great, not sure how different a Dragoon would be. Tuning_the_Pietta_Part_Two.pdf Tuning_the_Uberti_Open_Top_Revolvers_Part_2.pdf
  12. I have this press, parts that work the auto indexing are flimsy plastic, and wear out/break easily. Even after getting new parts from LEE, it still didn't hold up. Now I rotate the dies manually. Been like this for 10 years now.
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