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Proposed regulation of Ammo Purchases

Gracos Kid

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It figures and they even came up with a catchy acronym. What’s cool or maybe not cool, snowflakes typing “AMMO” into a search will see many internet sites selling ammo. That’ll get their wittle bwains huhting dem sumting fewce.


From the article:

The Ammunition Modernization and Monitoring Oversight (AMMO) Act, introduced in the Senate by U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and in the House by U.S. Reps. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), would adopt a very California-like bullet control regime on a national basis. 


Just another incursion into American’s (not them above) rights under the 2nd Amendment.

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It is ironic that Wasserman Shultz, the Jewish socialist Democrat from Florida, wants to regulate ammo...and thereby firearms, after her own people were massacred by terrorist because they were UNARMED by law. Just shows the depth of the money being funneled to the anti-gun politicians by socialist left wingers like Bloomberg and Soros.

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It's a major pain here in california.  Hell... if you're visiting from out of state, you better bring your own - you cannot legally buy it here.  :angry:

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37 minutes ago, Father Kit Cool Gun Garth said:


No offense meant, but I am getting sick of hearing / seeing this lame logic. There should be no reason for an ammo shortage due to government manipulation. That’s tyranny and that is in violation of the Second Amendment. 

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6 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

No offense meant, but I am getting sick of hearing / seeing this lame logic. There should be no reason for an ammo shortage due to government manipulation. That’s tyranny and that is in violation of the Second Amendment. 

None taken.
Maybe this helps. ;)


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They just get more and more infantile. 


License and background check 3D printers

Ammo Background checks, hey it is part of the equation, after all guns don't kill bullets do

Lead bans

Powder limits and storage requirements

You have to be a FFL to sell your own gun, if you make enough $ and we'll tell you what is enough....  I can still give it away right?



Lead as a controlled substance, not pot or Fentanyl

Reloading equipment background checks

licensing for bullet molds


What will the liberals put people in jail for besides election violations and non usage gun related issues?


And every move makes protecting yourself more expensive and difficult for the people that need it the most, the constituency they claim to care about.  The ones that get less policing than us rich white folk?

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9 minutes ago, Gungadin said:

They just get more and more infantile. 


License and background check 3D printers

Ammo Background checks, hey it is part of the equation, after all guns don't kill bullets do

Lead bans

Powder limits and storage requirements

You have to be a FFL to sell your own gun, if you make enough $ and we'll tell you what is enough....  I can still give it away right?



Lead as a controlled substance, not pot or Fentanyl

Reloading equipment background checks

licensing for bullet molds


What will the liberals put people in jail for besides election violations and non usage gun related issues?


And every move makes protecting yourself more expensive and difficult for the people that need it the most, the constituency they claim to care about.  The ones that get less policing than us rich white folk?

Excellent points. 

It’s my opinion that want to live like a version of the USSR. The powerful have the means while they control the populace for their own entertainment and egos. 

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Congress Critters propose bills all the time, sometimes even knowing the bill will go nowhere.  Bobby Rush (D-IL) routinely proposes a bill to ban all handguns.  The bill never goes anywhere.  I doubt that this stupid bill will probably die in committee in the House and IF it comes to a vote in the Senate, they may not even have the votes there.  Manchin, Testor, King are all likely to vote against this and there may be a couple of more Democrat Senators that won't vote for this.


The half wits who proposed this probably know the bill won't go anywhere, they can go back to their constituents and donors and say they tried.

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Here in Kansas at the Sheels and Cabela's I have visited of late ammo is abundant. All calibers, decent pricing. No one seems to be buying. Even LPPs can be found for $70/1000.


A guy can buy all he wants now.


Who knows how long that will last...

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A few years ago I pointed out to a "Let's just ban bullets because they aren't "arms"" type that, using that logic we can ban ink and type to fight printed child pornography because the First Amendment is about freedom of the PRESS, not ink or type.  Only the press itself is mentioned.  Got the usual sputter and "That's not what it means!" BS.

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1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

No offense meant, but I am getting sick of hearing / seeing this lame logic. There should be no reason for an ammo shortage due to government manipulation. That’s tyranny and that is in violation of the Second Amendment. 


1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

No offense meant, but I am getting sick of hearing / seeing this lame logic. There should be no reason for an ammo shortage due to government manipulation. That’s tyranny and that is in violation of the Second Amendment. 

