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For 5 minutes - YOU are King/ Queen of SASS

Creeker, SASS #43022

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1 hour ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

You can tell when someone has blocked you??


Oh yea.

Go ahead and say something negative about TN Williams or

bad mouth Dairy Queen nanner splits.   If TW don't reply,

you'll know he has you blocked.


If he replies, you know you are not blocked.  PLUS, TW 

don't like you.  :lol:


And if you say something stoopid, you can tell if

Phantomborg has you blocked or not.




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Combine wild bunch with the regular forum.  Nobody much goes to a special forum.  This would

help attendance I think.   Also bring back rank points.   Also stop locking threads on this forum...

if people want to comment, let them.   What the heck would it hurt?

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29 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


Oh yea.

Go ahead and say something negative about TN Williams or

bad mouth Dairy Queen nanner splits.   If TW don't reply,

you'll know he has you blocked.


If he replies, you know you are not blocked.  PLUS, TW 

don't like you.  :lol:


And if you say something stoopid, you can tell if

Phantomborg has you blocked or not.




I never say anything stupid, just ask my wife.

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3 hours ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

If president...I'll eliminate all annoying Wire participants...oh...wait...


Okay, if president, I'll eliminate all annoying Wire participants that do not actually shoot CAS/SASS.


Too bad the person I have in mind has me blocked:rolleyes:



We’re talkin KINGS and QUEENS not presidents, Fantum.

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46 minutes ago, Geronimo Jim SASS # 21775 said:

Combine wild bunch with the regular forum.  Nobody much goes to a special forum.  This would

help attendance I think.   Also bring back rank points.   Also stop locking threads on this forum...

if people want to comment, let them.   What the heck would it hurt?

Agree on WB & locking threads. 
but no rank points. (Mostly because I can’t figure out the advantage/disadvantages) I can add tho :)


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14 minutes ago, Yul Lose said:

We’re talkin KINGS and QUEENS not presidents, Fantum.

We're not talking about Kings and Queens...the Presidency is separate and not related to this discussion...and isn't it funny how TJB...or is it TBJ...probably doesn't know that it's him that we're talking about...??



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6 hours ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

Okay, if president, I'll eliminate all annoying Wire participants that do not actually shoot CAS/SASS.


In that case, I happily yield my five minutes to Phantom!



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You mean there are people on the SASS wire that don’t actually shoot Cowboy Action, I’m shocked!!! I thought that only happened on the SASS Facebook page!

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16 minutes ago, Crawdaddy said:

You mean there are people on the SASS wire that don’t actually shoot Cowboy Action, I’m shocked!!! I thought that only happened on the SASS Facebook page!



Ask Texas Jack Black...or is it Texas Black Jack...?





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Starting Next October combine all  categories age 75 and younger into one category. Then add 1 year for each year there after . Then the awards ceremony will be only 10 minutes long.


Hells Comin 

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1 hour ago, Hells Comin said:

Starting Next October combine all  categories age 75 and younger into one category. Then add 1 year for each year there after . Then the awards ceremony will be only 10 minutes long.


Hells Comin 


Actually, we need only 3 categories in ages above Young Gun.

The  3 adult categories should be defined by only

the style SG they use:  87 category, 97 category, and SxS category.





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If I were SASS King I would prohibit all Match Directors from listening to those who do not even play our game and dictate that our targets are too close and too big and our loads are too light. 


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8 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


Actually, we need only 3 categories in ages above Young Gun.

The  3 adult categories should be defined by only

the style SG they use:  87 category, 97 category, and SxS category.





I was thinking two categories.

1. Black powder

2. Other



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16 minutes ago, Assassin said:

The TO's that do the Stand Beep or thrust/punch method should be penalized.


There is a guy in Florida that does the thrust/punch method. He does not do it where the shooter can see the timer and is completely unobtrusive in every way. He is a very good TO and has been a TO at many matches including State and Regional.

As long as it doesn't interfere with the shooter or get into my field of vision, I'm okay with it.

