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Leaf Blower Frenzy

Yul Lose

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This morning I had to go to a medical building to get an X-ray for an upcoming doctors appointment next week. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a woman standing out in front of the building screaming into a cellular phone. There was a police car not too far behind me and I pulled into a parking space and parked. The cop got out of the car and started trying to talk to the woman screaming on the cell phone. I could hear a gas powered leaf blower at the other end of the parking lot. Seems she had called the cops to report the guy using a GAS powered leaf blower. The officer was trying to tell her that it was legal to use them but they couldn’t be sold in the state anymore, it didn’t make any difference to her she wanted the guy arrested.  I was running late for my appointment so I went on into the building. When I came out the woman and the police officer were both gone and the guy was still blowing leaves off of the parking lot in another place.

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Felt sorry for the cop to have to put up with her hysterical tantrum.

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At the rate we're going, it's going to get difficult to get anyone to want to be a cop. Even the politicians treat them like crap. Sucks

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10 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

At the rate we're going, it's going to get difficult to get anyone to want to be a cop. Even the politicians treat them like crap. Sucks


Or teacher.  At least in this state....  :mellow:


"By July of [2024], it will be illegal for public schools in [california] to suspend students for low-level behavior issues after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation banning "willful defiance" suspensions among TK through 12th grade students throughout the state."  







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12 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

At the rate we're going, it's going to get difficult to get anyone to want to be a cop. Even the politicians treat them like crap. Sucks

I’m starting to think that’s what they want . Driving all the people who care and want to do a good job out. So they can hire people that will do what they’re told without question. It sure seems chaos and civil unrest is their goal 

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I feel for the gardener....He has to buy a new blower unit and more than likely will need more than one battery for a days work...Then will have to go home and charge them...Most likely all night or close to it...So his house electric bill will go up and we the state will need more power for his needs...Yep, this state does have smart people running it...Almost forgot, they want him to go solar also....


Texas Lizard


Still stuck here...

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7 minutes ago, Buckshot Bob said:

I’m starting to think that’s what they want . Driving all the people who care and want to do a good job out. So they can hire people that will do what they’re told without question. It sure seems chaos and civil unrest is their goal 

Sure seems that way doesn't it. Our founders have to be rolling in their graves. One of a few the reasons I'm not running again for politics in my little town. :angry:

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38 minutes ago, Texas Lizard said:

I feel for the gardener....He has to buy a new blower unit and more than likely will need more than one battery for a days work...Then will have to go home and charge them...Most likely all night or close to it...So his house electric bill will go up and we the state will need more power for his needs...Yep, this state does have smart people running it...Almost forgot, they want him to go solar also....


Texas Lizard


Still stuck here...

He will need many, many batteries for a day’s work at great expense to him. He’ll then have to increase his rates as a result, adding to the inflationary cycle of the cost of doing business. 


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I’m guessing small engine repair shops are going to be busy. Along with every neighbor states business that sells anything with a gas motor on it . The CA border Patrol will be far more interested in two stroke motors than illegal aliens 

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1 hour ago, Warden Callaway said:

Just wait, they will be coming for your restored 55 Chevy or 64 Mustang or grandpa's 8N Ford.  Turn you in for having a lawn mower with a B&S engine. 

They’re already coming after classic cars, a friend of mine restores them and builds hot rods and getting them titled anymore is a real headache.

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How are they going to stop people from just crossing the border to purchase them or mail ordering them . 
When I lived in CA in the 80’s I can remember people regularly going to Nevada to purchase toilets so you didn’t have to use the low flow version. 
Are they going to make the loggers use a electric chain saw and a Tesla logging truck 

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2 hours ago, Buckshot Bob said:

I’m starting to think that’s what they want . Driving all the people who care and want to do a good job out. So they can hire people that will do what they’re told without question. It sure seems chaos and civil unrest is their goal 

Starting to think?????

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33 minutes ago, Cyrus Cassidy #45437 said:


Going to?  Have you been paying attention?

Oh yes, I've been paying attention. Our County Sheriff's office is just shy of extinct, our town coverage from a neighboring town is down to a few hours as they only have one officer now. The SP are down to a barley workable force as well. 

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42 minutes ago, Cyrus Cassidy #45437 said:

Starting to think?????

