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Israel at war

Rye Miles #13621

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6 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

I surprised that Israel hasn't just exterminated those Palestinians.  They've been nothing but a nest of terrorists.  When dealing with the MIddle East, you have to ask yourself,  What would Gengus Khan do?

That would be genocide, the Jews would not do that.  The Arabs would though.


as for the Khan, scorched earth.

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Over 100 women & children are being held hostage by the Hamas terrorist war criminals. They will likely be kept to protect the terrorists installations and force Israel to cause them to be collateral damage in any retaliation.  Very difficult choices for Israel to make.

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Over 100 women & children are being held hostage by the Hamas terrorist war criminals. They will likely be kept to protect the terrorists installations and force Israel to cause them to be collateral damage in any retaliation.  Very difficult choices for Israel to make.


This has been a huge win for the Iran and the ayatollahs and has stopped the Saudi/Israel stronger relationship in its tracks which was what Iran wanted desperately.

Now the U.S is sending a carrier strike group to the East Mediterranean, I would not be surprised how far this escalates. 

Iran needs to be blunted by Israel (and the World) but truthfully the whole middle East is such a hotbed of hatred I think it always will be. 


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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Over 100 women & children are being held hostage by the Hamas terrorist war criminals. They will likely be kept to protect the terrorists installations and force Israel to cause them to be collateral damage in any retaliation.  Very difficult choices for Israel to make.

I remember a story from maybe 50 years ago. Hamas took over an apartment building. Hamas took a lot of hostages in the multi-story building. Hamas apparently expected  to have a firefight from the 1st floor to the top (suicide mission).


Brutal from any viewpoint.


The Israelis took the first floor, planted bombs, and set them off taking out all the terrorists in the building by taking out the entire building. They presumed the hostages were already dead or at least would be before any chance of rescue. This course of action was based on previous history, hostages did not survive.


Brutal from any viewpoint.


France took a "no negotiation" standpoint for a long time, then changed course and began negotiating. Terrorism increased when France did so.


Brutal from any viewpoint.

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1 hour ago, Buckshot Bear said:


2 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Over 100 women & children are being held hostage by the Hamas terrorist war criminals. They will likely be kept to protect the terrorists installations and force Israel to cause them to be collateral damage in any retaliation.  Very difficult choices for Israel to make.



This has been a huge win for the Iran and the ayatollahs and has stopped the Saudi/Israel stronger relationship in its tracks which was what Iran wanted desperately.

Now the U.S is sending a carrier strike group to the East Mediterranean, I would not be surprised how far this escalates. 

Iran needs to be blunted by Israel (and the World) but truthfully the whole middle East is such a hotbed of hatred I think it always will be. 



It’s been a hotbed for hundreds of years ! They really need to be eliminated period!

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40 minutes ago, Buckshot Bear said:

A Senior U.S. Defense Official has stated that they believe an Israeli Ground Invasion of the Gaza Strip will likely begin sometime in the next 48-72 Hours.

Great. Prepare for your 401-K to take a dump again. The market hates war. 

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On 10/7/2023 at 7:05 PM, Tennessee Trapper Tom said:

Sorry, but getting attacked from within has been happening for decades.

 Correct , and with open border . A Former CIA Targeter I know has confirmation that known terrorist have crossed our border including a couple that were players in Benghazi attack 

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Just now, Buckshot Bear said:

 Well add this to the fire, many of the weapons that Hamas is using came from the gold ole USA pull out in Afghanistan and funded indirectly by the 6 billion Biden just donated to Iran (which funds Hamas)for prisoners .

Screenshot 2023-10-08 201948.png

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US Navy moves carrier strike group to eastern Mediterranean Sea with Israel at war A US Navy carrier strike group is headed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, according to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, as Israel prepares for a large-scale campaign against Hamas in Gaza.

The USS Gerald R. Ford, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, was sailing with the Italian Navy earlier this week, according to the ship’s social media, putting it close to Israel.

The carrier will be accompanied by guided missile destroyers and guided missile cruisers, which are two other classes of Navy warship.

The US is also taking steps to bolster its presence of fighter jets in the region, including F-35, F-15, F-16 and A-10 squadrons. It sent several of these aircraft to the Middle East in recent months in response to aggression from Iranian forces across the region, including in Syria and in the Gulf of Oman.

