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Texas Jack Black

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18 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

 I was witness to Widder running 6 kds in 3.82. That's fast on water. He ran 4kd in 2.30

Those are all hitting and knocking down the kds.


 Not the oldest  How about the fastest?:D

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Opinion only:

On any given day or time, about ANY of a dozen or so 97 shooters could claim the fastest.


Put all of them together for a week, with daily competition, and here are my top choices to

run the fastest 4 and 6 shots...... with the shooters choice of starting position and not touching shells.

They can start with gun on table, port up or down.   Or, they can start holding SG in Hand(s).

Don't restrict the shooter to position the SG in a particular, 'restrictive' manner but allow them to

start at their preference.   This is the only way to determine their real speed.

ALL shells in belt, hand NOT touching shells.


AND, included in that guideline, another Cowboy will work the timer.  It should not be started by the shooter

because this would restrict their preferred starting position.


My 97 favorites over the years are, in no particular order:

Deuce - 4 or 6 shots

Santa Fe River Stan - consistently a Master at the 97

Arcadia Outlaw - tough and fast

The Outlaw Travis James - I wouldn't bet against him anytime.

Midwest Hale - surprisingly Awesome.

Missouri Traveler - Lefty's dad.  And on good runs, I think he can best Lefty on 4 or 6.

Copperhead Joe - One of the original 97 shooters that inspired me..... and still does.

SideKick - his 4 shots will make you nervous and envious.

Prestidigitator - Don't know if he is still shooting, but his speed is Awesome.

Phantom - He's a Borg.

Hell's Coming - His reputation speaks for itself with the 97.  I've seen his videos.   He's GOOD....Real Good!


And last but definitely not the least:  

Red Knee - his left handed style may actually be the fastest 4 shots I've ever seen.


AND, on top of all that, Chicken George has 2 young sons that are burning up the 97

and whooping up on any and all competition.   Watch out for them.


Hope I didn't leave anyone out.   My apologies if I did.


..........Widder (and somewhere during all that competition, I might get in the  top 10,

assuming I can get a good tail wind).  :lol:





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Widder ...you forgot Gunslinger Grace...she can work a 97 pretty dang good herowndangself...also current Woman's National Champ

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55 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Opinion only:

On any given day or time, about ANY of a dozen or so 97 shooters could claim the fastest.


Put all of them together for a week, with daily competition, and here are my top choices to

run the fastest 4 and 6 shots...... with the shooters choice of starting position and not touching shells.

They can start with gun on table, port up or down.   Or, they can start holding SG in Hand(s).

Don't restrict the shooter to position the SG in a particular, 'restrictive' manner but allow them to

start at their preference.   This is the only way to determine their real speed.

ALL shells in belt, hand NOT touching shells.


AND, included in that guideline, another Cowboy will work the timer.  It should not be started by the shooter

because this would restrict their preferred starting position.


My 97 favorites over the years are, in no particular order:

Deuce - 4 or 6 shots

Santa Fe River Stan - consistently a Master at the 97

Arcadia Outlaw - tough and fast

The Outlaw Travis James - I wouldn't bet against him anytime.

Midwest Hale - surprisingly Awesome.

Missouri Traveler - Lefty's dad.  And on good runs, I think he can best Lefty on 4 or 6.

Copperhead Joe - One of the original 97 shooters that inspired me..... and still does.

SideKick - his 4 shots will make you nervous and envious.

Prestidigitator - Don't know if he is still shooting, but his speed is Awesome.

Phantom - He's a Borg.

Hell's Coming - His reputation speaks for itself with the 97.  I've seen his videos.   He's GOOD....Real Good!


And last but definitely not the least:  

Red Knee - his left handed style may actually be the fastest 4 shots I've ever seen.


AND, on top of all that, Chicken George has 2 young sons that are burning up the 97

and whooping up on any and all competition.   Watch out for them.


Hope I didn't leave anyone out.   My apologies if I did.


..........Widder (and somewhere during all that competition, I might get in the  top 10,

assuming I can get a good tail wind).  :lol:





 I think you underestimate yourself   


Best Wishes  and I thank You

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A little bird told me if you come to the TN State there is a great chance that you will see the fastest 97 around.

It might be appropriate to plan a 97 shoot off!

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4 hours ago, Texas Jack Black said:

 Not the oldest  How about the fastest?:D

He may be getting on up in years but he is still pretty dang fast! I agree there are a lot of fast ‘97 shooters in Florida.



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Heyya Widder,


Thanks for being generous with that list :P


Here's one...wish he was still shooting. Badlands Bud



He was on my WR posse (the year he won with 15 total Rank Points...and wasn't clean). Stage had two KD's that launched flyers. He shot it KD,KD,Flyer,Flyer.


Was sitting around the campfire with Spence and the rest of the Whack Pack and I told him what Bud did. His response: Damn...I don't have the ba$$s to do that in the National Championships! 


Sure miss having fun with that guy...he was ALWAYS fun to shoot with.



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Gut C. Gunman, the Young Gun who won Bordertown deserves mention.  At his age he's just going to get faster.  He'll probably shoot a '97 side match at EOT.  Let's see how shooters rank.

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Heyya Phantom.