Guess I should have said it’s proving itself out now . Also the great replacement theory is pretty hard to deny at this point. Although people are still denying it. In today’s society actions definitely do not speak louder than words for many people. We’re like the frog getting boiled and they are slowly turning up the heat 

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3 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

At the rate we're going, it's going to get difficult to get anyone to want to be a cop. Even the politicians treat them like crap. Sucks

It will be ever fewer quality candidates.  Expect illegals to qualify (there is a thought) and obey current powers that be. Having been on the job in younger days, IMHO it was a mission you chose.  You needed / need to make decisions in seconds that Lawyers would / will argue about at great length. These days, the assumption is, and media call out brave officers as always wrong, and in many cases, their agencies throw them under the bus. If I were in my 20's today there is no way I would be a LEO in present environment.

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9 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

This morning I had to go to a medical building to get an X-ray for an upcoming doctors appointment next week. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a woman standing out in front of the building screaming into a cellular phone. There was a police car not too far behind me and I pulled into a parking space and parked. The cop got out of the car and started trying to talk to the woman screaming on the cell phone. I could hear a gas powered leaf blower at the other end of the parking lot. Seems she had called the cops to report the guy using a GAS powered leaf blower. The officer was trying to tell her that it was legal to use them but they couldn’t be sold in the state anymore, it didn’t make any difference to her she wanted the guy arrested.  I was running late for my appointment so I went on into the building. When I came out the woman and the police officer were both gone and the guy was still blowing leaves off of the parking lot in another place.

I was relieved to see that the new law won't restrict larger chainsaws, portable sawmills, or most ag equipment.  But it will restrict leaf blowers, pressure washers, lawn mowers, etc.  Vendors can sell existing inventory, and many sellers filled back rooms and warehouses, so all of it is likely to be available for a while.  And at this point, nobody checks at the border inspection stations.  The law is another liberal farce. 

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to me it sounds like there are just too many folks in CA that seem to want to rule their neighbors lives - watch your own bobber 


when snitches and bitches start running the world the rest of us wont have time to make a living , not aimed at anyone unless the shoe fits here , that was a gross generalization , and as far as that goes it was a stereotype if you like , im not above that but i am more a libertarian when it comes to sticking my nose into others affairs' - be they everyday life or extracurricular , long as they dont hurt anyone else particularly kids im ok , 

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22 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said:

Why are they banned?


Because a board of appointed self important idiots said so.


They believe that the internal combustion engine is pure evil and that the only thing that will save the PRoK is 100% electrification. 


Interestingly enough those same people have exempted local and state governments from the 100% electrification mandate. :angry:

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We transitioned weed eaters from gas to cord electric years ago.  Mary couldn't keep gas ones going and tended to just buy another.  We have electric in all our buildings so a 100' light cord would reach everywhere.  Year last we bought an EGO battery powered weed eater.  Plenty of power and range.  We were so impressed,  we bought an EGO chainsaw. Then I thought an EGO hedge trimmer would work on buckbrush and multi-floral rose in fence rows. It did. Then Mary a got an EGO leaf blower. All take same battery so we have plenty to batteries and chargers.  They are available at Lowes and Ace Hardware and online.  

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2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

Interestingly enough those same people have exempted local and state governments from the 100% electrification mandate. :angry:

You mean like, "assault weapons are evil and therefore we cannot allow you to own any. You also are not allowed to have any magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. These rules do not apply to police or government agencies."

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ive never had good luck with gas engines but , they work better than everything i converted to electric for the most part , and i hate dragging cords and battery's dont hold enough charge , besides they have shut down a lot of our electric power production facilities so we cant get what we need when we need it , one day we may need to tar and feather those that put us here ........or lynch them , 

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3 hours ago, watab kid said:

ive never had good luck with gas engines but , they work better than everything i converted to electric for the most part , and i hate dragging cords and battery's dont hold enough charge , besides they have shut down a lot of our electric power production facilities so we cant get what we need when we need it , one day we may need to tar and feather those that put us here ........or lynch them , 

I don’t know how gas is blended in your state , but as soon as I went to using off road gas “no ethanol” 90% of my small engine problems went away. It costs a little more but to me it’s worth it.


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19 minutes ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Run premium gas in any engine that is air cooled.

A dose of StarTron has worked well for me for years. I add it everytime I fill my cans and haven't had any carburetor or fuel pump issues in years.

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