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If Terrorist Conflict Comes to America


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18 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Whats funny is not one single person said one thing about having a trauma first aid pack around , couple tourniquets ect . Hopefully you never need it but you could save someone else 

Odd that you should mention that. I kinda’ take that for granted because I keep a huge first aid kit in my shop because of the heavy use of machinery and fabrication equipment.


Add to that the cases of medical supplies that I’ve accumulated because of the multiple surgeries and home health care that followed them.


That IS a great suggestion for those who haven’t considered that they might take damage in a defensive situation!


Also!!  Emergency power and food/water/fuel supplies.

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One big first aid kit in the house.  One medium in each bug out bag (4 of 'em), one medium in each vehicle (4) and small ones on motorcycles (2).


Covered.  And these ain't Wally Worlds or Amazon either.

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If you can't run, hide!


If you can't hide, fight!


If you fight, fight like you are the 3rd monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark and it is starting to rain!


I teach a course on active shooter with additional details and elaboration, but this is the basic summary.


I have also taken additional training. I have training from a former FBI agent and trainer for self defense tactics and from an Israeli Special Forces trainer with engagement experience. Not kidding about the 3rd monkey thing. But there is nothing wrong with running as a first response.


The bad guy is not the only reason to do so.

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Terrorist attack: when, not if.

The terrs pick when, where and with what.

If I'm there when it happens, I will use whatever tools are available to me.



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On 10/26/2023 at 2:51 PM, Tennessee Trapper Tom said:

Although they are more expensive. 9mm enthusiasts should check out Stacatto like the one I I showed in the last post. Extremely well made in Texas. Some of the tightest tolerances out there for a semi-auto that while higher cost doesn’t hit that $5000 and up mark for quality craftsmanship.

I also have a C2, great carry gun and a pleasure to shoot 

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10 hours ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Whats funny is not one single person said one thing about having a trauma first aid pack around , couple tourniquets ect . Hopefully you never need it but you could save someone else 

I have a pretty good med kit at home, plus my own private nurse :) . I keep a blow out kit in each vehicle and have always thought it would more than likely be used because of an auto accident, than a shooting, but the worlds always changing. I really should carry a tourniquet. I know a couple guys who have taken a tourniquet and some quick clot and put it in a vacuum sealed container. It’s small enough to carry on your person. I guess I could seal something besides venison. 

Your not paranoid if they really are out to get you, right? 

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Fight.  A long history in Martial Arts, and a slightly longer one shooting.  I am always armed.  If I win, I save younger lives.  If not, just out the door a little sooner. As to a med kit, yes, I have several, but if it comes to that, the more I can reduce the murderous trash the better.  I will use my time the best I can.

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I asked a question of a good friend if jihad comes to our shores.

Q:  Do I shoot to wound, so they have to expend people, space and supplies to handle their wounded?
Or do I shoot to kill, to simply remove another piece of filth from the face of the Earth?


I was reminded that jihadists do not care about their people, nor women or babies, and would waste no effort on caring for their wounded.
The decision was made to aim center mass and move on.

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10 hours ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Whats funny is not one single person said one thing about having a trauma first aid pack around , couple tourniquets ect . Hopefully you never need it but you could save someone else 

You’re right.optimum word is “Mentioned”  I have 4, one in the house, one in the Bugout RV, and one each my and her Bug-out Bags. 8

 This is along with the Bug-out plan that myself and 4 other large farm neighbors have in agreement with each other. Main problem is that even though we shoot together occasionally they are obviously to busy trying to run farms to have any kind of real meeting to push things more organized, so it would still be a cluster F%#K, to respond to an actual event.I just left with my faith. Faith in god and faith that all us older, slower stubborn individuals would come together in crisis.

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First aid kits.


Seems like everybody needs some clotting stuff in the first aid kit, these days. Your kit is not a good kit unless you got some clotting stuff. Well, that's kind of a new thing (well people used to use spider webs and flour but something made especially for this is a new thing) so I can understand why they never had clotting stuff in first aid kits before.


