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Dogs Running Loose

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My neighbor over the hill has 2 dogs that get out quite often and move into my shop, garage, creek in the back of the house, pretty much wherever they want. Yesterday they were in my wife’s garden and the larger one climbed up on her when she came out and nearly knocked her down. We called the neighbor 3 times yesterday and each time they picked them up they returned a short time later. He’s blamed it on the people in the homeless camp in the canyon across from my house but I find it hard to believe that they are coming into his yard that often to get their drinking water and leaving his gate open. He says he can’t put a lock on it for some reason. As you can see from the picture they’re here again.

They are quite friendly, as you can see.

Animal control hasn’t been any help. I don’t want to start a feud with the neighbor because he’s a good gunsmith that works at one of the few gun shops left up here. Not sure what to do next.



Edited by Yul Lose
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You mentioned them a while back, as I recall.  While they may be friendly, it's possible that they may cause an injury to someone.  It seems to me that whatever the owner's issues are, they're not your problem.  If clearing out the homeless encampment is not feasible, I think that reporting the dogs to law enforcement may be necessary.  There are other ways to deal with the issue, but they're severe.  You are in a bit of a bind for sure.

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13 minutes ago, Tex Jones, SASS 2263 said:

You mentioned them a while back, as I recall.  While they may be friendly, it's possible that they may cause an injury to someone.  It seems to me that whatever the owner's issues are, they're not your problem.  If clearing out the homeless encampment is not feasible, I think that reporting the dogs to law enforcement may be necessary.  There are other ways to deal with the issue, but they're severe.  You are in a bit of a bind for sure.

Sheriff hasn’t been much help and the dogs won’t get into my truck to take them back home or to the animal shelter. My wife just got off the phone with the animal shelter and they said they wouldn’t take them anyway, they have no room for them. Animal control says that they don’t have room for them either. My wife is afraid to go out into her garden now because the dogs won’t leave her alone when she’s trying to work out there. I guess it’s time to get into a deep conversation with my neighbor about his dogs.

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As you can see in this picture, somebody already shot this one once. I don’t want to do that because they’re not mean dogs.


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Talk to your neighbor and tell him while you like dogs and you like his dogs, one of them knocked your wife down which resulted in your wife being afraid to come outside on HER OWN property and could have resulted in a life changing injury. Tell him ONCE AGAIN that he needs to keep his animals on his property and if he doesn't that you'll be forced to take steps to protect your wife and yourself (if needed). If he's anywhere near intuitive, he'll be able to figure it out. If he's not smart enough to figure it out, he's probably not a good gunsmith anyway.


If you are forced to put the dog(s) down, bury them deep and tell no one, including your wife, about it.

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5 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


Talk to your neighbor and tell him while you like dogs and you like his dogs, one of them knocked your wife down which resulted in your wife being afraid to come outside on HER OWN property and could have resulted in a life changing injury. Tell him ONCE AGAIN that he needs to keep his animals on his property and if he doesn't that you'll be forced to take steps to protect your wife and yourself (if needed). If he's anywhere near intuitive, he'll be able to figure it out. If he's not smart enough to figure it out, he's probably not a good gunsmith anyway.


If you are forced to put the dog(s) down, bury them deep and tell no one, including your wife, about it.

Unfortunately that may be the only solution. Sucks the owners and animal control don't care.

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It's on you, pard. I'd try a BB gun to sting their asses. Only takes a time or two. If it doesn't work, drop them in a ditch a county road over. 

Or .... Fence them in YOUR yard and enjoy your new dogs. 

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1 hour ago, Texas Joker said:

Keep em, they want to be YOUR dogs

Exactly what I was thinking. 

Yul, do you want them? They obviously like you and your wife. 


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2 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

Exactly what I was thinking. 

Yul, do you want them? They obviously like you and your wife. 


The big dog weighs nearly as much as my wife and after what happened yesterday she doesn’t want anything to do with them. The daughters boyfriend came over to pick them up about an hour ago and I wished I would have videod it, if I wasn’t so pissed it probably would have been funny. He’d get one dog in the vehicle and go get the other one and when he opened the door the first one jumped out. English isn’t his first language and I was trying to tell him to tether the dog in the vehicle but he didn’t understand so when he got the other dog and opened the door the dog in the car jumped out  and they both ran off and wouldn’t come near him so he left. I’ve been trying to call and message the owners but they have their phones silenced. So tomorrow morning I’m going down to the sheriffs substation and visit with them about the dogs and what I can legally do. Animal control has been no help and I haven’t seen them out here for years, past calls have had no response unless of course you have to shoot a problem dog.


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@Grass Range beat me to it. I had to pepper spray a LOT of dogs while I was working and it worked in the vast majority of cases. Doesn't hurt the dogs, just really bothers them. Get a gel or foam type if you can find it, it will cling longer. Hope you don't have to put them down to protect your wife.

