Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 A terrible confession, but maybe not entirely out of place in the Single Action Shooting Society. I only own one semiauto pistola, a Ruger Mark II .22. I own a lot of revolvers of many types. Something about revolvers I like, something about semiautos that doesn't grab me. Are there others of this ilk? Now and then I have thought about buying a 1911, and when Ruger's are plentiful in the pipeline, I might.....
Abilene Slim SASS 81783 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Not me. Love my Colt 1911. Can't say the same about all semi-autos tho, but there are a few that look interesting.
Grizzly Dave Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Of my shooters, I'm evenly split right now, same number of both. Will get a Ruger 1911 eventually, so I reckon I'll need another wheel gun then too just to keep the balance. Maybe a mate for my single six .22.
Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Semi-autos jam too much! I do not own a single semi-auto pistol. Just a bunch of revolvers, single and double action, and only one two-barreled deringer. I pure!
Gunner Gatlin, SASS 10274L Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 I my Colt 1991A1 and my Ruger Mk II (oh...have 7 revolvers though ~ all single action ) GG ~
Utah Bob #35998 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 The semi-auto is a machine of function. The revolver is also...but it has more artistic appeal. Flowing lines that bespeak a bygone era. A device of little mystery. You can see it function. Hammer moves, cylinder turns. You know wht's going to happen and when. The autoloader is an enigma. It appears inert. Then suddenly it erupts. Like a demon summoned from a simple lamp. The revolver looks like a tool. Plow handle. Long steel shaft. Familiar things to most men, even a hundred plus years ago. But the semi auto looks like nothing in a blacksmith's shop or workbench. It is an object distrusted by many. Guarded, mysterious, even threatening. Rumors abound, old wives takes are passed on (even though old wives never started them). At the end of the day I like em both. For different reasons. We won't even talk about plastic.
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted August 7, 2012 Author Posted August 7, 2012 Yes, Bob, that's exactly it! Also, there are too many buttons and tiny levers and such on the sides of a semi-auto. And there is a separate piece with the bullets in it, which is weird.
The Original Lumpy Gritz Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 A terrible confession, but maybe not entirely out of place in the Single Action Shooting Society. I only own one semiauto pistola, a Ruger Mark II .22. I own a lot of revolvers of many types. Something about revolvers I like, something about semiautos that doesn't grab me. Are there others of this ilk? Now and then I have thought about buying a 1911, and when Ruger's are plentiful in the pipeline, I might..... GOOD ......just leaves more for me. LG
Utah Bob #35998 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 How do you feel about other auto loaders....say the M1 Garand? :-)
Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 I don't own any guns.
evil dogooder Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 I dont really care for then either i still own twol a little 22 short minx and a high standard. Ive owned about a dozen over the years from a desert eagle to 1911 to a kahr. Couple berretas and even a sig. Some were great guns but none said "love me forever" the way a fine balanced and smoothed up revolver does.
Tom Bullweed Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 John Browning's genious peaked with his auto pistols: 1911, 1903 Hammerless and Hi-Power. I enjoy my cowboy guns, J-frame carry revolvers and good semi-autos. They are not all made the same. Got no use for a Glock, but like the XD (only iwsh that is was made in the USA). Enjoy shooting a Walther P-38 and a good .22 (Ruger, Colt or Browning). A slim .380 hides away much better than my j-frame. Nope, I gotta have some of each. If'n I could only have one gun: aluminum frame 1911 4" barrel; two guns: j-frame in .38 Sp and a full-size 1911. I don't get to a single-action revovler until I hit five guns. (#3 was a lever action .44 Magnum, #4 was a 1897 Winnie).
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted August 7, 2012 Author Posted August 7, 2012 How do you feel about other auto loaders....say the M1 Garand? :-) That the one with the lever on it?
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Sorry Red, I don't agree. I am enamored with 1911s. I've got arthritis in my left thumb (already had the right thumb basil joint removed...) so, not cocking a pistol is so and pain-free to me. To each his/her own. BTW, I'm last at most of the WBAS matches I attend and still love the shooting. I think that's an outstanding endorsement of the fun that can be had. Regards, Allie Mo
Bama Red Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Allie Mo, if I ever decide to get off my backside and start shooting WB, you'll have some competition for that last place slot! I'm slow, but to make up for that, I miss a lot! Got everything I need for WB, just haven't gotten around to reading the rules and doing a little (God forbid :o ) practice!
Professor Tull, SASS #66742 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 Antique Semi-auto "shooters" Enjoy shooting revolvers, enjoy shooting 1911's [a lot], but for pure pleasure and a very large smile on my face - the 116 year old design semi-autos pictured above are my prefered weapon. Top is a 1912 .30 cal, bottom is a 1926 .45acp Shansei [under Mauser contract/quality control]. Even been known to carry one of the .30 calibers concealed. Professor Tull
Pulp, SASS#28319 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Folks that don't like semi-autos need to spend a mag or two out of my little Colt Woodsman. I do believe that if I had to give up all guns but one, that little Woodsman would be the keeper.
