Henry T Harrison Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Journalists who insist on using the term Mister when writing about convicted felons. Address them like the Russians do, they just call them what they are, convicts
G. I. Tarpicker, SASS #998 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 TV anchors, reporters, commentators and such who don't know how to properly use the words lay and lie. -- GIT
Ace_of_Hearts Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 The list is too long to be published. Just a few. 1 - 12 or more items in a 10 item or less line. 2 - Non-handicapped in a handicap space (but they could put a few regular parking spots up front) 3 - People that hold up traffic so they can go straight from the left turn lane. 4 - The word "Inclusive". 5 - People that are "offended" by every little thing.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 15, 2015 Author Posted March 15, 2015 People who use the phrase: "Forever and Ever". don't they know that ya can't go further than 'forever', ever! Folks who use the word "irregardless". ..........Widder
Aunt Jen Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People who use the phrase: "Forever and Ever". don't they know that ya can't go further than 'forever', ever! Folks who use the word "irregardless". ..........Widder Forever and ever is, grammarically a " Scheme" to reinforce, as opposed to a trope.... But itregsrdless (used here not as ignorance, for you are correct, but as another "scheme" in repetition to reinforce your meaning), I grok ya.
Aunt Jen Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Okay, WORDS that don't exist but that people use anyway, when if confronted will say, "that's the way I pronounce it," without realizing that it's not a pronunciation issue. Leaving out a syllable and adding another is just... Nukular. It's NUCLEAR Jewlery. It's JEWELRY Realator. It's REALTOR...
Blackwater 53393 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 I don't have a pet peeve! I have a whole herd of peeves and most of them can't or won't be addressed here. Matter of fact, I don't want to get started and a number of my peeves, if I DID point them out, would make many of the folks here embarrassed, offended, confused, or any or all of the previous. I'll just smile and quietly grind my teeth and hope y'all have a great day!!
Tyrel Cody Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Okay, WORDS that don't exist but that people use anyway, when if confronted will say, "that's the way I pronounce it," without realizing that it's not a pronunciation issue. Leaving out a syllable and adding another is just... Nukular. It's NUCLEAR Jewlery. It's JEWELRY Realator. It's REALTOR... How about misuse of the words Calvary and cavalry? Sorry, Custer led the US Cavalry NOT the US Calvary.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 How about misuse of the words Calvary and cavalry? Sorry, Custer led the US Cavalry NOT the US Calvary. I bet some of them were looking to Calvary... ..........Widder
Church Key, SASS # 33713 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 "No problem" instead of thank you.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 Forever and ever is, grammarically a " Scheme" to reinforce, as opposed to a trope.... But itregsrdless (used here not as ignorance, for you are correct, but as another "scheme" in repetition to reinforce your meaning), I grok ya. I like being grokked. It gives me a feeling of insigreviousness. :) ..........Widder
Elk Creek LeMieux Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 I like being grokked. It gives me a feeling of insigreviousness. :) ..........Widder Therefore you answer insegreviously?
Matthew Duncan Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Yankees claiming they won the war of Northern Agression. How is paying 30% of your income in taxes and under constant survelliance winning? Adults that have figured out how to turn a light on but can't turn it off? How would you like it If Someone turned you on and then left the room?
Tyrel Cody Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 I bet some of them were looking to Calvary... ..........Widder I would imagine so.
Tom Bullweed Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 If a 'pet' peeves me, I fix it. I have no problems asking soemone Blocking a doorway to move or telling someone that their cell phone use when in my company is unacceptable or letting a driver know that they are in the wrong lane or asking a subway employee to wash their hands after handling money, even if they plan to wear gloves. It does not cost a thing to let people know that their actions and attitudes do not meet standards, and I hope that someone would do the same to me if they felt the need.
Free Bird 61147 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Being on a posse with someone who has an aversion to soap & water. Either their clothes or themselves, and I've unfortunately shot on some posses that have both. Real nice in the hot summer.
