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What duties make a good Posse Marshal?


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I’ll be a posse marshal at the upcoming Southern Regional. I’m looking at the posse list and find myself feeling like a swine among pearls. It’s possibly the most experienced and knowledgeable group I’ve ever shot with

I’ve posse marshaled many times and have a good grasp of what I think makes a great Posse Marshal.


I’d like to hear opinions of others about what duties carried out by the PM makes them a good one?


Do you think the PM should always be the TO for example?




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Posse Marshal Is in charge of a posse and is required to ensure all positions are manned to run the posse safely and efficiently through each course of fire. The Posse Marshal ensures all rules and regulations are being followed, and must understand all stages, conduct a walk-through, and answer all questions before each stage. The Posse Marshall will appoint at least one Deputy Posse Marshal to assist if one is not assigned.

RO1 p.24


Do you think the PM should always be the TO for example?


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The PM should not be the TO. With a posse like you are going to have there will be plenty of pards to run the clock. Make sure not to over work anyone, but everyone should take a turn at whatever job they can do. 

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Don't be surprised if the Posse runs on auto-drive.

As Posse Marshal, you can designate certain duties and ensure they are handled correctly.

You don't have to TO...... Just make sure your TO's are doing their jobs correctly and aren't

overworked.   Even if I'm feeling good and energetic, I normally won't TO more than 5 shooters

at a stage.


Be ready to handle and answer questions about the stage scenario, etc.....


Relax...... everything will be o.k.    

The Match MD will give certain instructions as to what is expected of the Posse Marshals, etc......





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Ensure your posse knows what they need to know - especially getting started on time and keeping things moving efficiently.


Have a copy of the shooter's handbook in your cart.  For any calls you have to make or review, either know it cold or look it up before you "make a guess."


Back up your TOs, if it comes to that


Thank all who pitch in, from TOs to brass shagging or scoring.  It takes a team!  Then thank them again!


good luck, and enjoy the ride!  GJ

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Posse Marshal Is in charge of a posse and is required to ensure all positions are manned to run the posse safely and efficiently through each course of fire. The Posse Marshal ensures all rules and regulations are being followed, and must understand all stages, conduct a walk-through, and answer all questions before each stage. The Posse Marshall will appoint at least one Deputy Posse Marshal toassist if one is not assigned.



Thanks for the input Pale Wolf. I agree completely with the above. The most important part can be making sure everyone gets the same instructions and answering questions in a conscience manner. 

I think the P.M. should do anything but TO for the whole posse , but I’ve had some folks insist just the opposite. The RO 1 information makes no exact instructions on the TO duty. I feel that some think that “run the posse safely and efficiently thru the course of fire” means be TO if you’re not shooting.  That’s  not efficient for anyone.


P.S.  Widder, I think the posse will run its self, it doesn’t need me. Well, except for Tn. Williams.  He may need a full time minder

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Identify 3-4 reliable TO’s and establish their rotation upfront, then let them do their jobs. Don’t run the timer.

Read the stage instructions all the way through before taking questions or offering insights.


Smile! Be friendly. Take time to speak to each person and check that they’re having a good time.


Don’t forget you deserve time to do your own preparations.


Step back from the stage and observe, are all positions filled? How many people are at the LT? Too few? Too many?

If something questionable happens don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion.


Dont take yourself to seriously.

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Yeah, what he (CBB) said... and pay attention at the PM meeting when you go over the stages. Take notes and make sure that if there are any exceptions to the match handbook, they are clearly conveyed BEFORE you start the stage. Have fun and keep an eye on folks. Health issues or just a bad run can have an effect on folks. Be encouraging to to your shooters but mostly to your workers and THANK them. Enjoy!

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I see you got the call from Reno Mustang too.  


Make sure you understand how the flags work at NAR.  They have common firing lines and usually have to stop several stages from shooting to fix targets during the match.  That's really the only unique thing about NAR.  Relax and have fun.  


Oh, did I mention the PM is responsible for providing coffee on the first stage of the day?

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Do not run the timer. 

Manage the posse. Keep things moving. 

As noted above, read the stage and then take questions. 

Take a deep breath. 



