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About Jackalope

  • Birthday 09/11/1958

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  • SASS #
    54049 Regulator
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    The Outlaws

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  • Location
    Ten Mile, TN
  • Interests
    Anita Margarita,

    USAF Ret.

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  1. It's not my intention to hijack this thread, but... I'm a long-time user of real black powder and admit to never having tried APP. Some of the local shooters use it, but I've never witnessed APP produce any visible flame or fire or even sparks. I believe you got it right with "all the smoke" but I dunno about the fire. Am I mistaken?
  2. The thrust may overcome drag, but there's no way lift would overcome weight. That thing ain't gonna fly. Jackalope
  3. I guess you don't attend matches at your "home club"? You might have noticed in the last several years, we've been shooting two stages on one bay. 🤨 I've been a regular at that club for 14 years, and the stage writer/match director there since 2016 and I've seen you at exactly one match.
  4. Kind of a snarky comment... Maybe most things are more expensive in Australia than they are in Michigan? How about the current exchange rate?
  5. That's a significant part of the rule...depending on your shape, a holster with a 20 degree cant can easily "depart from the vertical by more than 30 degrees" once you put it on your belt with a gun in it. Check the angle with a protractor while you're wearing the holster on a belt. Good luck, Jackalope
  6. Even the steel scouring pads are much softer than the gun barrel. Pure copper strands are good, brass strands are even better (IMO). The scouring pad strands wrapped on a cleaning brush cut the lead better if everything is dry, in my experience. Scrape the lead out, then use solvent & gun oil.
  7. I would make a pretty big bet that it's leading. Brass Curly Kate, Lewis lead remover, etc.
  8. I think it was 2007 or 2008, Anita Margarita and I decided to relocate to Tennessee. We asked on a local cowboy club forum if anyone knew of a real estate agent. Widder replied something like, "My Moma has a license." and that's how we came to know both of them. To make a long story short...my wife and I spent a lot of time driving around and looking at property with her. She was a kind lady and we held her in high regard. And she raised a kind son, too.
  9. This is a fantastic measure at a fantastic price. I just purchased a second Uniflow two weeks ago or I would happily snatch this one up! Somebody is gonna get a great deal. Jackalope p.s. I know it's not recommended for black powder use, but I've been using my original Uniflow for black powder for many years.
  10. Our local club rules for Josie Wales are slightly different than Bingo Montana describes... In place of the rifle, two additional revolvers are used. These two revolvers will be loaded with no more than five rounds. (If fewer than ten rounds are needed for the rifle portion of the stage, the shooter will load revolvers as desired, not to exceed the rifle ammo count for the stage each. In the event the stage requires more than ten rifle rounds or includes a requirement to reload the rifle, the Josie Wales shooter may elect to load as many rounds as the stage requires while “on the clock” or just take the miss penalties. At no time will the shooter lower the hammer on a live round.) These revolvers will be fired following the rifle instructions in the scenario. They may be staged in place of the rifle or carried and drawn from belt or shoulder holsters in accordance with SASS rules. In whatever manner these revolvers are transported, they may not sweep anyone nor violate the 170 rule. The shooter may also elect to use a fifth revolver in place of a shotgun. This revolver will be loaded with the exact number of rounds as there are shotgun targets, not to exceed five. The shooter may load an additional round on the clock (in accordance with SASS rules) if there are six shotgun targets. You are not allowed to reload to make up misses.
  11. This. Start with clean hulls...wash 'em, dry 'em, load 'em. If you feel a burning desire to put something on something, put it on a swab and mop out your chambers between stages. If you put some kind of goo on your hulls to make them slippery, guess what? They'll be slippery in your hands, too. Slippery hands = fumbling shells. Fingers might even get gooey enough that your guns start slipping, too. My loads are between 1 oz and 1 1/8 oz, a Winchester red wad (or equivalent), and 45-65 gr of Goex FFg or FFFg, all in a nice clean and dry STS hull. Your mileage may vary... Jackalope
  12. This is some of the best free advice Widder and I have ever shared. You're welcome.
  13. It's not supposed to feel right. It's supposed to hurt just a little and cause a weird tingling sensation. Also, if you use enough Goex, it should make you wet your pants just a little bit every time you pull the trigger.
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