But tourniquets have been around for hundreds of years. And nobody put them in their first aid kit. Military kits didn't have them, industrial kits didn't have them, boy scout kits didn't have them, and certainly home kits didn't have them. But now your kit is not complete if you don't have a tourniquet. How did we survive for all these years without having a tourniquet in our first aid kit?

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9 hours ago, Alpo said:

First aid kits.

How did we survive for all these years without having a tourniquet in our first aid kit?

Many didn’t…

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9 hours ago, Alpo said:

First aid kits.


How did we survive for all these years without having a tourniquet in our first aid kit?

I’ve kept one in my vehicles for years now. I’ve heard of too many people involved in auto accidents bleeding out before the ambulance arrived. Medics get in arguments over which one is best, but they are cheap enough I should probably stash a few more in places they may be needed. And probably should be carrying one. Carrying a pistol is more comforting but statistically I’m probably more likely to use the tourniquet than a pistol 

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10 hours ago, Alpo said:

First aid kits.


Seems like everybody needs some clotting stuff in the first aid kit, these days. Your kit is not a good kit unless you got some clotting stuff. Well, that's kind of a new thing (well people used to use spider webs and flour but something made especially for this is a new thing) so I can understand why they never had clotting stuff in first aid kits before.


But tourniquets have been around for hundreds of years. And nobody put them in their first aid kit. Military kits didn't have them, industrial kits didn't have them, boy scout kits didn't have them, and certainly home kits didn't have them. But now your kit is not complete if you don't have a tourniquet. How did we survive for all these years without having a tourniquet in our first aid kit?

 Real military IIFAK's  do include  TQ's  also quick clot , I have used 3 TQ's on one soldier , The reason they are now seen more is 15 30 years ago a TQ was a belt or bandage and a stick , with the modern ones they are faster and hold better .


11 hours ago, Tennessee Trapper Tom said:

You’re right.optimum word is “Mentioned”  I have 4, one in the house, one in the Bugout RV, and one each my and her Bug-out Bags. 8

 This is along with the Bug-out plan that myself and 4 other large farm neighbors have in agreement with each other. Main problem is that even though we shoot together occasionally they are obviously to busy trying to run farms to have any kind of real meeting to push things more organized, so it would still be a cluster F%#K, to respond to an actual event.I just left with my faith. Faith in god and faith that all us older, slower stubborn individuals would come together in crisis.

The reason I brought it Up was I saw a  post from AWR Hawkins about how to make a "Bug out bag " aka a Go bag It was laughable batteries solar charger etc. (posted below) , His "go bag is worthless and surprised it dent have a vibrator in it . 
  Not one piece of First aide , no water ,no rations etc. Guess he thinks he can call and door dash McDonalds to his location .

Many of us live in a rural location so not much chance of us seeing anything but Yes have a plan and if you have tactical stuff train with it and I mean all of it in all locations you can.  Yeah I dent move like I once did but  you learn also what yo can and cant do so you can avoid those situations 

 Here's the mentioned video I see a lot of non essential comfort items that add weight to carry and have very limited use  Dont be this guy I want ammo not a solar charger that he gets paid to grift 


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1 minute ago, Mercy Me said:

This war in the middle has unmasked them and the funny part is that Americans are out in support of them, i do not wish for a terror attach on U.S soil but if it happens i will love to see what the reaction of these ignorant protesters. What a damn shame.

Their reaction will be one of sheer horror when the terrorists start mowing them down like the sheep that they are. Any of them that don't suffer that fate will be crying for the Government to SAVE THEM, and only then will they understand that Defunding the Police was a Bad Idea. 

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No doubt something like that is banned in CA.
I wanted to buy the DW Kodiak 10mm, but it is also banned, had to settle for the DW Pointman instead.


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On 10/26/2023 at 10:33 AM, bgavin said:

As of this writing, I am not a pistol guy.
All of mine are revolvers.

