Widder, SASS #59054 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 1. Why does it only cost $17 a month of help a Wounded Warrior (VET), but it cost ONLY $21 a month to feed an animal thru the humane society? 2. In ALL of the 'Call Now, operators are standing by' commercials, ALL of those employees sitting down on the phone are apparently English speaking American. But when you call the number, you get somebody over in India who not only barely speaks good English, but has NO IDEA what you say if you have a good Tennessee, Alabama, Carolina accent. ..........Widder
Calico Mary Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 how bout all tha charities that do tha whole "send us this much money and we'll send yu this thing in return".....whut, they dunt think folks will donate unless they git sumthin fer free outta it? has our society gotten that selfish that jus knowin' yer helpin' out a gud cause taint enuff???? sad......
Shawnee McGrutt Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People so involved talking on cell phones at stop lights, that they sit through a green light. And Widder, on your # 2, they don't understand a good New England accent either.
Major Art Tillery Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Anything that is "patriotic" in appearance... American Flag, patriotic shirts, hats ect.... That are MADE IN CHINA! Grrrr grumble, grumble. Also along the same lines.... When an organization like the NRA tries to tempt you to join... With a free item. Then to top it off they too are not even american made.
Forty Rod SASS 3935 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 1. Robo calls at any time, but especially during political campaigns. 2. People who get behind the wheel of a car or truck and then do everything they can think of EXCEPT drive the vehicle. 3. Politicians at any level and of any stripe that we elect who then either don't do anything or actively do things that are obstructive or destructive. 4. Feral cats.
Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 how bout all tha charities that do tha whole "send us this much money and we'll send yu this thing in return".....whut, they dunt think folks will donate unless they git sumthin fer free outta it? has our society gotten that selfish that jus knowin' yer helpin' out a gud cause taint enuff???? sad...... Gotta agree with you on that, Calico. Sad. If they took that money and applied it to the charity they would be a little better off and perhaps could do some more good with it. Sad. I just don't understand sometimes.
Tyrel Cody Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People that stop in a doorway. People that drive 5-10 mph UNDER the speed limit. People that have no clue how to correctly merge into traffic on the interstate. Those d@mn cameras at a stoplight. No PAPER Cowboy Chronicle!
Sparky Nelson Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Don't get me started... 1) People who come to my door and say, "I'm from the electric company." We have 3 or 4 "energy suppliers" here. You get one chance to tell me -which- electric company you're from, and you already blew it. Get off my porch. 2) Management who demand we develop "new" and "innovative" products, but we can only use parts that we already stock. (Can you imagine Eugene Stoner being told, "We need a select fire assault weapon that uses black powder cartridges.") 3) People who say, "Don't get me started," then get started anyway.
Henry T Harrison Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 how bout all tha charities that do tha whole "send us this much money and we'll send yu this thing in return".....whut, they dunt think folks will donate unless they git sumthin fer free outta it? has our society gotten that selfish that jus knowin' yer helpin' out a gud cause taint enuff???? sad...... This, do you know how hard that was to read
Sparky Nelson Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 how bout all tha charities that do tha whole "send us this much money and we'll send yu this thing in return".....whut, they dunt think folks will donate unless they git sumthin fer free outta it? has our society gotten that selfish that jus knowin' yer helpin' out a gud cause taint enuff???? sad...... Those aren't "charities," those are "fund raisers." They don't feed the poor, house the homeless, and heal the sick. They collect money, and give some of it to the charitable organizations who hire them.
DocWard Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 No PAPER Cowboy Chronicle! I don't know if it is a peeve, but it certainly is depressing. I don't really have a pet peeve. I have more of a peeve menagerie.
Aunt Jen Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Modern information intrusiveness (mikes, cameras, metric-gathering), info dissemination, datamining, selling your info to many different companies around the globe--and the near total inability to find out what of your info is out there or where, who has what, and what are they doing with it. We're BORGING UP, and if we do not ad a Society instill reciprocal natures to information flow and people's ability to track and correct their own information, we will wind up with just as little independent freedom and action as they.
Grizzly Dave Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Sales phone calls - when they start paying my phone bill they can call, until then what gives them the right? Door knockers. I have a no soliciting sign, it gets ignored quite a bit. And when I point it out they get annoyed with me. 'But we're not selling anything' yeah right, soliciting for my signature, opinion, support, etc is still soliciting. Both of these things are an invasion of my privacy and property.
Cypress Sun Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 - Those "feed the children" ads that features some obese guy asking you to donate money.......why doesn't he just give them 1/2 the food he eats. - Cell phones and the people who use them when they should be paying attention to what they're doing. - The obviously adult women who talk like some damn teenager. - Any news station with "BREAKING NEWS". It's usually not breaking or news. - People who are at the reading of the stage description, have (supposedly) watched 15 other people shoot the stage, get to the firing line and ask how to shoot the stage.
Aunt Jen Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Yes. It's all part if an information flow pressed by Ithers, the individual has little control over. HERE, same. I've been burglarized. I have TWO NO SOLICITING signs, and they'll leave junk on my door/porch RIGHT BESIDE one on them. It tell burglars when someone's not home. I call to complain, and they say sorry, the deliverer can't read English, which is false. Anyone. Even if illiterate can be shown to avoid homes with this ---NO SOLICITING --- on it. It's just pushy marketing, like spam calls, spam emails...