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Like CBB suggested, identify your TO's and the order they will run the timer. I dont want my TO's to run more than 7 shooters, I get my score keeper to let the TO know when they have run their  7 shooters. Make sure the TO's are doing their job and looking where they need to be. Be nice, have fun. If you are having fun the rest of the posse will too.

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Thanks for the input everyone, based on my previous experience this is a conversation that a lot of people needed to hear.


We sometimes need to unpack the information provided in our RO materials and Shooters Handbook.


I’ve been in this operation for 25 years and still have questions every day

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2 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

I see you got the call from Reno Mustang too.  


Make sure you understand how the flags work at NAR.  They have common firing lines and usually have to stop several stages from shooting to fix targets during the match.  That's really the only unique thing about NAR.  Relax and have fun.  


Oh, did I mention the PM is responsible for providing coffee on the first stage of the day?

and donuts or breakfast tacos.



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You have received a lot of good input above.  One thing missing though, and this is very important, a good posse marshal will always laugh at my jokes.


If this is indeed the final posse list...we are in pretty good shape, even if they did let TW be on the posse.

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When I’ve been a PM at an annual I always tell my posse that if they think a call is not correct by all means tell me. My feelings will not be hurt. I will get the correct ruling

I also tell them I will do everything I can within the rules to help them have the best match they are capable of, but if they break a rule it is not fair to the rest of the shooters at the match  to “let it slide”. 
lastly, I tell them if they are not working, doing something for at least 1/3 of the posse, then someone else is overworking while doing their job. (if there is someone with a physical limitation that is different)

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I think TW requested that he could be on a Posse with some of you because he don't like you.


Matter of fact, he don't like nobody.


On the application, instead of listing WHO to posse with, TW listed folks NOT to Posse with.

I don't mean to diminish any fondness some of you might have of Capt. BB, but he does

consider Capt BB as a close friend.    Maybe I should not have told that.  :lol:




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19 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Poor TW.  One possum penis bone hex and suddenly he's on everybody's list.


Don't feel bad @Tennessee williams you can shoot on my posse any day, just be sure to bring nanner pudding.

He does bring Nanner pudding, he just dont share Nanner Pudding



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It's not what duties a PM does, but rather how well he fulfills them.  Poll the posse after the match... accepting any criticism gracefully, and work on correcting whatever those might be.  Good PMs are not born that way, just like good TOs, they develop along the journey.

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On 9/8/2023 at 7:48 AM, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

Oh, did I mention the PM is responsible for providing coffee on the first stage of the day?

That' the most important part of being PM!

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My Posse Marshal Guidelines:


Your behavior and expectations will influence everyone else.

I do often run the timer because I want to establish and demonstrate the way I expect every shooter to be treated.

Be fair - be consistent - be willing to stand your ground when you're right - be willing to concede if you're wrong.


I start every match with the following:

Every shooter on this posse did not necessarily come here with the expectation of winning - but they all came here with the hope of doing their very best.

And IF the shooter is hoping to do their very best - then they deserve your very best.

That means the very best spotting effort, the best timing assistance, the most accurate score keeping and highest level of enthusiasm that you can provide.

If you feel your efforts or focus waning in ANY of these areas - hand off those responsibilities to someone else.

If you want that for yourself - you are obligated to provide it for others.


We have a shooter, TO, three spotters, a couple of brass pickers, target resetters - three on the loading table and a couple at the unloading.  That's THIRTEEN people working at any given moment; if we have 20 or 25 on the posse - to run smoothly, HALF the posse is working.

So to avoid overworking anyone; after you have completed your stage, cleared your guns, refilled your shotgun belt and signed your scoresheet.

Get a drink of water; hit the porta pottie if needed - then look for someone to relieve.  They all deserve your best effort as well.


After all that - remember, you're only going home in a Cadillac if you arrived in one. 

Don't forget to breathe; to hug your friends, laugh, to look around and take in the moment. 

You may have shot a thousand matches - you may shoot a thousand more - but TODAY is the only TODAY you will ever get.  Make it a good one.






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Hey JEDI Creeker,

I've been told that I am also on that Posse, along with TN Williams.


I think I'll tell everyone that I'm Dr.Bottlestopper, sneak in and shoot the match

and quietly leave.   Nobody will even know I was there..... ;)




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59 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Hey JEDI Creeker,

I've been told that I am also on that Posse, along with TN Williams.