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6 hours ago, One Gun Jimmy said:

I was told by a shooter that has been around a long time that he witnessed this call first hand.

That shooter told me he felt it was ridiculous but if a T.O. makes that call and then it's backed up by the M.D. or P.M. then what are you gonna do?

Ask to see the rule in the handbook...



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36 minutes ago, Sawed-Off said:

Explain it to me like I was 5.



To take your proposition to the extreme, (something you seem to be intent on doing) what then do you propose to do in the case of someone unable to speak??


FIRST: There is NOTHING in that requires you to engage the stage in any certain way!!  There are “stage conventions” to guide the shooter when specific instructions are not given, but there is NOT one that requires you to repeat any certain set of words!


SECOND: This has been discussed on numerous occasions and in every instance, it has been acknowledged that there is NO RULE that requires the shooter to say any specific set of words!


THIRD: Tradition has been established that allows unlimited latitude to the shooter in acknowledging that he/she is ready to begin the stage. This should speak to your reference to “lowering standards”!


FINALLY: It’s absolutely the most inhospitable idea for a game that lives on the premise of welcoming folks and having fun to even consider such a requirement!!


Your “My way or the highway!” attitude would likely have killed this game before it ever really got started!  I’m the first one to “go along to get along” as many people in this game will tell you, but I would probably never make a second visit to a club with such a requirement and I know hundreds of other shooters that would probably agree!!





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2 hours ago, Sawed-Off said:


"Say the line to show ready."


"Say the line to show ready."


"Stand by."



"25.62. No misses. 30 second penalty for failure to engage."


Willfully refusing to make an attempt to complete any non-shooting procedure
written within the stage instructions (Failure to Engage).

SHB pg 23


Driving 1-2 hours doesn't exempt you from the rules of the game, Cowboy. ;););):):):)



What a joke...


Whoever thinks that not saying a Line is a Failure To Engage has their head up their proverbial...yeah...



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20 minutes ago, Sawed-Off said:

I would have reminded the shooter of the line if they hadn't asked. I just wanted to highlight that words are part and parcel of our game

Oh please...


The WHOLE purpose of a line is to let the TO know that the shooter is ready...nothing else. Who benefits from my saying a line???? The TO???? Nobody else hears it so...are we going to now be required to say the Line loud enough for the whole posse to hear it? Oh wait, that might disturb the shooter on the posse next to ours.


What a joke...



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2 hours ago, Sawed-Off said:

"Say the line to show ready."


"Say the line to show ready."


"Stand by."



"25.62. No misses. 30 second penalty for failure to engage."


A word came to mind when I read this.  It's a new word I learned just today on the Wire, but it is perfect here. Bulldookery.

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8 minutes ago, Sawed-Off said:

As the game of Cowboy Action Shooting™ has evolved, our members have developed and
adopted an attitude toward their participation we call the “Spirit of the Game.” When a
shooter has Spirit of the Game, it means one fully participates in what the competition asks.

You do not look for ways to create an advantage out of what is, or is not, stated as a rule or
shooting procedure. Some folks would call Spirit of the Game nothing more than good
sportsmanship. Whatever you call it, if you don’t have it, Cowboy Action Shooting™ is not
your game.


There is no advantage in not saying the words, but do you fully participate in what the competition asks? :)


Much of our game is narrative based. "Big Eared Charlie chased his wayward son across the ocean to try and bring him home. Along the way he encountered..." Saying words is part of the stage instruction, which comes from the narrative and the "entertainment" we are apparently in the business of conducting. Blackwater nailed it - I -was- being extreme to make a point - one I made with plenty of smilies so that folks might "get it". I also discovered your buttons are apparently easy to push. Have you ever had a calm discussion, Phantom? :D

This is calm...


And your position on the Starting Line is silly.



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Depending on the line, and/or the TO, I enjoy putting a twist on the words. One TO I know is a Blazing Saddles fan (as am I) so I typically do a BS quote when he is timing. 
but in general, I try to give some version of the line, unless I’ve plum forgot it. Then I’ll say “I plum forgot it”. 
but there is no penalty for a shooter to just say “ready” or “going hot” etc. 

