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I'm not sure that we will survive as a civilization

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I finally resigned that I may not like any of this girly-man image-focused garbage, but I know I can't change any of it.  If they want to walk around looking like what they are, that's their own business.  They probably won't find themselves in my inner circle of friends.  And that's my business! 



No civilizations survive.


If you spent less time admiring yourself in the mirrors and more time working out you’d be a lot healthier. :lol:



8 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

If you spent less time admiring yourself in the mirrors and more time working out you’d be a lot healthier. :lol:



You win this one I was going to say something to that effect but my hat off to you on this one 

3 hours ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

If you spent less time admiring yourself in the mirrors and more time working out you’d be a lot healthier. :lol:

I try not to look at myself for fear of BREAKING the mirrors.:unsure: Besides, there's too much of me TO admire. :wacko:That's WHY I go to the gym.:blink:


These young folks that we think look stupid and dress funny are looking at us the same way. :)

7 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I try not to look at myself for fear of BREAKING the mirrors.:unsure: Besides, there's too much of me TO admire. :wacko:That's WHY I go to the gym.:blink:

Yeah, same here. Only I NEED to go to the gym. 


I was in Costco In Pittsburgh the other day. I was headed past the self check out when I saw this guy who is now burned into my memory. 
He had think brown curly hair like he was wearing a wig from the Renaissance Era. He had a thick bushy beard. He was wearing thick eye liner. He had on a brown trench coat and a black ruffled shirt and dark pants. 
We made eye contact and I said “How’s it goin’?”

He responded in a deep voice “Fine, how ‘bout you?”

I smiled and said “Good” and I kept walking without looking back. 

To be fair he may have been headed to a filming for a show or movie set in the 1700’s, but I kind of doubt it. 

His hair looked like this:


1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

These young folks that we think look stupid and dress funny are looking at us the same way. :)

Yeah, us older guys can’t pull off the younger styles and they don’t want to be like us. 



image.png.37c7a0f040699b5ff2d8d284f4217638.pngAn example of the 70's

1 hour ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Yeah, same here. Only I NEED to go to the gym. 


I was in Costco In Pittsburgh the other day. I was headed past the self check out when I saw this guy who is now burned into my memory. 
He had think brown curly hair like he was wearing a wig from the Renaissance Era. He had a thick bushy beard. He was wearing thick eye liner. He had on a brown trench coat and a black ruffled shirt and dark pants. 
We made eye contact and I said “How’s it goin’?”

He responded in a deep voice “Fine, how ‘bout you?”

I smiled and said “Good” and I kept walking without looking back. 

To be fair he may have been headed to a filming for a show or movie set in the 1700’s, but I kind of doubt it. 

His hair looked like this:


He’s just a vampire that hasn’t adapted to the times yet.


Fashion changes.  I agree that some of the current hair styles look like decorated cow flops on top of a person's head, but I don't think civilization will rise and fall on that.  Of course, I think that the "high and tight" haircut makes a guy look like a palm tree.






Hussar editorial photo. Image of horseman, cavalry, kaunas - 25454181


17th century France The cut of men's clothes, 1600-1900 1680s Battle of the  Dunes, france, png | PNGWing


Pin on As you like it


Men's jacket 1860-1870/men vest 1860s-1870s/old west image 1




How the bathing suit killed the bathing skirt - Vox

18 hours ago, Rip Snorter said:

Always remember the legend of the Phoenix.

I owned a Phoenix (made by Pontiac) that didn't survive past it's first year.  GM bought me a nice Cougar to replace it.

10 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I owned a Phoenix (made by Pontiac) that didn't survive past it's first year.  GM bought me a nice Cougar to replace it.

Well, that one didn't arise from the ashes, in fact just the opposite.  I've only owned 2 Pontiacs, a 1964 Catalina Convert and a 1968 GTO.  Both excellent.

10 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

Well, that one didn't arise from the ashes, in fact just the opposite.  I've only owned 2 Pontiacs, a 1964 Catalina Convert and a 1968 GTO.  Both excellent.

My wife and I have owned quite a few Pontiacs.  This was the only one with a problem and the dealership couldn't do anything about it.


 I'm pretty sure freedom of expression is delineated under the 1st Amendment as part of the Bill of Rights. Although I think some things look absolutely silly and ridiculous or even offensive it's their right to do it and thankfully so.


