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Texas Jack Black

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    free Grazer

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  • Location
    East of the Rockies
  • Interests
    Collecting classic Corvettes,
    early Winchesters and Colts
    Cua Viet River security 68-69- SOG- extraction team two -
    Perfume river security 69-70

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Texas Jack Black's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Maybe but not as much as I complain about the price of NANNA SPLITS🍨
  2. Why is it that for years TB has been used with no issues posted. Now we hear of issues ? Humans😉
  3. I have fond memories .Long time ago but I remember.
  4. Is the Highway 5 Drive-In still there ? Visited it back in 65 or 66.
  5. I made sure all our employees had a vehicle with a Nav. system and all my office computers have Google maps .It is used daily. Best Wishes
  6. Most pumping stations have backup generators on site .
  7. Portable or fixed Gen .Also new or old? Newer standby generators output a low under 5% total Harmonic Distortion "Pure sine wave' Which is considered to be power with a THD of less than 6% This can safely power sensitive electronics. Best Wishes
  8. Look a bit small for the gun?
  9. All practice loads are primed on the Dillon . All match ammo primed with Lee hand primer . Best Wishes
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