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im not inclined to hurt anyone but those in palestine that perpetrated this need to be eliminated , i wish cicilians were not involved but that is the terrorist way and why i think all terrorists need to be destroyed , 


this attack was unprovoked , there is no limit to the terrorists acts - i trust the retaliation will be as needed to eliminate the threats but i dont want to hear of some jacka$$ saying there needs to be a cease fire till the threat is eliminated , there is no excuse in this world to allow such a threat to exist , unless someone is thriving on the caos - and then we need to look at them with malice , 

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On 10/7/2023 at 4:20 PM, Subdeacon Joe said:

The country we need to put pressure on is Saudi Arabia.  That is the center of the mohammedean world, no matter what sect.  "You have a week to get those thugs under control, I.e. dead.  If not, Medina gets a nuke .  Two days after that, if you still don't have the Hamas thugs, Mecca gets the same."

Shortly after after Iran has a functional nuke, Israel will be toast.  I'm sure Israel leadership and military know and believe that.  They've pleaded with the U.S. and U.N. to help them block any Iranian nuke development, but to no avail. 

The Chinese dominated UN will not take a police action against any "Axis of Evil" powers and the Biden Admin just financed the next phase of Iran's nuke development ( that is after Hillary sold them the Uranium). 


So don't be surprised if Israel turns some middle eastern centers into glass in the days ahead.  And don't follow the rush to condemn them if they do, looking at their options, which are darned few now.  It is literally eat or be eaten, and their allies turn out to be either inept or disingenuous. 

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ill not condemn , ive admired their temperance considering history , actually based on more recent history in the region ill commend them , im talking the last 60 years of course 

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I would invite the terrorist to the negotiating table....... and then shoot them point blank.


They're cockroaches.   They've always been cockroaches.

They are rabid in their hate of Jews and Christians.


If given the chance, they will execute your children in front of you, then burn your eyes out

so the last thing you will ever see is your family executed.    




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As has been pointed out by SOME news media people (and there are a lot more of the other viewpoint) this is the largest attack on Jews since the Hallocaust! In proportion to the Israeli population, the casualties so far are the same as if 20,000 Americans were killed! Two-hundred and sixty people, including foreign citizens at an outdoor music festival!  Among them are a number of Americans!  According to other reports, we have sent A-10's to the region.  No what exactly could those be use for? Hmmm? In 1948, the Arabs wanted to drive the Jews into the sea! Maybe it's time for the shoe to be on the other foot!

Of course, when Israel defends itself, they will be the ones excoriated for causing Palestinian casualties. It is probably a good thing I am not in charge of our military. I might be tempted to help Israel turn downtown Tehran into a trinitite parking lot! Sorry, I am just irrigated! :angry: :angry: :angry: But that would probably start WWIII.

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The Arab states whine about Israel blocking medical supplies and food from Gaza, but somehow they manage to smuggle tens of thousands of rockets and other munitions in.


Imagine how much good they could do for the people of Gaza if they used that ability to bring it medical supplies and food instead of munitions.

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11 hours ago, John Kloehr said:

They presumed the hostages were already dead or at least would be before any chance of rescue. This course of action was based on previous history, hostages did not survive.

That was official Israeli policy for years.  Any hostage they rescued with military force was a plus.  No negotiating. Remember Entebbe?

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We have a variety of fighter/attack aircraft "heading to the Middle East". Where are they going to stage out of? Yes, the Navy can launch and recover F/A-18's off the carrier Gerald Ford. But you don't pull a "Doolittle" raid with F-15's, A-10's, etc. Ben Gurion airport is under rocket attack, and there are commercial airliners taking off with people trying to leave. The alleged purpose of sending the carrier task group there is to "show our support for Israel".  How?  We already have forces in the Persian Gulf to deter Iran from interdicting oil tankers. So far that seems to be working, but what then? 

Oh, yes, and today is Columbus Day or Indiginous Peoples' Day, so there is no mail delivery.  In Israel, many people are hunkered in bunkers because of continued rocket attacks. Somewhere in the U.S., the Wuss-in-Chief is hunkered down in some bunker. :angry:


I am tempted to change my alias to I.M.Pissed!

