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UAW strike

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I don't have a dog in this event.
I'm told the rank and file want the same 40% increase given to management.

Considering the ghastly high prices and chronic problems of new production vehicles, I will vote with my wallet:  and abstain.


Only if you consider what the CEOs of companies like Ford, GMC, Dodge or other companies make, Mary Barra the CEO for GM only made 29 MILLION last year so yea I guess a 36% raise and 20% less work is no where near enough, they should ask for 5 times that. Or maybe cut the CEOs pay a bit


Ford, James Farley gets 21 million

Stellantis, Carlos Tavares gets 24.8 million

poor ole Akko Toyota CEO of Toyota only gets 4.6 million

and let’s not forget that’s cash and doesn’t include all the bennies


Dealers are price gouging the hell out of car and truck prices for the big 3. Why shouldn’t the UAW follow suit right? Give us less for more. The new American Way! We get less, they get more. 

IF I buy a new truck, it probably won’t be a Ford, Chevy or Dodge. 


At some point I don't know how the Big 3 Compete.  What do they say the starting cost for every car is based on historical union benefits?  I doubt Toyota (Domestic SC?) or Mercedes (Alabama) has those costs.


IMO Obama should have never bailed out Chrysler/GM while sticking it to the bond holders.


Dealers are gouging because of simple supply and demand.  I'd propose they need to make $ somewhere and if you can't get volume of new cars you need price or service $'s.  Used cars are costly also.  


I remember when the Caterpillar York PA Union thought they could get 2-3x as much as local labor.  That plant is no more or isn't what it was.


While nobody seems to want to work, I bet there are people that would love Ford compensation.


King Newscum just signed a bill to give fast food workers $20.00 an hour minimum wage. 


See that is different.  There is no foreign competition.  Al he did was force the restaurants to reduce jobs (kiosks) and pass the expense to fellow Californians.  They just don't trust the market do they?


Just fast food workers?  How about Illegal fruit pickers?

2 hours ago, Gungadin said:

.…Dealers are gouging because of simple supply and demand…

I was listening to a radio financial adviser this morning.  He stated the Car Dealer’s biggest revenue was from extended warranties, repair shop and loans.  The least amount was from the profit from new car sales.

12 minutes ago, Matthew Duncan said:

I was listening to a radio financial adviser this morning.  He stated the Car Dealer’s biggest revenue was from extended warranties, repair shop and loans.  The least amount was from the profit from new car sales.

That's for sure. I knew a gal that went to a Drive Time dealership to buy a car. They wouldn't sell it to her because she had cash.


Not only is their demands excessive when you consider that they already make $65 an hour in some cases and will only add to the inflation rate resulting in higher interest rates and stagflation like we had in the 1970s .  Does anyone remember the steel workers strike back then?  There were a few other strikes then as well.  

bad for the country all around.  I also recall that in the end jobs were lost.  Many prices themselves out of a job.  Since electric cars need fewer workers and with AI kicking in to replace jobs the UAW may find they priced themselves out of a union.  

plus the automakers are complaining the UAW is not responding to offers and the strike is unnecessary and the added factory strikes are not needed if the UAW stayed at the table to talk.  

24 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

Couple of weeks ago I bought a new car, trade in and check.  Don't think there is any law against cash, though they may have report it.

No law against it, but some, like Drive Time, make all their money off the high interest loans, so they don't take cash.

1 minute ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

No law against it, but some, like Drive Time, make all their money off the high interest loans, so they don't take cash.

Avoidance a clear choice.


I spent my life working on the factory floors watching management blame everything on the workers so I am biased, but the average UAW workers wage is $28/hour (according to the latest us bureau of statistics) if you figure his yearly hours at 2080 (52 weeks x 40 hours ) then the CEO of GM is making $13942.00 per/ hour plus bennies. That’s over $232/ minuet. Any of you out there worth that much ? It’s the INSANE theft of money buy the top 10% of company management today that is costing the public so much not what the guy twisting a wrench is earning


 They can ask all the money they want. I'm still buying Toyota as it's a much better vehicle.




Yea but the President is only one guy not a million guys.  Some presidents are worth what they get, many are not but they all get a nice big number.  It is like the theory of taxing the rich in America.  There are not enough rich.  The $ is in the middle class, the middle class will pay.


I'd be really surprised if the average Ford worker is only making $28.  And the loaded rate is over twice the hourly rate.


At the end of the day the big three have to compete on the world market and management and labor SHOULD work together to win or we will be buying Chinese, Indian, and Korean cars/trucks.  We need our jobs.  With competition it is more difficult to obtain superior (above market) wages long term.  But we are short term thinkers...

33 minutes ago, Oak Ridge Regulator said:

I spent my life working on the factory floors watching management blame everything on the workers so I am biased, but the average UAW workers wage is $28/hour (according to the latest us bureau of statistics) if you figure his yearly hours at 2080 (52 weeks x 40 hours ) then the CEO of GM is making $13942.00 per/ hour plus bennies. That’s over $232/ minuet. Any of you out there worth that much ? It’s the INSANE theft of money buy the top 10% of company management today that is costing the public so much not what the guy twisting a wrench is earning

The guy making $28 an hour is assembling guage clusters for Chevy Volts for 40 hours a week.