I think I'll tell everyone that I'm Dr.Bottlestopper, sneak in and shoot the match

and quietly leave.   Nobody will even know I was there..... ;)




Wish I was joining you.

The Creeker crew will get there eventually.

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30 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

Wish I was joining you.

The Creeker crew will get there eventually.

If you come to the Southeast in the spring there are 7 State Championships between the Ides of March and the first week of June. FL, SC, KY, AL, GA, MS, and TN.

It’s a target rich environment. I’m hoping for 5/7 in 2024.

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   Cahawba on the bright side, you've got one of the best looking, intelligent, fairminded, charming, humble, and most modest cowboys out there as your co-marshal. Between me and you, we'll whoop these scoundrels into shape. And don't worry. If they's an uprising and they jump on you, I've got your back. I'll kick you out from under them before I take off running so they can't get you too bad.

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5 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

   Cahawba on the bright side, you've got one of the best looking, intelligent, fairminded, charming, humble, and most modest cowboys out there as your co-marshal. Between me and you, we'll whoop these scoundrels into shape. And don't worry. If they's an uprising and they jump on you, I've got your back. I'll kick you out from under them before I take off running so they can't get you too bad.

I went over that posse list with a fine toothed comb. I said to myself, Mister Badly is a good looking, intelligent, fairminded, charming and humble guy, but he's not a posse marshal.  Then I thought, well that could also apply to Widder, but then I thought no, he's not a posse marshal either. Then I thought of Jake and Led Pepper, Fretless, Tom and Toolman, sterling cowboys all, but not the co posse marshal.  Then I chanced upon the playwright from Tennessee and it all became clear to me. 


Cahawba Kid was asking for these qualities so he could share them with you so you would know how to behave!! 


Talk about Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.  Things are going to be jumping on that posse.

Now I understand.

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10 minutes ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Now I understand.

They's a first time for everything.:ph34r:

  I just got out of the Dr's office and I've got a torn bicep tendon and torn supinator tendon and some torn ligaments on my left arm and a torn bicep tendon on the right so I figure me and you will be pretty close on this match unless my hoodoo gets to you.

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19 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

They's a first time for everything.:ph34r:

  I just got out of the Dr's office and I've got a torn bicep tendon and torn supinator tendon and some torn ligaments on my left arm and a torn bicep tendon on the right so I figure me and you will be pretty close on this match unless my hoodoo gets to you.

I keep telling you, I’m not the one shooting 14 second stages. I’m not the one who won overall at AL State. Iron Cowboy is who you should look out for. I’m just a broken down old Cowboy with sore feet and an arthritic back.


Luckily for you IC rolled his ankle Friday and is on crutches. You might slip by him if you would just use two hand per revolver.

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"torn supinator".    Everybody knows that a 'supinator' is a sup'd up, 4-barrel carburetor.


I'm glad I don't have excuses before a big match, even if my 'Ramirator is broken in my Respirator, and

my calculator fell down the escalator.







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A lot of valid suggestions above.  A couple are priority to me:

*I try to make pose comfortable .If I do not know all on posse, I want to learn who they are as soon as possible and call them by alias or name they do not mind being identified.  To  add a comfortable atmosphere in a serious job with many duties, I try to be somewhat jovial. 

*As PM, as soon as I  know who is on my posse I pick a few and ask if they would be TOs then at first stage briefing announce "the designated TOs".  I find this eliminates confusion and allows a little piece of mind in acting out my duties, especially if called away from posse.  I often know even before big shoots who might be on my posse and contact in advance.  I may even ask them at what times they prefer to TO (first, middle, or last...I like to start with first few shooters).   Although I do not have to worry about scorekeepers as Sassy Boots handles that and gets her reliefs.  But, without her, I would have interest in knowing who is dependable and does not mind scorekeeping.  Not all jobs are enjoyed by each shooters so keep them happy with their duties.  Example, If a choice, I prefer to TO rather than count.

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Well the cats out of the bag now, I was just asking this for the benefit of TennesseeWilliams. Look like he’s well informed with opinions now. 

I would have said “Im asking for a friend “ but……well you know.

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