J-BAR #18287 Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 "P" traps are like pornography; might be difficult to define but you know it when you see it!
Griff Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 Hey Widder We shot our sass numbers a long time ago. 46646 twice, I was lost for half an hour Imis I for one, would like that... but, everbody ain't then shootin' the "same" stage.
Sixgun Seamus Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 I like to shoot new and different sweeps at matches we travel to. If I like them a lot, I steal the idea and put it into a match at home and let people pi$$ and moan because it is something different. Variety is the spice of life. BTW Duece - there will be a couple from Michigan State I will use at our local monthly.
Ace_of_Hearts Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 No sequence of shots is a "P trap" until you screw it up.
Spades Hanlin SASS#66204 Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 At the risk of being strung up at the nearest tree that will hold my weight I'll ask ( what do you consider a sweep) ? Is it any number of rounds fired in an order as instructed ? Or is it any number of rounds fired in what may be considered a rhythmic repeating order that has the ability to be made into a verbal rhyme ? If it's one these then NO!!! However we must remember some people have no rhythm and some can't rap ,some can do neither!! Spades H.
Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 yes,,, with the the caveat,,, only when I don't listen well...
Ace_of_Hearts Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 I will say that one of the most difficult I have shot was a sequence in which you SKIPPED over targets. Four target array starting on left. Sequence was Ri, R2, R3, R4, R1, R3, R4, R1, R2, R4 Your instinct is to shoot the next target in a row, not skip over a target let alone skip over a different target each time. The P count was high.
CodyMaverick Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 If my problem with it is that I can't remember the sequence that was just described to me, then how can I be sure I haven't shot it before...
Warden Callaway Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 Sawmill Mary wrote the scenarios for a couple of matches and included a couple of sweeps that were not the common 3-4 always used - and included a couple of optional bonus targets. There was a lot of moaning and fretting over the unfamiliar sweeps but no one got a P. There was a lot of watching the shooter to see if they made it through. And cheers as each one made it through the stage. Most everyone knew they couldn't possibly hit the optional bonus target that was about 6" diameter. But everyone tried it and most were pleases to see they could hit it. Sawmill Mary got many compliments on her stage write ups. I wouldn't want every stage to be a brain twister but at least one stage with something new is fun. I'd rather shoot a new sweep early in the match than last. Brain fade tends to creep in.
Blackey Cole Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 You ask what is a sweep? I believe we shoot two types of stages IMO. Sweeps and round count stages. In a round count it doesn't matter what order you hit the targets as long as you put the correct number of rounds on each target. In a sweep you must hit the targets in a certain order.
Texas Red Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 Yes Usually,,,until see "other" shoot it......
Dutch Coroner Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Is it a "P" Trap just because it's new to me? NO Anyone who would call a sweep a P Trap just because they have never shot it might be a butthead..... Stan Hi Stan, why don't you tell us what you really think? See you at Givhans. For the record, I agree with Stan. Dutch
Dutch Coroner Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Also for the record, I had a smiley in there that disappeared. I'm joking with Stan.
Assassin Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Also for the record, I had a smiley in there that disappeared. I'm joking with Stan. I didn't know there were any new sweeps. Although, I did a bunch of sweeps in the rain at the Eastern Divisional shoot.
Grouchy Greg, SASS#71981 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Probably not. We shot a brain teaser at a match last weekend. (Pistol and rifle the same) took some thought to get it down, but not a p trap. Regards, Ringer We had a whole match, all 6 stages of 'brain teasers' a few years back. The pard who wrote the stages said he wanted to make us 'think'. I told him if I had wanted to 'think' that hard, I'd have stayed home and did cross-word puzzles.
Santa Fe River Stan,36999L Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Also for the record, I had a smiley in there that disappeared. I'm joking with Stan.We can discuss my feelings in depth at Givhans! Maybe you can help learn to open up and not hold back so much. Stan
Badlands Bob #61228 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 There is nothing wrong with a good P trap. Especially if you make great efforts to tell the shooter about it before hand. One of my favorites is to shoot the pistols in a 1-3-1 sweep. The starting line is 2-1-2, 2-1-2, 2-1-2. They don't need to be complicated. Just attack the muscle memory. Shooting shotgun targets right to left will usually catch a few too. Putting the shotgun targets behind each other so they can knock down two with one shot is almost guaranteed to get someone to dump a live round out of a double. Ok, that's not a P but it sure makes you feel stupid. Under the right conditions, P traps can be a lot of fun.
Linn Keller, SASS 27332, BOLD 103 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 I found the one most insidious, most dastardly, most guaranteed-to-trip-me-P-trap ever invented. It's between my ears.
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