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widder has it right and we need to squish or eradicate with DDT type extermination , as that is what you do with cockroaches - you exterminate  them with malice 


there should be no quarter given - if you do they will be emboldened in their ongoing state and start all over plotting against us , just wipe them out 

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I find myself conflicted personally on this , First I really feel for the bystanders in this .
 But should we send send troops and money , first ask did they support us in war ?  If they didnt send troops or cash then NO period ! 
But I watch a Muslim protestors in Sydney Aus.  shout "gas the jews" while you actively prosecute men for "war crimes " by those that were not there , fighting those that nothing to them is considered a "war crime " 
 I have been shot at by kids and women that a hour before were "civilians "  Do I blame them , no not really I would do the same if we had another countries military here in USA.  But shoot them or bomb them then I am the bad guy ???  The true believers dont care about some written law as they have proven time and again 
  But I hate the Hypocrisy of the USA that all other countries borders matter but allow ours to be a open flood gate .  

Edit for background ,
 I have already had my dealings with Hamas and Hezbollah (Beirut 83 ) we had Israeli forces helping us however when they pulled out we sat and watched forces come down the hills at night. After the barracks was bombed we wanted payback and higher ups said no . We could have eradicated the whole group , we should have . Fast forward to Iraq and Afghanistan , You cant play nice with Daesh they follow no " law of war" you cant play nice with those that in order to kill you will , kill their own infant , gut it and stuff it with explosives , put it in a car seat and try to drive through your checkpoint , they dont value life they way we do and never will .

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On 10/7/2023 at 8:32 AM, John Barleycorn, SASS #76982 said:

So Biden releases $6 Billion of Iranian frozen funds and this is where it went. 


On 10/8/2023 at 9:23 PM, PowderRiverCowboy said:

 Well add this to the fire, many of the weapons that Hamas is using came from the gold ole USA pull out in Afghanistan and funded indirectly by the 6 billion Biden just donated to Iran (which funds Hamas)for prisoners .

How long ago was this $6 billion? How long do you think it took to plan this? How many other things make no sense but you're eager to believe it anyway? 

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On 10/8/2023 at 10:18 PM, Buckshot Bear said:


Which is exactly what the press wants.


The press is going to report what the hard core fundamentalists say and do because that's what gets them rating, website hits and social media attention.  They aren't going to look for the moderate Muslims who would condemn Hamas and/or Iran.


As for the hard core fundamentalists, deport them immediately with only the clothes on their back and seize all of their assets.

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11 minutes ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:


How long ago was this $6 billion? How long do you think it took to plan this? How many other things make no sense but you're eager to believe it anyway? 

The transfer of the $6 billion was just weeks ago. With that kind of money in play, the planning could have been in the works for months or even years, just waiting for the money to drop!


What part of this is not believable?  Hamas has shouted their intentions from the rooftops and blatantly glorified their involvement!

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22 minutes ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:


How long ago was this $6 billion? How long do you think it took to plan this? How many other things make no sense but you're eager to believe it anyway? 


Sept of this year so last month ,  and Yes Iran pulls the strings on many Hezbollah and Hamas leadership .  they have since the 80's .

I have spent 40 years in this game (damn its been a long time , getting to old for this BS) This didnt happen overnight. they have trained and planned  while we go to starbucks and laugh at the ladyboy barista . 

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27 minutes ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:


How long ago was this $6 billion? How long do you think it took to plan this? How many other things make no sense but you're eager to believe it anyway? 

If planning didn’t start in November 2020, it likely did in August 2021. 

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11 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

The transfer of the $6 billion was just weeks ago. With that kind of money in play, the planning could have been in the works for months or even years, just waiting for the money to drop!

Almost 3/4 of Iran lives below the poverty line, in part because the regime diverts money to support its proxies abroad. 

A $ 6 billion infusion into the economy at the right time can go a long way toward placating (or suppressing) dissent. 

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43 minutes ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:


How long ago was this $6 billion? How long do you think it took to plan this? How many other things make no sense but you're eager to believe it anyway? 

Well they also had a year to move all the equipment and ammo Biden left in Afghanistan to Gaza 

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54 minutes ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

Almost 3/4 of Iran lives below the poverty line, in part because the regime diverts money to support its proxies abroad. 

A $ 6 billion infusion into the economy at the right time can go a long way toward placating (or suppressing) dissent. 

The Iranian general public has probably not heard anything about that six billion dollars and if they have, they’ll likely never see any benefit from it!

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