The CEO of GM is making decisions that could impact thousands of workers- with GM, their suppliers, and dealerships) for decades to come.


When you make the big bucks, it comes with the big responsibilities with far reaching consequences.


That $39.00 per hour that they get when their pay is raised sounds good on paper but it doesn't mean anything when new vehicles aren't selling and people get layed off or just plain fired. When one employee's pay ($28hr) goes up by 40%, a company may be able to absorb the $23,000 yearly loss. what about when a company has 100 of these employees...what about a 1,000 of these employees? The employees are going to increase produce by 40%, in fact I seriously doubt that it would increase in amount of product or quality at all.


Do I think that many of these CEOs, CFOs, etc are worth the obscene amounts being paid to them? Not a chance. I neither think that a 40%, across the board, raise is warranted either.

1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:

That $39.00 per hour that they get when their pay is raised sounds good on paper but it doesn't mean anything when new vehicles aren't selling and people get layed off or just plain fired. When one employee's pay ($28hr) goes up by 40%, a company may be able to absorb the $23,000 yearly loss. what about when a company has 100 of these employees...what about a 1,000 of these employees? The employees are going to increase produce by 40%, in fact I seriously doubt that it would increase in amount of product or quality at all.


Do I think that many of these CEOs, CFOs, etc are worth the obscene amounts being paid to them? Not a chance. I neither think that a 40%, across the board, raise is warranted either.

The biggest part of CFO's & CEO's pay are stock options.  100% of Elon Musk's compensation is stock & stock options.  That is why in the year he bought Twitter (X) he paid the largest tax bill to the IRS in history.

If the UAW members want a greater percentage of company profits instead of increases on hourly wages they should ask for larger profit sharing bonuses or better yet stock options that mature in 5 years?  As it is typical unions don't want any skin in the game other than a paycheck.


30 minutes ago, J.D. Daily said:

The biggest part of CFO's & CEO's pay are stock options.  100% of Elon Musk's compensation is stock & stock options.  That is why in the year he bought Twitter (X) he paid the largest tax bill to the IRS in history.

If the UAW members want a greater percentage of company profits instead of increases on hourly wages they should ask for larger profit sharing bonuses or better yet stock options that mature in 5 years?  As it is typical unions don't want any skin in the game other than a paycheck.


The UAW was given a significant ownership stake in GM during the Obama administration. They sold it a few years later to pad their strike fund. 

8 hours ago, Gungadin said:

At some point I don't know how the Big 3 Compete.  What do they say the starting cost for every car is based on historical union benefits?  I doubt Toyota (Domestic SC?) or Mercedes (Alabama) has those costs.


IMO Obama should have never bailed out Chrysler/GM while sticking it to the bond holders.


Dealers are gouging because of simple supply and demand.  I'd propose they need to make $ somewhere and if you can't get volume of new cars you need price or service $'s.  Used cars are costly also.  


I remember when the Caterpillar York PA Union thought they could get 2-3x as much as local labor.  That plant is no more or isn't what it was.


While nobody seems to want to work, I bet there are people that would love Ford compensation.

I worked for a large US CAT dealer during the long strikes by the UAW in the late 80's through the mid 90's.  I remember in1979 when I attended a training class in  Mossvile, IL while on a factory tour the guide warning us to get out of the isles just before a shift change.  It was like yell fire in a crowded theater.  Normally when a contract was up the UAW would hold out until after deer season.  I forget the year in late 80's that CAT's financials sucked due to competition from Deer & Komatsu.  Cat asked for give back's in hourly & benefits that non-represent employees had imposed.  The UAW held out until Feb the net year & agreed to go back to work with out a contract.  This after CAT had advertised for workers in papers all over the Midwest including PA which was simultaneously with registered letters sent to all striking workers which gave them an ultimatum if the didn't report to work by a certain date the had effectively resigned.  Many of the younger workers who valued the 2-3 times the prevailing wages & weren't vested in their pension plans went back to work.  The oldest workers (50's & 60's) who had the strongest us vs. them attitudes quite losing their high wages & worse higher monthly pension payments.  As I remember York PA UAW never settled.  I believe York was the 1st facilities that was closed due to low productivity.  CAT's strategy to take short term pain for long term gains worked.  After the 1st walk out CAT learned to build up inventory of products & parts to weather months long UAW walk outs.  During the 1st walk out CAT learned that they needed fewer office workers doing the union jobs.  An example In  Met Lab in the building that built 3000 & 3400 engines including machining heads & blocks that a 150lb. secretary did more work than the 250lb. 6 '3" dude did.  The brawn wasn't needed because the lifting was done with hoist.  Eventually after a couple of rounds the UAW settled for little more than the company offered in 1988.  In the package were significant work rules changes.

