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There are many people that, if you mention putting catsup on a hot dog, will make gagging puking noises, and say that you are a degenerate barbarian for even suggesting such a thing.


There are also many people that eat catsup on their eggs.


I wpnder if those two groups overlap - if Choking Bill, for example, who gets nauseous at the thought of putting it on tube steak covers his hen fruit with it?



Me - unless I'm eating a chili dog, there is catsup on mine. And catsup on eggs sounds disgusting.


I put catsup or ketchup on my hot dogs, always did and always will. ( I think it's a Cleveland thing) Of course the second hot dog has to have mustard, does anyone just eat ONE hot dog??


Ketchup on eggs, NO! :lol:


Oh, come on! With enough catsup, you can eat virtually ANYTHING!





I put salsa on my eggs! Ubercatsup. :D


On hotdogs always, on eggs- NEVER


I eat my scrambled eggs wit either catsup or salsa....and my burgers wit mayo whenever possible (plus pickles and onions)


I learned from my parents (don't everyone?) Mustard on the bottom bun, mayo on the top, patty on the mustard, catsup on top of the patty, any other additions (pickles, onion, 'mater, lettuce) on the catsup and then the mayoed top half.


I have mixed salsa with the raw egg prior to scrambling. That's good. Tried barbecue sauce once when out of salsa. It did not stay down long.


While all three are tomato based, it's not the same.


If it's a good quality, German style dog, then its a healthy helping of kraut and some spicy mustard for me if available.


If its a ball park type hot dog - then it depends on my mood - sometimes ketchup and mustard, sometimes some relish and onion, sometimes a bit of chili.


Eggs for me get pepper. Sometimes bacon and cheese :D


I put catsup or ketchup on my hot dogs, always did and always will. ( I think it's a Cleveland thing) Of course the second hot dog has to have mustard, does anyone just eat ONE hot dog??


Ketchup on eggs, NO! :lol:

I have a couple of bottles of Bertman Cleveland Ballpark mustard that is great on 'dogs..... and left over cold roast beef, summer sausage, bacon and egg sandwiches, and a number of other food items.


I have a bottle of ketchup that should be in the Smithsonian because I almost never use it. I'd rather have A-1 or HP sauce on things like meatloaf, almost anything made of pork, some beef dishes, and chicken.


I keep Morehouse horse radish and Tabasco for spicier meals..... and it's a great combination in V-8 juice or tomato juice.


If it's a good quality, German style dog, then its a healthy helping of kraut and some spicy mustard for me if available.


If its a ball park type hot dog - then it depends on my mood - sometimes ketchup and mustard, sometimes some relish and onion, sometimes a bit of chili.


Eggs for me get pepper. Sometimes bacon and cheese :D

That's a BREAKFAST (or lunch). Sure wish I could get good Prussian style sauerkraut like my old business partner made. She had five or six 2 gallon pots in her kitchen with kraut in different stages all the time. Always served it with bacon or sausage on the side.


Catsup, mustard AND MAYO on my dogs is a MUST......................I'm a pig, I don't care!

And catsup on scrambled eggs!


As a small boy, my son used to put catsup on pancakes!


Thank the Lord he's outgrown that!


That's a BREAKFAST (or lunch). Sure wish I could get good Prussian style sauerkraut like my old business partner made. She had five or six 2 gallon pots in her kitchen with kraut in different stages all the time. Always served it with bacon or sausage on the side.

MMMMM homemade kraut. My grandmother used to make it and then can it to store in their basement pantry. It was always a good day when we got to have German food at grandma's house all day long. Nothing that I've tried comes close to a good homemade batch of kraut. I think my wife would divorce me if I tried making it at home. She hates the stuff and the smell is usually enough to get her to leave the room. Her and her siblings were coddled by their grandmother that lived with them when they were growing up. If they didn't like what was cooked she would make them something else. I've never met a more picky eater than my wife. Me on the other hand, either ate what was in front of me or didn't eat until the next meal. The only thing I've come across that I don't like is liver. By itself, it can't be dressed up any way to be good. All the ketchup and kraut in the world can't help it :D


Ketchup and onions on hot dogs is my favorite. I also like mustard and sauerkraut together or I like mayo, dill pickle and American cheese. Often I will make one of each.