One of my buddies suggested a pistol with a bag full of magazines might be more useful than a revolver with speed loaders.
I posted this question to Widder in an email, but will post it here as well.

My thoughts lean toward a Dan Wesson Kodiak in 10mm.


i also enjoy my revolvers but im a firm believer in having a few good well functioning pistols' in your arsenal , i carry at least one every day [the backup is always with even if in the car , a couple reach out and touch are needed as well , in my mind better to have and not need than need and not have , 

On 10/26/2023 at 10:33 AM, bgavin said:

As of this writing, I am not a pistol guy.
All of mine are revolvers.

One of my buddies suggested a pistol with a bag full of magazines might be more useful than a revolver with speed loaders.
I posted this question to Widder in an email, but will post it here as well.

My thoughts lean toward a Dan Wesson Kodiak in 10mm.


i also enjoy my revolvers but im a firm believer in having a few good well functioning pistols' in your arsenal , i carry at least one every day [the backup is always with even if in the car , a couple reach out and touch are needed as well , in my mind better to have and not need than need and not have , 

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Lately, every firearm purchase has been a nail-biter for me.
I am currently stressed over the latest which is a Dan Wesson 45ACP.

The seller has my FFL on file, but requires an email/fax from them with copies of their paper work before they will ship.
My FFL is swamped to the eyeballs with incoming FFL work, and is always VERY slow about follow up.

Once I jump that hurdle, then comes the shipping and receipt by my FFL.
It will take him 10 days or more to get the incoming shipment on his books and start the background check.
CA imposes a 10 day waiting period for the first firearm of one-per-month rationing.
30 days for the second hand gun.

CA has now imposed an 11% additional tax on my new gun, in addition to 8.75% sales tax, $40 background check, $45 FFL fee, $25 safety course fee and mandatory lock.

I do hope it arrives before war breaks out.

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As the host of my home shooting range, Scout leader, shooting competitor. Hunter, etc., I have multiple trauma/first aid kits darned near everywhere.

Lots of training: Scouts. Local hospital, etc.

Still need to be super careful!



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On 10/28/2023 at 10:28 AM, Cypress Sun said:

Actually, terrorist conflict has already visited America...they just used airplanes last time.


Yeah about that GH Bush had lunch with OBL's brother on 9-10 .  


We also pay the Taliban 44 million a week ,

The night Benghazi was attacked after being briefed about the attack Obama got on a plane to go see Beyoncé in Vegas without a care in the world .

We had OBL within weeks after that however the 2 tribes we had helping us decided to fight each other right outside the area OBL was thus allowing him to escape .

You can Fact Check those all you want .

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On 10/27/2023 at 10:34 PM, Alpo said:

But tourniquets have been around for hundreds of years. And nobody put them in their first aid kit. Military kits didn't have them, industrial kits didn't have them, boy scout kits didn't have them, and certainly home kits didn't have them. But now your kit is not complete if you don't have a tourniquet. How did we survive for all these years without having a tourniquet in our first aid kit?

I was taught in Boy Scouts how to use my belt and neckerchief as tourniquets.

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I was tought to use direct pressure. The tourniquets were an absolutely of last resort thing. When the choice was between a limb and a life. Because a tourniquet can cut the blood completely off to an arm or a leg which will cause the arm or leg to die. Something a doctor might do, but not something your average 13 year old kid should be doing.


Like a tracheotomy - medical school, yes, but not something they teach in first class first aid.

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21 minutes ago, Alpo said:

I was tought to use direct pressure. The tourniquets were an absolutely of last resort thing. When the choice was between a limb and a life. Because a tourniquet can cut the blood completely off to an arm or a leg which will cause the arm or leg to die. Something a doctor might do, but not something your average 13 year old kid should be doing.


Like a tracheotomy - medical school, yes, but not something they teach in first class first aid.



Let me know how sitting and holding pressure works out for you when under fire , because that is the main subject of this topic. 

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