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I need an opinion

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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I have a break top S&W Second Model .38 single action, the one made right after the Baby Russian.  It has about 15%- 20% nickel plate intact and is mechanically maybe 50%.  I've had it for years and am in it about $40.00.  Blue Book says it's worth $200.00-$250.00.


I'm considering having it re-plated to match my 1st Model American and getting some new original-grips-looking from Dixie Gun Works or having some walnut ones made.


I can't tell you why I'm thinking about this job because I have no clue myself why I want it done except it would look so good together with the American.


What would you do in my place and why? 


Also, I have a man who can make it look like new (I haven't priced it yet, so that may kill the idea at the start).

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Do it!  And ignore the ignoramuses who bugle about "ruining its collector value."  It's yours; do with it what will make you happy!  ^_^


It'll be downright sweet when restored!  :)

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50 minutes ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Do it!  And ignore the ignoramuses who bugle about "ruining its collector value."  It's yours; do with it what will make you happy!  ^_^


It'll be downright sweet when restored!  :)



We all reach a point in our lives where OUR opinions and desires are more important than how others feel about our actions.


You own it - no one elses opinion matters.



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Like everyone on here so far, I say go for it!

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Who paid for it? You did. It’s yours. Do as you please. 

Sometimes this “collector” idiocy gets on my nerves. Screw collectors!

I have said this before and I will say it again. (Paraphrasing for the audience)

If you dated a beautiful girl would everything you do with her be done solely to save her for the next guy?

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There is nothing I wouldn't do like that to preserve a $300 gun.


I recently saw a 97 being carried around at a match with no finish left, covered with rust.  I thought the same thing, that getting it refinished would be so nice to preserve it for the next 100 years, just like the last 100 it served.  The owner said it would "cut the value in half."  I remembered wondering if we were worried about having museum pieces or tools!

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If the current value at best is $250, go for it if it will please you. With little original remaining finish, there is no real collector value. At the same time, you will not get your money back on the work. But you would not get your money back buying a new gun either.


I would resolve any mechanical problems before putting a dime into making it pretty.

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It will cost you more than it is worth to have it properly prepped and plated. Lots of stripping, sanding and polishing involved before it hits the plating bath. If the cost does not bother you, go for it. 

I worked in a plating shop many years ago. We did quite a few guns as side work. Lots of labor cost. 

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CAVEAT:  I'm not a collector of anything and I find "Collectors" to be extremely annoying.  Sort of like the guy mentioned with the crap looking '97, worried about its "value."  '97s only have any "value" to CAS shooters.  He's dreaming.  SO:


It's Four T's gun.  If he wants to make it pretty, well, make it pretty.  I don't know many folks that want to play with ugly guns.

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By all means make it like new again. 

At our age money is a very ephemeral thing.  

That gun is something that you can treasure the rest of your life and hand down to posterity.

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I am a S&W snob and admit it. But the little mudpuppy you have has no collector's value, so refinish the litlle beastie and enjoy it!

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Well, I never read such an opinionated thing in my life.


I'll be in touch with David Fink at Gunsight Academy to see what it will cost.  Probably needs new springs and maybe some internal fiddling.


I'll order the grips early next week.


Thanks, folks.  It's good to find so many people who think like I do.

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On 8/23/2024 at 6:06 AM, Pat Riot said:

Who paid for it? You did. It’s yours. Do as you please. 

Sometimes this “collector” idiocy gets on my nerves. Screw collectors!

I have said this before and I will say it again. (Paraphrasing for the audience)

If you dated a beautiful girl would everything you do with her be done solely to save her for the next guy?

I don't get it. Who collects screws anyway?

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1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I don't get it. Who collects screws anyway?

The guys with beautiful girlfriends - at least the ones of us who weren't saving our girlfriends for the next guy.

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1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I don't get it. Who collects screws anyway?

Well there are people that collect the different types.


You have both SAE thread and metric thread screws.


Then you have cap head, button head, and countersunk screws.


And we have straight slot, Philip said, not Phillip said you freaking moron Phillips head, Robertson, torx, hex head, and Allen head.


otto is an idiot

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