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Actors that you really dislike

Pat Riot

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2 minutes ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

I suppose you could call all actors hypocrites if you confuse their actual persons with the characters they play. So if an actor does very well at certain roles, you can't like his movies because you find his personal views bad. And vice versa.

If they would stop telling us why they are better than the rest of us because we don't think like they do, it would be simpler. They WANT us to know their personal views. I don't care what somebody does for a living, but if a person's personal views conflict with mine, I probably won't like him. And if I don't like him, I'm NOT going to give him money, which is what you're doing when you buy a ticket to see his movie. 

Look at what an actor does: 

They pretend to be somebody that they're not.

They say what somebody else tells them to say.

They stand where somebody else tells them to, they walk where and when somebody else tells them to. 

They wear clothes that somebody else tells them to wear. 

I DON'T confuse the actor with the character. But when the actor is NOT acting, THAT'S what I base my opinion of them on. 

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2 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

but if a person's personal views conflict with mine, I probably won't like him


Well, we're all different in outlook. I have a great many friends whose personal views conflict with mine.

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5 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:


They say what somebody else tells them to say.

They stand where somebody else tells them to, they walk where and when somebody else tells them to. 

They wear clothes that somebody else tells them to wear.

 I had more than a couple of jobs that would fit that!

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17 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

Whether they’re really good actors or true jerks in real life that got lucky in an acting career, are there any actors that if you encountered them somewhere your first reaction to them would be truly negative?


A couple of my picks for most despised characters are:


Ronny Cox. He always plays a coniving obnoxious d-bag. When he appears in a show my first wish is that his character is killed in a truly heinous manner.



What? He played Lt. Bogomil in Beverly Hills Cop! Remember the line of BS he gives the Chief at the end after he and Axel cause Victor Maitland to die of lead poisoning?


I think the mark of a great actor is one who can play a part, whether protagonist, antagonist or otherwise so well you truly believe it. A good example is Tim Roth. I think he's a great actor. If I could have gone through the screen and killed him myself in Rob Roy though, I would have. I don't believe I have ever been so satisfied when a character died in a movie, although Wes Studi in The Last of the Mohicans comes close.


Separating the artist from their art, I can honestly say I've never been impressed by DeNiro as an actor. Probably the best role I've seen him in is as Frankenstein's creature in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Go figure. While the movie was faithful to the novel, the cinematography left a lot to be desired. I still wonder whether that was Brannagh's choice as director, or Coppola's pressure as producer that caused it, but it ruined an otherwise amazing story.

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1 hour ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:


Well, we're all different in outlook. I have a great many friends whose personal views conflict with mine.

I don't have a lot of friends. The ones I do have pretty much agree with the views I have. Which is why we're friends.

1 hour ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

 I had more than a couple of jobs that would fit that!

So have I. The United States Marine Corps comes to mind. But I was still myself as a Marine, and I didn't go around trying to tell the very people that were paying for me that I was better than them and that they should agree with me because of it.

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1 hour ago, DocWard said:


What? He played Lt. Bogomil in Beverly Hills Cop! Remember the line of BS he gives the Chief at the end after he and Axel cause Victor Maitland to die of lead poisoning?


I think the mark of a great actor is one who can play a part, whether protagonist, antagonist or otherwise so well you truly believe it. 

Agreed. I have no idea how Ronnie Cox is in real life. He may be a nice guy, but I have mostly seen him play total jerk butthole roles that it makes me cringe when he appears in a show. I want to choke him out. 


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4 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

Agreed. I have no idea how Ronnie Cox is in real life. He may be a nice guy, but I have mostly seen him play total jerk butthole roles that it makes me cringe when he appears in a show. I want to choke him out. 

Yeah. He made Troi stop wearing the green dress!

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Friends:  "That group of people who hate the same people you hate."

I had a decade-long friend that I kicked to the curb.
He was my intellectual equal, and we had marvelous deep dives into our common fields of music, science and computer programming.

But.. he like to cheat on his wife, and was SO hard-left it became an unworkable friendship.

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I mostly dislike the actors I don’t like because Idon’t like the way they look or the way they play a role!