21 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

The UAW was given a significant ownership stake in GM during the Obama administration. They sold it a few years later to pad their strike fund. 

The UAW took the stock as compensation for GM unloading their obligation to backup the pension fund assets.   GM, Ford and Chrysler like all old line companies made the mistake of have defined benefit pension plans as well as retirement medical.  The hyper inflation of the 70's destroyed the value of their pension plan assets that their foreign competition didn't have.  It got so consomme that the companies over estimated tong tern returns which lead to under funding  pension funds.  This eventually led to non government entities adopting define contribution plans.  Most governments still have defined benefit plans which for many will eventually lead to unsustainable high taxes that creates a death spiral of higher taxes and lower services as people flee to greener pastures.

P.S. If you have property in one of these places SELL it now!


Very long time ago after College, 3 of us went and got a job at an auto assembly plant in the Midwest.  I was the only one who hung on.  Tough work, good pay for a factory job.  If I worked too fast, the Foreman told me to slow down.  I can recall being told to go back into the stacks where the parts were kept and have a nap.  I mentioned to someone that I was thinking of going to grad school and I was laid off at 89 days, just before I'd have been a Union member.  Never did get my initiation fee back, and I could have used the money.  Another Union job, years along, I was actually physically threatened for working fast, entirely to stay sane, BTW.  I told them to send only folks they didn't care about.  That worked for the short time I was there after.  Haven't got a lot of use for Unions, though I understand there was a time when they were needed.


ive tried not to say anything here and ill try to be brief and to my points , i agree management are overpaid and thats unfair , labor should be paid fairly , i understand demanding a lot in up front negotiations as its always settled for something less , i do believe that the future of our auto industry is teetering on a line so fine that it could be gone in a couple years if the political folks continue to destroy our country as they are currently doing , we also are getting priced out of the auto market as consumers - that wont work for either the producer or the consumer in the end , higher prices will only increase the problem , 


i think the bigger problems are government taxes , unions and management funding politics , politicians lying , inside trading and scamming for their own benefit , and the general decay of the american lifestyle , ive seen nothing redeeming in our boarder crisis so asking for the moon by autoworkers seems like a small irritant - i cant afford a new car these days anyway , and i dont want the gadget issues that would come with it , 


if they get their increase then two years in loose their jobs what was won ? 

ask the john deere workers in waterloo , iowa that lost their jobs back in the 70s - yes i was there then , i know what happened , i know what the results were and its part of why im no longer there 






This figures are serval years so I’m not sure how accurate they are to day.  The American union auto worker gets paid twice as much as the Japanese autoworker and produces half as many autos as the Japanese worker.


No one running a car company is worth $29,000,000.00 a year plus bennies worth millions more. They don’t make decisions that big. They can’t cure cancer and they don’t have the codes to launch a nuke strike and start WW3. The spread between the top and bottom wage earners in America has grown to over 700% in some companies and that’s just plain old nasty greed and if they weren’t subsidized by MY tax dollars I wouldn’t care but it’s the sweat off my butt that pays for the leather in their limos and that’s not right


Re unions: Yellow Freight.


The market pays what it believes a commodity is worth.  If the union inks a contract good for them, but hope it doesn't bankrupt the business required to use their workers. 


If the business chooses not to contract and hires at a market wage less than the union wants and can fill the rolls. Good for them.


If the shareholders wanna pay a ceo $29mil and his decisions make em money so what. How does the amount of money you make doing your job affect me except jealousy? I get paid based on MY choices you get paid based on YOURS. 


Pointing at somebody else's piece of an infinite pie and saying it's not fair seems petty to me.


The top five at GM took home more than 72,000,000.00 last year. 5 people took 72 million dollars out of that company and they feel their workers make to much, that kind of greed destroys everyone and everything it touches


 Not if you are a union worker. Unions built this country and now have  helped destroy our industrial edge.  Now the big three will raise prices, move production overseas even more and go with more automation. Stupid unions

  They stink.  IMHO


Best Wishes

8 minutes ago, Oak Ridge Regulator said:

The top five at GM took home more than 72,000,000.00 last year. 5 people took 72 million dollars out of that company and they feel their workers make to much, that kind of greed destroys everyone and everything it touches

  Socialists also say that

5 minutes ago, Texas Joker said:

Re unions: Yellow Freight.


The market pays what it believes a commodity is worth.  If the union inks a contract good for them, but hope it doesn't bankrupt the business required to use their workers. 


If the business chooses not to contract and hires at a market wage less than the union wants and can fill the rolls. Good for them.


If the shareholders wanna pay a ceo $29mil and his decisions make em money so what. How does the amount of money you make doing your job affect me except jealousy? I get paid based on MY choices you get paid based on YOURS. 


Pointing at somebody else's piece of an infinite pie and saying it's not fair seems petty to me.


I don’t really care what they make. What I care about is what the guy twisting the wrenches make, I DONT feel there is anything good, honest or fair about pay spreads Like that


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