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2 Gun or 4 Gun Cart?

Mr Malco

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How much "stuff" do you plan on bringing to each match?   You may not need the extra slots for two more long guns, but the two gun cart may not provide enough extra storage space for handguns, ammo, holsters, lunch, or whatever else you have.

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Or if you want to carry a spare long gun.

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You can get by with a two gun for a single shooter, but if i's a long walk from the parking area to the shooting stages I like to carry spare long guns.  I've only needed my backup rifle once, but a few times I've changed shotguns mid-match.  Same with revolvers.

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1 hour ago, Horace Patootie, SASS #35798 said:

Mine will hold 5, or 4 and an umbrella.



Same for me.  

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We each have carts that hold 3 long guns or 2 and an umbrella. Shortcake’s was also designed to hold a checkbook.

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I use a 2 gun cart from 2 board guys for 1 day shoots when the parking lot is relatively close to the range, for the big shoots I like my 4 gun rugged gear cart

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I originally built my cart to hold two.  I later added a rack for a third, but only because I have a range at home and sometimes like to take an extra gun out there.  I have only used the third rack once at a match.  I loaned my backup shotgun to a guy whose shotgun broke, and I hauled it back to my car after the match in the third hole.  Where I shoot my car is only about 100 yards away, or less, so I don't see any reason to load the cart down with "just in case" stuff.  It's really up to you how big of a cart you want.  Look around at a match and see what others are doing and think about what you think you really need.  I used to travel for a living.  I never carried things I didn't use frequently.  I found that doing that made room for everything I needed since I didn't have a suitcase full of stuff I might need once every two years.  As an example, I could carry a squib rod on my cart, but three guys that I shoot with every match always have theirs on their cart and we really don't need four squib rods on one posse.  Just my 4 cents (inflation).

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i built both and use both but i built the 4 becausei thought id get a grandkid to shoot with me , so i use the 2 more sinse the grandkids showed no interest , less is more , only carry what you need and will use , extra is dead weight , but if there are two of you then thats different , 

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Howdy Mr. Malco,


I started with a 2 gun cart. It served me well, but when I got backups for my SG and Rifle, I made a 4 gun cart so my backups would be handy. When I feel the need, I throw a back sixgun in. I figure the one sure way to need a backup to have it way down in the parking area, or worse, back home in the safe. 


Rev. Chase

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4 gun.


I don't even have a rifle, I'm sharing one with a buddy and he usually has it in his cart; but I've used all 4 slots in my cart more than once.

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Got a 4 gun cart when my brother and I were shooting together--he moved across the state and Texas is a big state


Now use the extra slots to hold my Igloo playmate water cooler


I like the size as it stays put when we get a bit of wind and the umbrella is up

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My cart seats two, holds four long guns, and if I need extra gear, I can tow the trailer I haul it on!DSCN1449.thumb.JPG.b7c4176c79d83cf756c36d99b36fc4e1.JPG

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Actually, NO cart is necessary.  I shoot with a few folks who still just carry a saddlebag from stage to stage.  Fortunately for them, all the ranges around here have rifle racks at each stage.  My homemade cart is fairly small and holds two.  I don't even carry spares in the car, and in 25 years I only broke one pistol spring.  As luck would have it, I had an extra pistol in the car, a new one I was going to try out after the match.  About the only time I would have liked to be able to carry more is if I am planning to test a gun after the match, so I don't have to go back to the car to get it, but around here the car is never that far away.  


If you think you might need four, go with four (think of the Duke telling Opie, "if you think you're gonna need six, load six").  Other than the additional size and weight,  like Nostrum says you can ignore the extra slots if you don't use them.

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I went with the 5 gun cart from Range Tactical because (first of all I suck at wood work) my wife shoots with me and she shoots a 97 while I shoot a double and my kids will hopefully be shooting with us before too much longer. 


Besides who knows what you may have to haul on your guncart! :lol:



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Made this 4 gun cart with a Baby Trend Expedition stroller I picked up for 30 dollars. The upper and lower pieces are kept in place with zip ties.


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On 7/5/2024 at 8:29 PM, Lawdog Dago Dom said:

We each have carts that hold 3 long guns or 2 and an umbrella. Shortcake’s was also designed to hold a checkbook.

Ok, Ok, Ok!!

Someone ratted me out!

Full disclosure.

I was corrected in the Shortcake gun cart equipment. Our first cart held 5 guns and was solid walnut. Quite heavy. 

She could not wander too far without coming back to the cart for "girly things." (her words)

Lipstick, chapstick, hair brush, comb, small mirror, similar grooming items. And checkbook.

With that, MY cart carries shotgun case checker, ballistol, chamber brush, squib rods and similar items.

Let the record show corrections have been made.


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While I have 4 slots; generally only use 2 except at big matches when we have opportunity to shoot long range and BAMM…then I wish I had 5!  Way too far to haul it back and swap. 
I also “lend out” slots to  new shooters so they can take their time figuring out what they want for a cart. 
Unless weight and/or size is an issue - it’s like a gun safe:  if you think you only need an 8 gun safe-buy a 24!

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My cart is neither a two gun nor a four gun cart… its a three gun :P.

My good pal, @Mickey Blackwater, made me a wooden rack to fit 4 guns that I like to use at larger multiple day matches to tote around a set of back up long guns… usually three slots is one too many and goes unused. IMG_2173.thumb.jpeg.13bb189ba60d6e418658691f9376d2c2.jpeg

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well as always , everyone has their reasons for what they do , i also carry bore brush , balistol, rod and umbrella --- i keep it to minimum but carry what i use 

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