I can’t stand to look a Meryl Streep or listen to her speak.  She doesn’t act. She just goes through the motions.


I don’t like Sean Penn. He’s a turd and a lousy actor. Alec Baldwin and Liam Neeson are better actors, but even worse people in real life! Tom Cruise may be a slightly better person, but I just don’t like him and never have!


Rosie O’ Donnel and Whoopie Goldberg aren’t actors! They’re supposed to be comics, but they ain’t funny and they hate this country!  

Wil Ferrell is another comic who has never been funny!! I can’t stand him!! He’s an even worse actor!!


I’ll stop here for now.  There are others, but those will do for the moment.

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In addition to who I mentioned I’d have to add Nicholas Cage. Way overrated! Frances Ford Coppola is his uncle! What does that tell you?

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Whenever I am watching an older show, movie or series and these dipsticks show up I skip the episode or turn off the movie. 
They suck the life out of anything they appear in. 

Fred Willard






Jeffrey Tambor




Ed Begley Jr.



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Here’s another that will cause me to skip and episode or change to a different show in a heartbeat. 

Richard Kind, here is in natural state of running his mouth and annoying the hell out of someone. 

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Adam Sandler 

Jim Carrey


Can't stand either of them and won't watch their movies.

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While I agree with a lot of this list, I'll add one more....Johnny Depp. He hasn't made a movie that I've ever cared for. PotC and Jack Sparrow, who's an annoying character, IMO are horrible movies. I have no clue as to why people enjoy them.




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2 minutes ago, John E. Law said:

While I agree with a lot of this list, I'll add one more....Johnny Depp. He hasn't made a movie that I've ever cared for. PotC and Jack Sparrow, who's an annoying character, IMO are horrible movies. I have no clue as to why people enjoy them.





Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ima and the kids.B)

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On 11/19/2023 at 11:59 AM, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Fatty Arbuckle.



i wondered if he might come up , im not sure that scandal is all that well known these days , i cant recall who was associated with the black dahlia but there is another ..............


i always thought of the bad guy actors as being those you disliked untill i realized it was because they did a good job of acting the part , 

if i had to pick one that i didnt like it would be whoopie ....she fell short a few times as an actor , a lpt after that 


and then there is hanoi jane , i will never forgive nor forget 


OH , and i dont need anyone that pretends for a living to tell me how to luve , so all those actors / turned activists .....kiss my red meck a## 

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19 hours ago, John E. Law said:

While I agree with a lot of this list, I'll add one more....Johnny Depp. He hasn't made a movie that I've ever cared for. PotC and Jack Sparrow, who's an annoying character, IMO are horrible movies. I have no clue as to why people enjoy them.





    ......johnny dipp also screwed up the concept of Tonto, ...... and did it badly ......  :(

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I never give em any thought one way or the other. Life’s too short.

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14 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:


    ......johnny dipp also screwed up the concept of Tonto, ...... and did it badly ......  :(

He really screwed up Tonto big time! 

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There was a time when acting was a job and when they stepped out of line, the Movie goers would let it be known and their careers were in shamble. Early days many made less and worked longer hours then the 8 or 10 hrs a typical office or factory worker worked or made. I remember Ed Kemmer working a 15 minute TV series 5v days a week and then a 1/2hr on Saturday all live and walking away with 15.00 weekly paycheck in early 50s. Some stars, not the huge ones, making 500.00 to 1200.00 a movie and lucky if they made more then 2 or 3 a year.

Today they make millions a picture and maybe make one every year or 2 and then try to dictate their beliefs and politics on us, using their names, positions, and fame.

Yesterdays stars also enjoyed their fans and would make tours and sign autographs freely. Todays stars have bodyguards and homes surrounded by electronic security and shun fans who dare step up and ask for an autograph.

There are exceptions and Gary Sinise is at the top and have had pleasure talking to him in person and over the phone. He is real, as well as his mission. But actors like Gary are rare.

I shun actors/actresses no matter how good they or their pictures are if they get into politics and the 2nd amendment and try to influence with their name status. Because if we don't, they will just continue with their rants. I just wish that all those that had said and promised they would move out of the US if Trump was elected, had kept that promise.

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