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Sixgun Sheridan

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Everything posted by Sixgun Sheridan

  1. In one of the Vietnam documentaries I watched a former NVA soldier was mocking the US soldiers for carrying so much crap with them everywhere. He said they found it extremely easy to hit the Americans then run away because they were too loaded down to give chase.
  2. In that picture I see a couple of deadly weapons. And a hand grenade.
  3. Let me guess... the woman covering her face is his wife and she's pretending not to know him.
  4. I used to work next to a Ross store. they had someone hit the wrong pedal and go through their front window not once, but twice.
  5. When I was young I falsely assumed that being handy would help me attract a female. Unfortunately I learned that what women want is a man rich enough to pay someone ELSE to do the work. And then she can flirt with the handyman while hubby is at work.
  6. You could put those in restrooms here in the USA and the idiots would STILL hit everything but the target!
  7. On the same note, click on a picture of a pretty woman while surfing on your PC and watch your wife suddenly come into the room. Even when she's supposed to be at work.
  8. Fake. Otherwise she would have two black eyes as well.
  9. We are officially a democratic republic. .
  10. At least she's not like 99% of Hollyweird actors who close BOTH eyes before firing a shot.
  11. I'm morbidly curious as to who can run faster... these blimps or the gangbangers with their pants down around their ankles.
  12. He's a T-800. He can do that.
  13. Why was the Jack O' Lantern afraid? ...because he had no guts!
  14. I just hope he isn't running around in Heaven with that outfit. .
  15. Like the old man said... if I need advice from someone who chases balls around I'll ask my dog.
  16. I believe someone tried it and the cartridges didn't explode as the amperage wasn't high enough. That being said I'm not gonna try it...
  17. Not sure what the joke is, but that looks more like a spent case to me.
  18. People tend to forget that they're called wild animals for a reason...
  19. They also make great projectiles.
  20. It's the happiest picture in the world if you're a dog.
  21. As the saying goes, a 20-minute project is always just a broken bolt away from turning into a 10 hour-long ordeal.
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