Unfortunately, I have Gout. Me and ketchup, and all things Tomato, had to part ways...


Chilli on hot dogs, ketchup on french fries. Problem solved.

Next question?




If the catsup makers had to depend on me they would go broke.

My scrambled eggs have bacon, sausage, ham, tomatoes, peppers, salsa, cheese, heavy cream in any combination available.



Part of the problem is HOW MUCH??????

Ketchup can be overdone very easy.

Same with other things.

And a Chicago hot dog is NOT about what isn't on it.

Its about what IS on it. And the stuff better be fresh and not overdone.

I hardly ever eat pickles but a Chicago Hot dog better have a good one.

Balance and proportion.

Kinda like windage and elevation......




Ketchup is GREAT on French fries,onion ring, and (if you like 'em) hash browns!! It also works on anything you feed to a kid!! They like it because it's sweet!!


Dogs cry out for spicy mustard and kraut, or chili with onion and some regular regular mustard!! I also like a Chicago Dog, (about the only thing I'll say that came out of that armpit that's worn a damn) with pepper, relish, onion, a huge kosher dill slice, and tomato with a touch of celery salt and a little mustard.


A Roller Dog, (what you find in those big truck stops and convenience stores) requires a smear of chili, a corresponding smear of that nacho cheese, some onion/pickle relish and a goodly drizzle of mustard.


Your tastes may differ!! Mayo only on a cheeseburger!! No mustard or ketchup is needed or proper!! Red onion, big kosher dills, a slice of tomato, and......................................








A Rueben needs a mix of brown spicy mustard and horseradish instead of that nasty sauce that looks and tastes like Thousand Island dressing!!



I can be very happy under these circumstances!!


Katsup has no place on a Hot Dog. Mustard and Relish only.


Eggs get Salsa.


When I was stationed in Germany, if you went to the local Burger Bistro, the ONLY condiment was Katsup.


Since Heinz took all their manufacturing of Katsup out of Pittsburgh and moved Off Shore - I will never, ever, spend a dime on anything Heinz makes.




When I was younger, I only adorned by hot dogs with ketchup. That is, until I found BBQ sauce as a 20 something. For the past 30+ years, I've been putting BBQ sauce (yellow or red) on the 'dogs.


I still put ketchup on my scrambled eggs. I can't say I enjoy scrambled eggs plain, with chili, or mixed with stuff like bacon, peppers, etc...


Heinz ketchup is owned by Theresa Heinz Kerry's family, wife of the infamous John Kerry…..just sayin' :o I buy Hunt's or DeMonte, they taste better anyway!



Part of the problem is HOW MUCH??????

Ketchup can be overdone very easy.

Same with other things.

And a Chicago hot dog is NOT about what isn't on it.

Its about what IS on it. And the stuff better be fresh and not overdone.

I hardly ever eat pickles but a Chicago Hot dog better have a good one.

Balance and proportion.

Kinda like windage and elevation......



ok. chili.

I worked in Chicago for a year, only good thing about it was takin the L down to Wriggly.

I think I know the answer to this but lets hear your opinion.

What would happen to a guy that walked up to the hot dog stand outside of Wrigley and ask for Ketchup on his dog?


In Chicago, they don't know how to eat pizza

napkin and a fork, seriously?

So what do they know about ketchup?


Hi Rye!!


Sorry Charlie. Taint So. Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) bought out Hienz and then merged it with Kraft. Shut down manufacturing in Pittsburgh.


Hi Rye!!


Sorry Charlie. Taint So. Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) bought out Hienz and then merged it with Kraft. Shut down manufacturing in Pittsburgh.

Cool. that's good news!! (Unless they're anti-gun too!)


On a hot dog, usually just mustard, or mustard and kraut. Sometimes it's mustard and ketchup.



Scrambled get salt and pepper, maybe salsa.
Over or Up get salt and pepper, and about half the time some ketchup

Bologna sandwich will always get mustard and about 1 time in 20 some ketchup. Will sometimes get mayo.


Katchup is also known around here as Missouri Steak Sauce


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