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17 minutes ago, Hoss said:

Depending on the line, and/or the TO, I enjoy putting a twist on the words. One TO I know is a Blazing Saddles fan (as am I) so I typically do a BS quote when he is timing. 
but in general, I try to give some version of the line, unless I’ve plum forgot it. Then I’ll say “I plum forgot it”. 
but there is no penalty for a shooter to just say “ready” or “going hot” etc. 



I have a standard Starting Line...kinda. I usually incorporate the TO's alias into my line...then there's Panhandle's "Rangers Lead The Way" starting line...just try and tell her she needs to use the Line spelled out in the Stage Instructions :lol:


Then there are the MANY clubs that don't give starting lines...think EOT doesn't spec Starting Lines...how un-cowboy can you get!?!?!


Soooooo much BS (not Blazing Saddles), being spent on an absolutely silly belief.



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Although rare in our game, whatcha gonna do when

you have a shooter that has a bad studder:


da,da....red,rid,red da dee. (meaning 'Ready')


Gonna give him a SOG because he didn't say the line..... "You're a Low Down Yankee Liar".


Hey.... Don't make exceptions..... Even if he drove 2 hours to the

match, ..... according to your quote: "Lets not drop our standards".

AND according to you, no one gets a pass.


Before you start digging yeowndangself in a hole, ya need to make sure you have a plan to get out.

If not, leave your shovel in the barn.



2 hours ago, Sawed-Off said:


 I just wanted to highlight that words are part and parcel of our game and "driving 1 or 2 hours" or threatening not to return because they have say some words doesn't give anyone a pass. Let's not drop our standards. :)


Respectfully, as always. :):):)


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Just shot the Bordertown match and there were no starting lines. The TO asked “shooter ready? A nod of the shooters head was all that was needed. Kinda liked it that way, more and more clubs are doing it that way out here. Pretty sure that with the match being near Tombstone some pretty good movie lines could have been incorporated but it worked out fine without the starting lines.


If I’m at a match where there is a starting line, I’ll rarely say it. I’d rather put my own spin on it, usually at the TO’s expense.

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On 10/22/2023 at 10:12 AM, Dantankerous said:

Classic Cowboy should be shot with black powder. 

Hear hear. And be allowed to be shot gunfighter (within the same category like B Western, not creating a new one) if so desired. 

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On 10/23/2023 at 10:12 AM, July Smith said:

If I was king of SASS...


Increase and enforce a minimum power factor of 100.  (Exceptions for senior+ age based categories and 22lr categories)


Allow for movement while shooting.


Allow for shotguns to be staged with two shells loaded.  87/97s can be loaded at the loading table and staged with actions closed and hammers down on an empty chamber, SxS can be loaded before the timer goes off and staged opened.  Stoking on the clock is allowed by default.


Reduce the categories by doing the following unpopular things.  Combine the genders.  Combine the gunfighter and duelist categories. 


All black powder categories will have the classic rule about calibers starting with a 4.  


Some form of minimum holster retention.  


Eye tests for spotters. 

I shoot Frontiersman and like my 36's so that means I have to only shoot 44's. You must not shoot Frontiersman so that means you don't get a vote on this one. Just the way I see the idea ! 

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If I was King of SASS, no drunk posting would be allowed. Between this thread and the Wild Bunch thread, I get the impression some are pounding on the keyboard with one hand and holding a gallon of Gallo Brothers in the other. 

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When the TO asks if I'm ready, (invitation to so indicate), I generally say, "... No I ain't ready, but let's do it anyway."  Or some variant upon that.


BTW Shotgun, the Spirit of the Game Award is just that, an award given for fully immersing oneself in the "spirit of the game"...  And given that our game is mainly fantasy, regurgitating a line doesn't always fulfill everyone's fantasy.  Just like some participant eschew western hats, boots, or other common misconceptions of the "requirements".  

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