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Asking You For Prayers - 4th UPDATE IN OP

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I got a text from my eldest brother,  Michael,  that he was unable to wake his wife, Joan,  this morning, and so was in the  ER with her.  She's suffered from Alzheimers for some time now. 


So, if you could spare a prayer or two for them it would be much appreciated. 


UPDATE 1 (I expect there to be more, they will appear in this post when they happen)


Just got another text - he's "frazzled" but Joan is awake, back to her "normal" but hasn't tried walking yet.


The prayers are much appreciated.  Keep 'em coming, please.



So far tests are all normal.   Kept her overnight for observation and more testing on Sunday. 




I just got this:


"This is a copy and
textYesterday morning at 7:15 I tried to wake Joan up for her morning pill, she was totally non-responsive. I had a very difficult time detecting any signs of life. She was like a rag doll. I held her hand above her face and dropped it, like our son told me. It's a test of how far out a person is. The further out, the more likely a person will overcome the bodies natural defenses and slap themselves. She slapped herself in the face. She was like that until almost 10am. The Providence paramedics did the same test. Right now she is having an eg of the brain.
The Nurse said She will not be discharged today.
Joan is tired and confused. But does walk to the bathroom sort of by herself.
Yesterday morning I thought I was going to tell people she had



HOLY CARP!  I can't imagine how scary that was. 


At least she is walking. 




Good News! I just got a phone call from Mike. Joan seems to be out of the woods. Some tests showed that she has herpes...which led to a lot of itching and fatigue.  They treated that, took her off some meds.  She seems stornger, not as tired.  Was able to walk around some.  It might change tomorrow, but Mike is savoring the improvement NOW.  

Of course, the Alzheimeres is still there, that is never going to really get better, but possibly with that herpes now under control Joan will have more energy, which will help with some of the Alzheimers symptoms.

Thanks for all the prayers.  

Powerful thing, prayer.

Now I won't be dreading every "DING" of message notification on my phone.

Gotta say, when I saw his name on the Caller ID I thought, "Oh, hell......" and got ready for The Bad News. One of the few times I've been so happy to have guessed wrong.

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Prayers heading up Joe for your brother Michael & wife Joan. For you as well Joe.

Eyesa & Ellie


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2 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

I got a text from my eldest brother,  Michael,  that he was unable to wake his wife, Joan,  this morning, and so was in the  ER with her.  She's suffered from Alzheimers for some time now. 


So, if you could spare a prayer or two for them it would be much appreciated. 

Don't have any "spares", but I have all you ask for and there's one on the way.  More when you need them.  Keep us posted.

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  • Subdeacon Joe changed the title to Asking You For Prayers - UPDATE IN OP

Thanks for the update, Prayers to continue for further recovery 

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You got our prayers for certain!!  We know what prayers are capable of and hope that ours for you are answered like those offered for both of us!


Blackwater ‘n’ Schoolmarm 

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Praying here

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  • Subdeacon Joe changed the title to Asking You For Prayers - SECOND UPDATE IN OP

Prayers up for the family 

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They and you will be in my thoughts and meditations.

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Your second update looks encouraging.
Still standing up on my knees for the three of you!

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  • Subdeacon Joe changed the title to Asking You For Prayers - THIRD UPDATE IN OP

Thanks for the update, Prayers still up for more & continued healing. A scary situation for sure.

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More prayers outgoing!!

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Prayers up for Joan & your brother as well as yourself….

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sorry i was slow - you have my prayers for both you and he as well as her , ive dealt with this with my mother and i know a little , just enough to know prayers are a valuable approach as there is not a lot of others 

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  • Subdeacon Joe changed the title to Asking You For Prayers - 4th UPDATE IN OP


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