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Diamond Curly SASS#57086

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About Diamond Curly SASS#57086

  • Birthday 04/03/1947

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Briggsdale County Shootists, Border Vigilantes, Wild Cat ridge, Cottonwood Draw Gunslingers

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  • Location
    Colorado Territory
  • Interests
    handball, CAS, antique autos

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I would not ear muffs over the aids. I have the axil protection and the work best of the three I tried. I do put in my hearing aids for the stage instructions and never run the timer because if the issue with squibs. I just have the timer tap me if a sg target doesn't fall. I shoot full load black powder rounds and seeing up by or down is an issue. I have shot this way for 20 years or more and every match I shoot at is aware of me not able to hear commands after the stage has started. Just my view. DC
  2. I started 12 years ago with a canvas shot shell belt and loaded two rounds, skipped on the repeated. I now use a bandolier with leather that I like better. I load my 87 with my right hand and my double with my left by just placing the bandolier on opposite shoulders. What works best for you could be different but it is your choice what works. DC
  3. I purchased some cloth ammo bags from a lady shooter a few years ago listed in the merchants section and would like to order more. I searched the merchant site with no luck. Thank you, DC The ones I ordered had a pattern with John Wayne.
  4. I received the Cowboy 45 brass and the 160 grain bullets. I loaded up ten rounds using 15 grains of FFF APP and was very happy with the results. Weather here in CO has not allowed me but one trip to the range so I can try out 14 grains of real black under the 180 grain bullet in the 45 Cowboy brass and 25 grains of black under the 180 grain bullet as well. I did try one load of 15 grains of black with 12 grains of corn media and it clocked out at 425 FPS but wanted at least 500 fps so when it warms up over 32 degrees I will see how that works. I have some loads with magnum primers to see if this changes anything as well. I appreciate all the input so will post results soon I hope. I really prefer the real black but if APP feels best that is what I will shoot. DC
  5. I shot 45 S&W rounds in my Uberti 73 for many years with no adjustments with a 200 grain bullet.. If you have any Uberti revolvers older than about 15 years the 45 S&W round May not fit because the rim is a little larger than the 45 Colt. The newer production revolvers cylinders will fit either round with no issues. All my open tops for 45 shoot my 45 S&W rounds and my oldest pair are 15 years old. The 45 S&W round on older models fit in the cylinder but will not cycle. I use 45 S&W is cheaper to use in black powder when you use full loads and no fillers. DC
  6. A sheath to wear over my belt is preferred. DC
  7. I have a 6” Green River skinner knife I need a western style sheath for. Checked the mountain man shops with no luck under $100.00 so seeing if any of our leather workers can build one for me. Thanks, DC
  8. I have 20 pieces of 32 Win Special - Super for sale primed for $15.00 shipped. Thanks for looking.
  9. I have ordered some 160 and 180 grain bullets to see how they shoot with my standard BP load. I also ordered some 45 Cowboy brass to try as well. All the ideas are worth trying so I will try all until I find the recoil that is comfortable for me. I will use fillers if needed but hope the lighter bullets work alone. I will report results when I am done. Thank you. DC
  10. When I get home from a shoot the first thing I do is break down my double and spray Windex Vinegar in both barrels then finish unloading my vehicle. I then run a tornado brush down the barrels to remove the black plastic snake out, run a couple of patches with PAM then a few patches of Ballistol and no more black. I have never had a tornado brush break but anything is possible. The black snot from the plastic shells is easy to remove this way. I also shoot brass shot shells now and hardly any black snot because no plastic. This only takes about 25 minutes to clean and works best for me. Just the view from my saddle. DC
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