Yes it is, but that doesn't seem to matter to the left wing politicians (and too often others as well) who have been violating the Constitution since it was written.

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10 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

It's a major pain here in california.  Hell... if you're visiting from out of state, you better bring your own - you cannot legally buy it here.  :angry:

Stop in NV first.

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5 hours ago, Chantry said:

Congress Critters propose bills all the time, sometimes even knowing the bill will go nowhere.  Bobby Rush (D-IL) routinely proposes a bill to ban all handguns.  The bill never goes anywhere.  I doubt that this stupid bill will probably die in committee in the House and IF it comes to a vote in the Senate, they may not even have the votes there.  Manchin, Testor, King are all likely to vote against this and there may be a couple of more Democrat Senators that won't vote for this.


The half wits who proposed this probably know the bill won't go anywhere, they can go back to their constituents and donors and say they tried.

But what if it does pass?

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8 hours ago, Chantry said:

Congress Critters propose bills all the time, sometimes even knowing the bill will go nowhere.  Bobby Rush (D-IL) routinely proposes a bill to ban all handguns.  The bill never goes anywhere.  I doubt that this stupid bill will probably die in committee in the House and IF it comes to a vote in the Senate, they may not even have the votes there.  Manchin, Testor, King are all likely to vote against this and there may be a couple of more Democrat Senators that won't vote for this.


The half wits who proposed this probably know the bill won't go anywhere, they can go back to their constituents and donors and say they tried.

You are right, often it is a media stunt or the next election cycle they can claim they proposed a bill to make all people nice....

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3 hours ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

But what if it does pass?

Worry about that if it makes out of committee and goes for a vote.  IF it passes hope for a court to strike it down.


I know for damn sure every single Congress Critter in CT is all for it.



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18 minutes ago, Chantry said:

Worry about that if it makes out of committee and goes for a vote.  IF it passes hope for a court to strike it down.


I know for damn sure every single Congress Critter in CT is all for it.



Worry should start the minute it even comes up. To many are voting because of favors given and received if you promise to vote their way. Do you really believe a politician works for the people. Politicians no longer worry about re elections, nor the NRA, and those that have moved out of Blue States have intermingled and weakened the Red States because they have been indoctrinated and billions are coming from anti gun people. How many ever thought that a country such as Australia would fall? As long as we wait and stay silent, it creeps in, until its so big we can no longer do anything about it. Just remember, these new people we elect have been indoctrinated in grade school up ward and Law School like Harvard has seen many of theirs go into politics and judges who don't uphold the laws. 

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24 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

Do you really believe a politician works for the people. 

Of course not and that applies to both parties.  However this isn't the first time and it's definitely not the last time a bill is going to be proposed that we don't like.


Get used to it, the Bruen ruling has led to both sides slinging poo at the walls to see what will and what will not stick.  The fall out from Bruen will last for years as the courts decide where the lines are:  what can be banned, what should not have been banned, what is the threshold for a person to be disqualified from owning gun and probably more I haven't thought of.


I can see a case in the future where a court rules the NFA Act of 1934 is constitutional, but the Hughes Amendment to the FOPA law of 1986 is un-constitutional.

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2 minutes ago, Buckshot Bear said:

How does this work with reloading?

They have not thought that far and I hate to provide a hint. But when the technology comes available, cases and bullets will require micro-stamps. It would be another angle to attempt to regulate parts which are not within the current law.


But there is no way to micro-stamp powder and powder does not require bullets and casings...


When, oh when, will they finally focus on the criminals rather than interfering with law-abiding citizens?


The proposed legislation calls for micro-stamping cartridges when the technology comes available. Besides the actual stamping, this will require a manufacturer to track every cartridge into every box and the supply chain will need to track this information all the way to the first retail purchaser. This will increase costs significantly! And since it will not stop a criminal, it serves no legitimate public purpose, And such a requirement is expressly disallowed as a criterion post-Bruen.

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I had a thought today when shopping for bullets at Bass Pro. 
Do ya think maybe the Chinese is pressing their American comrades to do more to try and disarm Americans so their invasion will go a little easier in a few years?



I didn’t say it was a good or bad thought. It was just a somewhat humorous but scary thought. 

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Ya know, if these commie bastages are gonna invade I hope they do it before I am too stove up to help out punching holes in little red stars on green helmets…

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