Yellowhouse Sam # 25171 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Pants that shrink once I get them home and socks that I can't get near my feet when trying to put them on.
Abilene Slim SASS 81783 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 When people continue playing with their smart phone when you're trying to have a conversation. Their side of the conversation sounds like this: "Uh-huh, yeah, mmm, uh-huh... When people interrupt a conversation with you to take a call, reply to a text or email that clearly does not need immediate attention. One of the saddest things I see more and more is a couple at a restaurant or bar, engrossed in their smart phones and not talking to one another.
MO. Sweetie Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Seeing people out in public wearing their pajamas & house shoes. I use to think it was just the teenagers..... not so much the case anymore. Does it require that much effort to slip on a pair of shorts or sweatpants & maybe flip flops? Geez. People tailgating me! Grrrrrrrrrrrr Thanks for the opportunity to vent a little Widder Hope you are doing well.
Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 people who hang out in the left lane or even the middle lane who are driving slower than the "herd"!!! people whu can't rede other then stuff wutz spelt korrectly and then cawl you names for it,,,, or jus deegrade yu fer et!!!! oh, not a peeve but, yes I can rede awl those paragraphs with the headline, "Can you read this?"
Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 When people continue playing with their smart phone when you're trying to have a conversation. Their side of the conversation sounds like this: "Uh-huh, yeah, mmm, uh-huh... When people interrupt a conversation with you to take a call, reply to a text or email that clearly does not need immediate attention. One of the saddest things I see more and more is a couple at a restaurant or bar, engrossed in their smart phones and not talking to one another. those tuu!!!!
Shawnee McGrutt Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Mo. Sweetie, wearing of pj's and slippers is a style statement around here, especially if you are going to Wally World. Wish it wasn't!!!
John Barleycorn, SASS #76982 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People that stop in a doorway. Thank heavens! I thought I was the only person this bothers.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Funny that should come up. I was in a little café Friday and a woman was standing in the doorway talking to someone outside while a fellow was trying to get out with his takeout food. It struck me how rude, clueless, and self-centered she was.
MO. Sweetie Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Shawnee McGrutt, unfortunately I believe that is what it has came to around here also. One can only hope that those folks at least brush their teeth before heading out.......
Dusty Hill, sass # 49256 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People who have an assumption that they are smarter then every one else, but yet have no common sense, no ability to practically apply anything, Unable to see the obvious, but yet think they know what is best for everyone else.
Steeldust Dan, SASS #2631Life Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People who use the word "loose" when they should use "lose." Loose means not tight or not form-fitting, as in loose clothing or loose change. I WILL lose my mind if I see any more posts that do not use the word "lose" correctly.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Seeing people out in public wearing their pajamas & house shoes. I use to think it was just the teenagers..... not so much the case anymore. Geez. Mo. Sweetie, wearing of pj's and slippers is a style statement around here, especially if you are going to Wally World. Wish it wasn't!!! People often question the way I dress, usually as a compliment. I almost wear Jeans, long sleeve button up shirt, vest, Cowboy Hat and Boots. And gunbelt of course. I tell them it's my way of raging against tank tops, flip flops, and pajamas in public.
Dawg Hair, SASS #29557 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 At my age danged near everything is a pet peeve, depending on what is sore when I wake up on the morning!
Forty Rod SASS 3935 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 This, do you know how hard that was to read Don't read it. I don't.
Forty Rod SASS 3935 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 People who have an assumption that they are smarter then every one else, but yet have no common sense, no ability to practically apply anything, Unable to see the obvious, but yet think they know what is best for everyone else. Oh, you mean like most school teachers and administrators, the majority of politicians, a very high percentage of lawyers, current college students and professors to a large degree, TV and movie personalities, public employees, way too many immigrants (both legal and illegal)members of the news media, foreigners who pop off about the USA, but live in a country that hasn't done squat in any field whatsoever for generations and probably wouldn't even exist without us, a lot of the general public who listen to any and all of the people above, and some of my in-laws? Yep, but it isn't even a peeve anymore. It's just the way the world is and i rant and storm about it simply because it helps me let off steam and it's the cheapest hobby I can find.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Oh, you mean like most school teachers and administrators, the majority of politicians, a very high percentage of lawyers, current college students and professors to a large degree, TV and movie personalities, public employees, way too many immigrants (both legal and illegal)members of the news media, foreigners who pop off about the USA, but live in a country that hasn't done squat in any field whatsoever for generations and probably wouldn't even exist without us, a lot of the general public who listen to any and all of the people above, and some of my in-laws? Yep, but it isn't even a peeve anymore. It's just the way the world is and i rant and storm about it simply because it helps me let off steam and it's the cheapest hobby I can find. Right there with you, Forty. And when I do, they call ME names!
Guest Hoss Carpenter, SASS Life 7843 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Being an old guy, I am sick of the way the word "DONE" has permeated the English language. You put a roast in the oven and cook it till it is done. When it is done, you are through cooking it. When I hear someone say "I am done", I wonder if they got to 350 or 400 degrees. When you are through with something you are finished with it; not done! My Rant/Vent.....Hoss (ole Cowboy whose Mom taught English)
Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 what is a PEEVEE ? does it make a good pet ? CB
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