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Grouchy Greg, SASS#71981

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About Grouchy Greg, SASS#71981

  • Birthday 12/17/1945

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Northern Virginia Gun Club (Pepper Mill Creek Gang)

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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing,guns (black powder & modern), ammo reloading, Cowboy Action shooting, metal detecting, Civil War relic hunting & collecting, HO model trains, dogs, genealogy, history, gun club and Masonic activities.

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Grouchy Greg, SASS#71981's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I retired from working in corrections in 1995 at age 50, with 27 years + service. Been working part-time since then, mostly guvmint security training contracts in the D.C. metro area, but will give that up at the end of this year and get something closer to home.
  2. The last gun show here in Fredericksburg was mostly black guns, black gun accessories and other black gun related gear. The shows in Richmond generally have a better selection of non-black gun stuff. And I won't waste time going to another show at Meadow Event Park.
  3. When it comes to rye, I still like Old Overholt, aka "Old Overcoat".
  4. I've worked with folks who said they weren't going to hit a lick at a snake when they retired. Well guess what? About 90% of those who didn't "hit a lick at a snake" were dead within two years. But, the guys like me who retired and kept on working at something else part-time, about 90% of us are still above ground and most are still working too.
  5. I started out in SASS in '06 using a cross-draw, added several more in different lengths and colors with different gunbelts, and am still using them.
  6. We've let our dogs sleep with us in the past, but the ones we have now prefer to sleep on their dog beds the floor next to our bed, one on each side. I tell ya, there's nothing like a cold wet nose on a bare patch of skin to jump-start yer heart early in the morning.
  7. The weather around here usually turns to crap right after Christmas, and that's when I catch up on my reloading. Got 3 matches' worth of .45 Colt to do, plus 12 ga. shotgun, then some .38, .357, 9MM, a few stray .45 ACP's and .45 auto rims, then the 500 rounds of Starline .32 auto that my brother-in-law gave me last Christmas.
  8. There was plenty of Trail Boss available at the gun show here in Fredericksburg this weekend. Cheapest price was $17 for a 9 ounce bottle. Lotsa primers too.
  9. Greg, is your taurus a .38 or .45?

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