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What did you think you would grow up to be?

Deja Vous

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Did you ever think you would be grown up and still playing cowboy?? lol



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I actually wanted to grow up and be either a cowboy or architect! :)


Well... I can at least pretend to be a cowboy...! :rolleyes:


Hey, Deja - you won the Cowboy Karma drawing~! :lol:

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I always wanted to be an archaeologist. Life kept getting in the way.

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I always knew what I wanted to be and attained that...


...regarding being a cowboy - isn't it a way of life, a choice that one makes somewhere along the line? If so, I'm way beyond that point now, and I'm just glad I remember to show up when it happens! <_<

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I just wanted to live.Would not have made if Cathy had not come along.Long nasty story.I have not grown up yet.

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Nope, ... I wanted to be a cop. But I didn't make it through the four year window of opportunity due to government minority quota hiring. :angry:

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When I became a young lad of say fifteen or so, I decided that I wanted to be a gigolo.

As I endeavored to follow my calling, I found that I did not have the equipment to be

competitive in the field. I also lacked the appropriate experience and education to make

the grade. I guess I found out about Spanish Bit Bobb and his ENZYTE too late in life. :unsure:

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I can recall when very young laying in bed in night and being in mental turmoil . . . .











. . for I could not decide . . .


















. . did I want to be a pirate or a cowboy ?










... and I could not make up my mind which I wanted to be :huh:

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I wanted to be a truck driver, football player, professional golfer, actor, preacher, Navy Seal, singer, Air Force pilot, policeman......but ended up where I am at ~ and love it ;)


Playin' cowboy - shootin' real 'irons' - meetin' great folks.....yup, I'm diggin' it for sure.



GG ~ :FlagAm:

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Grow up? Not me.


About the only thing I can think of that I wanted to be was a veterinarian. Some one once used that to try to encourage me to study harder by saying "oh, you'll need lots of math for that." Being young, stupid, foolish, etc at the time, it had the opposite effect of effectively killing my dream of being a vet.



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"Life has a way of making the foreseeable that which never happens... and the unforeseeable that which your life becomes." - Everett Hitch


Still waiting to see how this turns out.


My first real calling was race car mechanic; wanted to quit college to go to mechanic's school in Dearborn. Dad talked me out of that one, arguing that I could always go back to it, but if I quit college, I might never finish. Of course, once you get through school (and get married in the process), it's hard to drop back and take a lower paying (but maybe more satisfying) path.


I'm still more interested in the pits than the track.



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I wanted to be a professional baseball player. As a kid, I lived a breathed baseball....and I still am addicted (I watch waaaaaaay too much baseball on TV :rolleyes: ). I actually was drafted and offered a contract (a "whole" $12,000 to pay rookie ball :rolleyes: ), but I thought that "college thing" my parents were pushin' on me might be a "good idea." So, off to college and the rest is (sort of) history. :)


I love to shoot and the cowboy thing is just icing on the cake for me. I'm also a history buff, so that part of the game intrigues me as well. And there's the people....... ;)



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I dont know that I ever thought about it until I was quite a bit older. The military attrached me eary on but I didn't deal well with authority and a collection of Purple Hearts turned me in a different direction. I guess I really loved the edge, the edge of anything and so I tried a lot of different things but never really found my groove. Shooting, my wife of 42 years and the job that paid the bills seem to be the only constants in my life and I guess at least legaly I'm about grown up. I know what others thought I would grow up to be. In high school it was thought that I would end up on Death Row or at the very least in the Oregon State prison. In the Marine Crops my future was never bright for promotion but to get my Moma a nice folded flag was a different matter. Later I just heard the wispers about what they thought and acted as though I didn't care. I would have loved to have grown up to have friends that called and laughed but that never happened. You must be a friend to have a friend and I was much too busy to engage in the small talk that is required and so that part of life closed. I never really thought about "What or How of growing older" I just assumed that it would end badly somewhere along the line in a cold dark corner of the planet and I suppose thats just whats going to happen. Except now I'm more of a canidate for a Nursing Home than a long fall and a hard landing.


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Question: "What did you think you would grow up to be?"


Answer: "Dead."



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Wanted to be a Marine since I was 10. Joined at 18, spent 20 years. Job was great, Marines were greater, Marine Corps, like all bureaucracies, had good things and bad things. Been retired now almost as long as I was in. Had a lot of acquiantances but no friends. Merlot (my bride of 34 years) discovered this game in 2005. I started in 2006. Now I have friends and people I can rely on when I might need help. Closest I felt to being part of something since I retired from the Marines. Never played cowboy much when I was younger, but it's fun now.



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Question: "What did you think you would grow up to be?"


Answer: "Dead."




Some truth to that, when I was young I never figured I'd make 40, but I blew past that years ago.


When I was young I figured I'd grow up to be either retired or very near retirement by the time I was the age I am now....BUT I never did anything to make that happen....so, I'll be the old guy handing out carts at the walmart in the morning, and KMart in the evening.

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I wanted to be John Wayne. I believed in what he said and what he stood for. Bravery is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. If you got a whipping coming, take it like a man. Stand up for what is right, tell it like it is, never lie, Have the courage to stand for what you believe in. It's got me fired from jobs more than once. How was I supposed to know that the real world doesn't work that way? By the time I learned that lesson, it was to late to change and I didn't want to. I may be stupid, I may be broke, but I'll still stand up with grit teeth when I think a principle is involved.



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I never figured on getting this old. I tried my damnedest to get myself killed in RVN (looking back now) I figured that 19 was gonna be it for me....

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I wanted to be John Wayne. I believed in what he said and what he stood for. Bravery is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. If you got a whipping coming, take it like a man. Stand up for what is right, tell it like it is, never lie, Have the courage to stand for what you believe in. It's got me fired from jobs more than once. How was I supposed to know that the real world doesn't work that way? By the time I learned that lesson, it was to late to change and I didn't want to. I may be stupid, I may be broke, but I'll still stand up with grit teeth when I think a principle is involved.



WOW ... OMG even .... Kidding aside that Sounds like me ....

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I wanted to be John Wayne. I believed in what he said and what he stood for. Bravery is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. If you got a whipping coming, take it like a man. Stand up for what is right, tell it like it is, never lie, Have the courage to stand for what you believe in. It's got me fired from jobs more than once. How was I supposed to know that the real world doesn't work that way? By the time I learned that lesson, it was to late to change and I didn't want to. I may be stupid, I may be broke, but I'll still stand up with grit teeth when I think a principle is involved.





The world WOULD work like that, Bugs, if enough folks took the same hard stands.


The problem is not with folks like you - it's with those who compromise to avoid conflict when the principle calls for firm resistance.



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I never thought I would live long enough to grow up. Still trying to prove that theory.


A test I took in high school told me I would be a teacher of mechanical things. Thought that test was a pile o crap. I wanted to be a professional race car driver. Found out I wasn't good enough to be hired by someone, and I was too broke to pay myself to drive.



So many years later, here I sit in my classroom, teaching automotive technology. :blink:

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Wanted to be a drummer in a rock-n-roll band. Did it fer 25 years, but just locally. Made a living but never got to the top where I wanted to go. :mellow: Rye

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