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16 hours ago, Sawhorse Kid said:

Since they are friendly to you, take them for a car ride to the local pound.

Their owner can collect them there.

I just tried loading them up to take them to the county shelter over in Carlsbad but they wouldn’t get in my truck, front or back. Next stop sheriffs substation to see what I can do about them.

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In Uganda I use a slingshot to move sheep ,goats, cows, dogs, and unwanted critters off the School property , for ammo I use .69 cal. Paint balls. this also serves to mark the trespassing animals.  And makes it hard for those that think my critter wouldn't do that! 

This no only discourages the critters, but clearly marks them if you wish the recover damages etc.


Jabez Cowboy



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17 hours ago, Michigan Slim said:

Or .... Fence them in YOUR yard and enjoy your new dogs. 

If you have a normal quarter acre residential lot - that's how big they are here in my town - then the backyard is about 70 feet long by 100 feet wide. So you got 70 twice (sides), 100 once (back), and then about another 40 (20 on each side of the house). That's 280 feet of fence. The man installing chain link fence across the street a few months ago told me that they charge $8 a running foot. That's a shade over two grand. A lady down the street is having a 6 feet wooden fence enclosing her complete yard - not just the back. She told me they quoted her $10,000.


So yeah, go ahead and put up a fence to keep those two dogs. You do have an extra two to ten thousand dollars laying around to put up the fence with, don't you?

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The dogs spent the night out in front of the house last night and the owners daughter came and got them while I was at the sheriffs office. Just had a long talk with a local sheriffs deputy. He said that if I loaded them up and took them to the animal shelter I very likely would be charged with a felony. The dogs are the neighbors personal property and taking them to the pound would be considered theft, I kid you not. I told him that county animal control has not responded so he gave me a card with the office number on it to call the next time the dogs were over and they’d come and get them. Trouble with that is the office phone is only answered from 8:00-5:00 on weekdays. Pepper spray is next.

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I see this as the dog owners lack of concern in a couple of areas. (1) He/She doesn't have any common sense to lock the gate and (2) doesn't really care about his dogs. Neighbors, other than Yul, may not be so understanding and shoot the dogs [evidently that has happened previously]; dogs running loose in traffic can cause all kinds of accidents. The dog owner needs to be cited and warned about further problems. And I understand LE not wanting to get involved, but if left  unresolved, they're going to be involved sooner or later in some manner.

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Posted (edited)

There's a way to get some action on this issue, although it will cost some money.  The Sheriff's Dept. and Animal Control won't do anything unless they're forced to.  One of the sure ways to get them moving is a letter from an attorney outlining the situation, applicable laws being broken and holding them responsible for any injuries or damages resulting from the dogs not being contained.  You will get action at that point.  Don't concern yourself with being cast as the "bad guy" in this because your neighbor and the local government entities don't care; it's "their problem" being transferred to you. 


BTW, even though the dogs are friendly their actions are examples of domination.   Be careful around them because they could just as easily turn on you.

Edited by Tex Jones, SASS 2263
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When I was a young tad we had a dog that would chase cars on the dirt road in front of our house. Dad ended up filling a squirt gun with cheap perfume. He had the neighbors drive by and when the dog started chasing, they would spray the dog with it.  Turn out that supposedly perfume smells to a dog like rotten offal dies to us.  Dog stopped chasing cars….


Buy a bunch of cheap perfume and spray the dogs when they come into your yard. Might smell bad to the neighbor, too!


Sam Sackett 

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Reminds me of a friend that delivered newspapers on his bike when we were kids. He filled a squirtgun with ammonia and sprayed the dogs that bothered him. It worked really well.

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Thank you for all of the advice. My wife just got an apology and assurances that the dogs would not get out again, wonder if the fence company truck that went by this morning had anything to do with it. Time will tell.

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17 minutes ago, Yul Lose said:

Thank you for all of the advice. My wife just got an apology and assurances that the dogs would not get out again, wonder if the fence company truck that went by this morning had anything to do with it. Time will tell.

Let's hope this is the end! Wishing you and the wife the best with this issue. Unbelievable nobody seems to give a damn!

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17 minutes ago, Yul Lose said:

Thank you for all of the advice. My wife just got an apology and assurances that the dogs would not get out again, wonder if the fence company truck that went by this morning had anything to do with it. Time will tell.


Hopefully everything has ended peacefully with no hard feelings and a pair of dogs can live out the rest of their lives.

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On 5/16/2024 at 2:54 PM, Eyesa Horg said:

Unfortunately that may be the only solution. Sucks the owners and animal control don't care.

Why should they?  No one else does, from Joe S--t the Ragman all the way up to Biden.


Try a stun gun of some sort before you give up.  If it doesn't work on the dogs, try it on the owner.


You might get a lawyer involved, but you'll probably have to find a new gunsmith.

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I'm circling back to the BB gun. Put a sting on them and they learn quick. 

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