Rye Miles #13621 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I like revolvers better also but there's a bunch of semi's I like too. 1911's, S&W M&P's, old semis are cool too. 1903 Colt, Beretta Tomcat,,etc........... Rye
Grizzly Dave Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Sorry Red, I don't agree. I am enamored with 1911s. I've got arthritis in my left thumb (already had the right thumb basil joint removed...) so, not cocking a pistol is so and pain-free to me. To each his/her own. BTW, I'm last at most of the WBAS matches I attend and still love the shooting. I think that's an outstanding endorsement of the fun that can be had. Regards, Allie Mo Allie Mo, if I ever decide to get off my backside and start shooting WB, you'll have some competition for that last place slot! I'm slow, but to make up for that, I miss a lot! Got everything I need for WB, just haven't gotten around to reading the rules and doing a little (God forbid :o ) practice! I would be challenging for last place as well. So far I got exactly zero of what I'd need for WB. Maybe someday, but no time soon.
Three Foot Johnson Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Semi-autos jam too much! I do not own a single semi-auto pistol. Just a bunch of revolvers, single and double action, and only one two-barreled deringer. I pure! I've got friends who claim, "My Smithsigrugerglock has gone over 10,000 rounds without a failure", but when I catch them reseating the magazine after a "click", or reaching up and bumping the slide into battery, they tell me, "Oh, they do that all the time, that doesn't count". I have *a few* autoloaders, but they are far outnumbered by revolvers.
Apache Hawk 60642 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Simi autos brings back bad memories fer me. Have a 1911 and I sleep wif it under da pillow. Fer homestead defense. Makes me feel some what better. But I don't own and most like will not own any more.
Deadeye Doug Dalton SASS#65449L Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I have single and double action revolvers and single and double action semi autos. I like them all. Some for carry & defence, some for hunting & plinking, and some for target & competition. The only kind of gun I don't own is a safe queen. I shoot everything I have, and enjoy every minute.
Pack Saddle Slim, SASS #73122 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I've mostly been a wheel-gun man most of my life, favoring the .45 Colt for the last 35 years. I do love my Ruger MkII for "woods loafing" and will often tuck my little LCP in my vest pocket when I go to town. A couple of pards here on the Wire (Paniolo Cowboy and Tennessee Stud) helped me learn to appreciate the 1911, but when "push comes to shove," I'll probably be grabbing a revolver.
The Original Lumpy Gritz Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 The ONLY thing I like about revolvers over autos, if your a reloader, is you don't have to chase the brass. Now, some folk think the only reason I had kids was to do the chase'n for me.....Maybe-so LG
LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 And there is a separate piece with the bullets in it, which is weird. Hmmm, "separate piece with the bullets in it"....seems that would describe a cylinder in a revolver as well.
Guest Milo Talon SASS #23163 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Was a revolver man for years.I now own both, and enjoy both.My Mil- spec 1911 is a real good gun,maybe my favorite gun.But I still sleep with a revolver next to me.Old habits are hard to break.
Diamond S Doug Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 A terrible confession, but maybe not entirely out of place in the Single Action Shooting Society. I only own one semiauto pistola, a Ruger Mark II .22. I own a lot of revolvers of many types. Something about revolvers I like, something about semiautos that doesn't grab me. Are there others of this ilk? Now and then I have thought about buying a 1911, and when Ruger's are plentiful in the pipeline, I might..... Just remember a 1911 is not a pistol. It is THE pistol.
Big Jake1001 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Mostly Revolvers all my life and lots of single actions since Cowboy action Shooting 1985. Any and all my few auto-loaders were .22's cuz you don't have to shag the brass. Last year I bought 2 1911's in .45 acp and now have learned to shoot so all the brass go into the back of my Suburban. I hate bending over shagging brass in the dirt, grass, weeds, so I don't shoot like that any more. I just got a 1908 Colt Model M in .380 acp and will also shoot by my Suburban. It has a electric rear window and a Tailgate (1990) Jake
Capt. James H. Callahan Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I have single and double action revolvers and single and double action semi autos. I like them all. Some for carry & defence, some for hunting & plinking, and some for target & competition. The only kind of gun I don't own is a safe queen. I shoot everything I have, and enjoy every minute. Pretty much the way I look at it. I have some of everything including single shot IHMSA pistols. Keep thinking of selling at least some of them, especially the XP-100, but I guess I'm the same way with guns as I am all the clothes I like but can't wear any more. Just hang on to 'em even though I don't use them anymore. Good guns generally only go up in value, so not much point in selling them if ya don't need the money. My 2 cents, JHC
Gunner Gatlin, SASS 10274L Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I like anything that flings a bullet. well then...I like to 'fling' a BULLEIT at times me ownself.... GG ~
Grizzly Dave Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I don't like stewed tomatoes, nor brussel sprouts, nor cooked spinach all by itself. For that matter, I don't like sweet tea either.
Two Spurs Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 I don't own any guns. I always thought you were kinda suspicious..... How can anyone NOT like a 1911?! That's almost un-American!
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