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Dozens of Americans among the hostages

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Let's see, Biden just traded 6 billion dollars for 5 US/Iranian citizens held by Iran so that Iran could finance Hamas and Hezbollah. Wonder how much he will pay Hamas for dozens of Americans held by Hamas?:angry:


It's way past time to use the biggest Thermobaric bombs, that we have, to completely level Gaza with no warning. Have the Israeli's pull back to a safe distance to watch. It'll never happen though as it is against International Laws...you know...the ones that (evidently) only the US abide by.:angry:

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4 minutes ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


It seems like American Contractors and Do-Gooders are adept at getting themselves into bad situations and then sniveling for someone to come rescue them.

Some of the hostages are families who were visiting their relatives in Israel. 

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It's been long enough that most of their neighbors don't remember not to poke.


Are we headed for another Carter/Reagan kind of situation with Iran?

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1 hour ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


It seems like American Contractors and Do-Gooders are adept at getting themselves into bad situations and then sniveling for someone to come rescue them.

Blaming Americans? Wow. :angry:

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1 hour ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


It seems like American Contractors and Do-Gooders are adept at getting themselves into bad situations and then sniveling for someone to come rescue them.

According to this recent 1 hour old news source it sounds like they aren’t sure who the Americans are. Therefore, if they don’t know then no one has obviously communicated with them therefore how would you know they’re “sniveling for someone to rescue them”?



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This same news source says that this Hamas attack is Iranian led. It figures…

From the article:

"We suspect Iranian hands behind the scenes," Herzog said. "As far as we are concerned, this is an Iranian-led coalition and we suspect that Iran is involved." 






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1 hour ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


It seems like American Contractors and Do-Gooders are adept at getting themselves into bad situations and then sniveling for someone to come rescue them.


Somehow Americans visiting relatives during an important religious holiday are somehow American contractors?


58 minutes ago, Dantankerous said:

Blaming Americans? Wow. :angry:


I'm not surprised.



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13 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:

Let's see, Biden just traded 6 billion dollars for 5 US/Iranian citizens held by Iran so that Iran could finance Hamas and Hezbollah. Wonder how much he will pay Hamas for dozens of Americans held by Hamas?:angry:


It's way past time to use the biggest Thermobaric bombs, that we have, to completely level Gaza with no warning. Have the Israeli's pull back to a safe distance to watch. It'll never happen though as it is against International Laws...you know...the ones that (evidently) only the US abide by.:angry:

They can do North Korea the same day.  

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Now, Now, Now -- Be careful folks.  You don't want to be the ones spreading "disinformation" according to the Biden WH. 

Remember, old Joey has been like a brother to "Benji" and always "has his back"

  LOL !

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6 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Maybe I should have posted the thing about Ford being moved to the Eastern Med here.



At first I was wondering why Ford Motor Corp was moving…but they don’t have a carrier battle group. I’m sorry, I meant “strike group”. Can’t call it a battle group. It might scare the daffodils. 



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1 minute ago, Pat Riot said:

At first I was wondering why Ford Motor Corp was moving…but they don’t have a carrier battle group. I’m sorry, I meant “strike group”. Can’t call it a battle group. It might scare the daffodils. 



Please, the pansies.

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9 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Please, the pansies.

If you didn’t have that comma in their I would think you were talking about a political rally slogan…:lol:

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As of 12:15 AM EDT, at least nine (9) Americans killed and an unknown number hostages, according to Fox News. Israeli police trying to find and recover bodies of their own officers, killed in a police station! Rockets also coming in from Hezbollah in Lebanon!  :angry: :( 

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Quite an amazing lapse in security for a well armed country with what I understood to be a top notch intelligence agency surrounded by terrorists sworn to wipe them off the face of the earth. 

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34 minutes ago, Mister Badly said:

Quite an amazing lapse in security for a well armed country with what I understood to be a top notch intelligence agency surrounded by terrorists sworn to wipe them off the face of the earth. 

It happened before in 1973...........

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42 minutes ago, Buckshot Bear said:


That maybe a possibility.

Hamas has announced that they will execute a single hostage at a time televised.




We need a man to deal with this, not Biden.

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there is nothing about what happened that is civilized nor acceptable and yes we need a MAN that will deal with it not the puppet we have in the white house today im certain we all are looking at all of this play out and reacting as each sees fit , i cannot fathom that this happened and i would not just retaliate - i would turn it to glass - i find this more than unacceptable - it barbarian - we cannot stand back this time , eliminate hummas and if they join in , eliminate  hesbulah  but we cannot let iran off the hook here - im all for eliminating iran as well ...........much like the PLO we will see a resurgence but we can deal with that down the road 

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11 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said:


That maybe a possibility.

Hamas has announced that they will execute a single hostage at a time televised.



It is inevitable that broadcasts of executions are coming, likely coupled with demands on Israel to cease its attacks, release prisoners, pull out, etc., etc., etc.



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On 10/10/2023 at 6:16 AM, Mercy Me said:

It's way past time to use the biggest Thermobaric bombs, that we have, to completely level Gaza with no warning.

Most Palestinians in Gaza are non-combatants. There are some American citizens, as well.


The more barbaric the Israeli response, the more Hamas gains in the PR front. Like it or not, no war is all about military force. Especially so since WW II ended.


Israel's strategy in Gaza so far has included issuing warnings to civilians to leave an area, then bombarding that area.


The Hamas response to the Israeli warnings has been to persuade, deceive, or outright force Palestinian civilians to remain in the areas.

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3 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

Most Palestinians in Gaza are non-combatants. There are some American citizens, as well.


The more barbaric the Israeli response, the more Hamas gains in the PR front. Like it or not, no war is all about military force. Especially so since WW II ended.


Israel's strategy in Gaza so far has included issuing warnings to civilians to leave an area, then bombarding that area.


The Hamas response to the Israeli warnings has been to persuade, deceive, or outright force Palestinian civilians to remain in the areas.

Most people in any conflict zone are non combatants. The problem with the Hamas group and others like them is that they see their own people as having zero value except as a means of thwarting a violent death for the actual fighters or being used as a political tool to influence the opinion of those not actually involved. The death of the civilians living there is of no importance whatsoever to the terrorist organization of Hamas. 
:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
Gateway Kid

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On 10/8/2023 at 10:33 AM, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


It seems like American Contractors and Do-Gooders are adept at getting themselves into bad situations and then sniveling for someone to come rescue them.

I sent CC a note but decided to make part of it public…




I’m doing my best to stay out of the Gaza thread and the typical responses of “nuke ‘em”, but your post was dead on.  


And as a student of history, I can’t take sides in a shit show that officially began in 1948 but which has been simmering for centuries.  All parties have been pretty inhumane at times in the name of their respective higher powers.

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