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Kulshan 20262

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Everything posted by Kulshan 20262

  1. ...and an electrician would make neater bends.
  2. It can be put in a lathe and cut with a parting tool. One end will have to be cut off.
  3. Just remove the double action fly, spring, and pivot screw. That's what my son did.
  4. The NRA doesn't hound me.
  5. The corners of the paper cards don't break off in my wallet.
  6. The person on the back side of the camera can get people to do some strange things.
  7. Good judgement call and a good job all around. I would have caged the brakes so the wheels would turn. Each brake "can" has a bolt on the side that can be removed and inserted into the spring brake chamber and drawn up to compress the spring and release the brake.
  8. I keep my appearance neat... just can't seem to remember where I put it.
  9. What I have done is file the back top corner of the front sight at a 45 degree angle to get rid of the slightly rounded side corners and then paint the filed part black (Testors Flat Black). Then also paint the vertical part of the rear sight the same.
  10. Around here we can't throw anyone far enough to land on any cacti.
  11. Pinky under on my 1860 C&B reproduction.
  12. Been praying for you PW, just slow to post. May the Good Lord continue to touch your body.
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