Aunt Jen Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 I like being grokked. It gives me a feeling of insigreviousness. :) ..........Widder I had to look that one up: http://nws.merriam-webster.com/opendictionary/newword_display_alpha.php?letter=In&last=100 insegrevious (other) : INSEGREVIOUS; INSEGREVIATE; INSEGREVIOUSLY: a catch-all word meaning anything you want it to mean!" Created in 1968 by Chuck Foster as a Moorpark College creative writing exercise, Foster continues to date impishly using these words in casual conversation, speaking engagements, seminars, TV broadcasts, law school exams, even court... "Of my many challenges, this was the most insegrevious." ... "As an insegreviate by birth, how could he not succeed? ... "His voice, insegreviously soft, remained powerful." ... "It's an insegrevious world we live in but, insegreviously speaking, and from one insegreviate to another, why would you want it to be any oth... Chuck Foster, THE FUN POLICE (seminar booklet), 1995 Submitted by: "CyberGuy" from California on Mar. 22, 2007 15:50 (adjective) : eliciting irritation or disgust. I find you odious, abhorrent and, above all, insegrevious. Gary Owens, Radio Broadcast, unknown Submitted by: Trevor Mayes from Canada on May. 24, 2006 13:57
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 Aunt Jen, its always good to see alittle recrudescence on the Wire. ..........Widder
Palmetto Traveller Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 People that park in the "handicapped" spaces but obviously have no physical limitations when they walk in. People that pull up and park in front of the door at the grocery store so they can "run in" for something quick while there are open parking spaces 20 ft from where they left there car. Entitlement mentality. Democrats. better get off the soap box now...
Sparky Nelson Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 People that park in the "handicapped" spaces but obviously have no physical limitations when they walk in. There you go. Half the time when I stop at the supermarket on the way home from work there's a contractor's pickup truck - ladders, pipe rack, sometimes a welder in the back - with a handicap parking permit hanging from the mirror, parked in the handicap spot.
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Most everything related to modern restaurant "service": "How are you guys tonight?" (Did they call your grandparents or parents "you guys" at restaurants decades ago?) Thank you. "No problem." "Can I get that out of your way?" If I thought a dinner plate was "in my way", I wouldn't go out to dinner in the first place. And by the way-- I'm still eating: notice that food on my plate? "Have a nice rest of your day!" What's wrong with "have a nice afternoon" or "have a nice evening", if the day isn't over yet? Where in the world did this "rest of your day" come from? On and on.....
Abilene Slim SASS 81783 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 There you go. Half the time when I stop at the supermarket on the way home from work there's a contractor's pickup truck - ladders, pipe rack, sometimes a welder in the back - with a handicap parking permit hanging from the mirror, parked in the handicap spot. yah. I used to teach a fitness class at a health club. There was a gal who always parked in the handicapped space closest to the entrance. She had the appropriate permit hanging on the rear view mirror. Every day she would park, walk in unassisted and climb two flights of stairs. Then she would get on the treadmill and trot for 45 minutes. One day I asked her as she was parking her car if she really needed that handicapped space. She replied with a heavy victim-like sigh and said "yeah". My guess is the permit was for transporting a family member as opposed to her. What torqued me about this is there was another member who had cerebral palsy and worked out religiously (within her ability). This gal never complained or asked for any accommodation, except under appropriate circumstances, such as help with a handle that was out of her reach. I admired her. The other gal not so much...
Sedalia Dave Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 People that pick something up off a store shelf and then put it back but in the wrong place. Very aggravating to reach into a nut or bolt bin only to find that of the 10 items you grabbed only 8 are the size marked on the bin. In the grocery store having to inspect EVERY package/can to make sure that it is the correct one. Nothing like getting home and discovering that the second can you grabbed was not the same as the first one.
Aunt Jen Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 In light of the thousands who die from FLU each year: Cashiers anywhere who wipe their nose with their hand then handle your goods. CDC http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/us_flu-related_deaths.htm?mobile=nocontent "... in the United States during the three decades prior to 2007. CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people..."
Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 People that stop in a doorway. People that drive 5-10 mph UNDER the speed limit. People that have no clue how to correctly merge into traffic on the interstate. Those d@mn cameras at a stoplight. No PAPER Cowboy Chronicle! Why Tyrel, I do believe I'm one of your pet peeves! Since I entered blissful retirement, I'm the old codger driving the red pickup with the "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS" bumper sticker doing at least 10 mph UNDER the speed limit, with my LEFT turn signal CONSTANTLY on, and when I come to the intersection I THINK I want to turn at, I SLOW down way BEFORE the intersection, STOP, then turn RIGHT. I have found out there are a lot of people who love Jesus.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 Why Tyrel, I do believe I'm one of your pet peeves! Since I entered blissful retirement, I'm the old codger driving the red pickup with the "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS" bumper sticker doing at least 10 mph UNDER the speed limit, with my LEFT turn signal CONSTANTLY on, and when I come to the intersection I THINK I want to turn at, I SLOW down way BEFORE the intersection, STOP, then turn RIGHT. I have found out there are a lot of people who love Jesus. Birdgun: you're causing your fellow man to Sin and think evil thoughts..... You are tempting them to commit harm. I know there's a Bible verse about that but I can't think of what it is right now...to early on Monday mornin. p.s. Keep enjoying your retirement Pard. ..........Widder
Clay Mosby Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 People that park in the "handicapped" spaces but obviously have no physical limitations when they walk in. People that pull up and park in front of the door at the grocery store so they can "run in" for something quick while there are open parking spaces 20 ft from where they left there car. Entitlement mentality. Democrats. better get off the soap box now... I need to comment on this. Yes, people do abuse the privilege, but often times handicaps may not be immediately obvious. I have 2 fake knees, 2 rods and a cage in my spine, and a plate in my foot. I've been the subject of comments like this because there are the occasional days when I can get out of the truck and not limp very much, bu the pain is constant, and how far I can go is day to day. Like the days where I'm doing good to get from the handi-spot to the store and back. Guess what I'm trying to say is because it isn't obvious, doesn't necessarily mean there isn't pain and disability there.
Outrider Outlaw Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 I have to agree with pretty much everything that was said here. The wife and I have a old fashioned answering machine (not voice-mail) connected to our phone. We use it to screen our calls. If it is somebody we don't necessarily need or wish to talk with we let the machine take care of it. It is surprising how many calls we receive where no message is left. If it was important enough to call, one would think it would be important enough to leave a message. We do realize that many of that type call is a soliciting call, but still...
Lost Trail Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 1. Why does it only cost $17 a month of help a Wounded Warrior (VET), but it cost ONLY $21 a month to feed an animal thru the humane society? 2. In ALL of the 'Call Now, operators are standing by' commercials, ALL of those employees sitting down on the phone are apparently English speaking American. But when you call the number, you get somebody over in India who not only barely speaks good English, but has NO IDEA what you say if you have a good Tennessee, Alabama, Carolina accent. ..........Widder We donate $30 month to Wounded Warrior Project and feed our own cats.
Hurricane Deck 100366 Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Teenagers that MUST take a selfie every DANG TIME the car stops somewhere in order to update their facebook and instagram Said selfie MUST have said teen throwing a sideways peace sign and puckering their lips. It's the very definition of the therm "like. . . " as in "we were, like, at the mall and, like, this guy walks up and, like says "hey, like you takin selfies?" and we say, like "whatev..." (in your best valley girl impersonation) Makes my eyes bleed just to read it. . . . I actually caught my daughter taking a selfie at the dinner table. I told her we were going to make an episode of "Will It Blend?" if the phone didn't disappear "like, NOW." ---- and ---- infomercials that use the term "Avoid dissapointment and future regret. . . " They use it to peddle coins on TV usually. Lately it's been yet another "cache of uncirculated near-mint morgan silver dollars!" - or something like that.
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