I'm sure plenty of people think I look ridiculous when I'm dressed up for a big match. Walking into a restaurant or into a store on the way home wearing chaps and spurs gets people's attention and not always good.  But I'm damn sure not going to get myself a purple mohawk and big dangly hoop earrings with a neck tattoo while wearing parachute pants although that might be perfectly normal if I'm ever in San Francisco...


My 2 cents.



1 hour ago, Dantankerous said:

 I'm pretty sure freedom of expression is delineated under the 1st Amendment as part of the Bill of Rights. Although I think some things look absolutely silly and ridiculous or even offensive it's their right to do it and thankfully so.


I'm sure plenty of people think I look ridiculous when I'm dressed up for a big match. Walking into a restaurant or into a store on the way home wearing chaps and spurs gets people's attention and not always good.  But I'm damn sure not going to get myself a purple mohawk and big dangly hoop earrings with a neck tattoo while wearing parachute pants although that might be perfectly normal if I'm ever in San Francisco...


My 2 cents.



Walking into an eatery on the way to or from an SCA event also draws looks.  Especially when a half dozen people hand swords and dirks to the greeter to keep safe for us while we eat.

2 hours ago, Dantankerous said:



I'm sure plenty of people think I look ridiculous when I'm dressed up for a big match. Walking into a restaurant or into a store on the way home wearing chaps and spurs gets people's attention and not always good.  But I'm damn sure not going to get myself a purple mohawk and big dangly hoop earrings with a neck tattoo while wearing parachute pants although that might be perfectly normal if I'm ever in San Francisco...


My 2 cents.




I stopped at a Publix to grab a sub after the first day at the Florida State SASS match (Orlando/Last Stand) once. The "guy" ahead of me had multi-colored hair, pants half way down his ass, a bunch of piercings on his face with crap stuck in them, big biker wallet sticking out of his pants with a chain and tattoos all over him. He looks at me and says "Dude, you dress funny". I looked at him from head to toe and said "You got a lot of room to talk". He didn't say anything else.


When the State match was held in Orlando and we went out breakfast/dinner dressed for cowboy, people always would ask if we were part of Disney or a movie. I usually couldn't help myself and reply "Yes, we are". Sometimes I'd tell them that we were actors but most of the time I'd tell them that we were extras. Even signed an autograph once...Cypress Sun...wonder if it's worth money now.:rolleyes:

11 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

These young folks that we think look stupid and dress funny are looking at us the same way. :)

And they are wrong.  Our generation did not invent cool, but we for damned sure perfected it.


I live in Rual Alberta, we have a hitching Rail out front by the A & W that gets plenty of use ...

Dressing Cowboy don't case much more than second look, ta see if Ya know them...

Or perhaps to admire her tight fitting Jeans....


Jabez Cowboy 


When I lived in SoCal years ago and was going to and from matches people would ask me if there was a movie shoot going on. I would say “No, I am a Cowboy Action Shooter. I am headed to a match.” 
Quite often I would spend 5 or 10 minutes explaining SASS and CAS and trying to recruit new shooters. Usually the conversation ended with them saying “Well, that’s really cool. Have a nice day.” Which is Southern California speak for “Bless your heart”.

After a while when they would say “Is there a movie shoot going on?” I would just say “Yes, I am an Extra.” and be on my merry way. 


Once I encountered an extremely snotty couple who spoke like Thurston Howell III. They started grilling me about the movie set and who was directing and yada, yada, yada. They wanted to know where “we were filming” :rolleyes: so I gave them directions to a place called Cook’s Corner. It’s a biker hangout. I wished for a long time that I could run into them again just to find out what they thought of the movie set. :lol:


A few of us stopped in a Mexican restaurant on the way home from a cowboy shoot. One guy asked us if we were in a rodeo or something. I had an Arizona badge on and told him we were Arizona Rangers in Ohio trailing a killer.i don’t know if he believed it or not but he said goodbye and walked away! :lol:

11 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:

I usually couldn't help myself and reply "Yes, we are".

Oklahoma Charlie & Stinky Jim were always the best at messing with the real people.  I really miss those days.



There are a lot of horse people in our area so some western garb is very common. I dress fairly conservative western at matches so switch hats and can blend in easily.

On 11/19/2022 at 9:23 AM, Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L said:


I have a couple of months to go. Last one was in August!:P

I got all seven of mine cut two weeks ago.




Just sayin.


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