A few years back, in my prime, we had a stage with two KD's and bird launchers, one on each side of the

stage, about 25 ft apart.

When the scenario stated to 'shoot KD and then bird',  I ask if I could shoot KD, KD and then bird, bird.

"SURE" laughed the posse marshal.   He thought I was joking.


I hit both KD's and then went for the birds.   They were both still in the air when I fired at them, but I MISSED

them both.   I've always been a bad aerial shooter.   I doubt I could manage that now..... but I would try

again if given the chance.    I love the challenge and ain't afraid to miss.


No doubt, Badlands Bud and Lead Dispenser were two of the fastest with the 97.   And too bad they

still don't shoot.


Hope you had a peaceful Thanksgiving.




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25 minutes ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

Heyya Widder,


Thanks for being generous with that list :P


Here's one...wish he was still shooting. Badlands Bud



He was on my WR posse (the year he won with 15 total Rank Points...and wasn't clean). Stage had two KD's that launched flyers. He shot it KD,KD,Flyer,Flyer.


Was sitting around the campfire with Spence and the rest of the Whack Pack and I told him what Bud did. His response: Damn...I don't have the ba$$s to do that in the National Championships! 


Sure miss having fun with that guy...he was ALWAYS fun to shoot with.



I watched Spence shoot two KD's and two flyers at Stampede once, it was impressive. Cobra Cat can rock a 97 too.

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On 11/26/2023 at 2:44 PM, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

Heyya Widder,


Thanks for being generous with that list :P


Here's one...wish he was still shooting. Badlands Bud



He was on my WR posse (the year he won with 15 total Rank Points...and wasn't clean). Stage had two KD's that launched flyers. He shot it KD,KD,Flyer,Flyer.


Was sitting around the campfire with Spence and the rest of the Whack Pack and I told him what Bud did. His response: Damn...I don't have the ba$$s to do that in the National Championships! 


Sure miss having fun with that guy...he was ALWAYS fun to shoot with.



I witnessed Bud doing that too, couldn't beleave it. He use to shoot our annuals, I was lucky to be possed with him, we were walking to the next stage, I asked him how often do you practise ? he said I'm out of school now so 5 hours a day, I'm lucky to do that in a year. He was at another local match I was at. He shot a stage so fast the TO said the timmer must have stop he couldn't shoot that fast. He ask the TO can I shoot it again and if I get close to that time can I have it, TO said OK. He shot it again and beat that time. Not only is he a good shooter he is a nice young man, I would like to see him out here shooting again too.


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On 11/26/2023 at 3:30 PM, Tom Bullweed said:

I would add Walker Colt to Widder's list.



I shoot with Walker Colt regularly, I am continually awed by his competence and skill with the 97.  

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I remember Bud having some issue with his 97 one time. He went over somewhere and put around 100 rounds through it. I can't remember if this was when we were done for the day at an annual or what. He finished, took his 97 back to the vehicle. When he came back, minutes later, he couldn't believe someone had already scooped up all the hulls.

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On 11/26/2023 at 2:56 PM, Old Man Graybeard said:

Widder ...you forgot Gunslinger Grace...she can work a 97 pretty dang good herowndangself...also current Woman's National Champ

He’s probably never seen her shoot! Good add! All the 97 shooters need to know the young lady from Iowa! 





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You may want to look at who wins the 97 speed events at EOT and Land Run. They have the title of being the fastest pump shotgun shooter in the world and nation.


You can also see the world record runs, which include Lead Dispencer, Deuce Stevens, and Badlands Bud here... 


And here... 


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9 hours ago, Chicken George* said:

They have the title of being the fastest pump shotgun shooter in the world and nation.

As I'm sure you know, EOT and Land Run while being call the World and National Championships, are not Qualifying events...therefore, if you win, you only beat those that decided to pay the entry fee and go.


While still an accomplishment, the "titles" don't mean you're the "fastest (fill in blank) in the world and nation.


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1 hour ago, Totes Magoats said:

I watched those boys from Florida and Cobra Cat at Land Run, they'd get my vote.  




Have ya ever seen Red Knee from Oklahoma?

When he was a little more active (before Covid) he was Oklahoma State speed 97 champ, 

Regional Speed 97 champ, and when he went to the Natl's, he was the National Speed 97 champ.


He's got nerves of steel and eyes like lasers.   He could probably leap a tall building if you put

a cape on him..... ;)


If you order up 4 hamburgers and 2 hotdogs, he'll have those burgers done before you can blink

ye eyeball.   The 2 hotdogs take a little longer..... (4 shots or 6).




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On 11/26/2023 at 2:03 PM, Reno Mustang said:

A little bird told me if you come to the TN State there is a great chance that you will see the fastest 97 around.

It might be appropriate to plan a 97 shoot off!


I hope it happens!

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28 minutes ago, Hells Comin said:

Gee who would that be!


Rumors and Rumblings is that some Cowboys out west will be riding the trail and wearing out

horses headin towards TN next summer.   It won't be a place for the faint of heart or rude behavior... :D


HC:  pack up that lightning rod you compete with and bring it over.   The welcoming committee will

be hanging around the Speed SG stage on side match day.



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