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Stimulus Money

Texas Lizard

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Direct deposit New Year’s Eve.


Got the published maximum.


Paid some outstanding medical expenses with it!!

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Barb got hers, direct deposit a week ago.


Mine was supposed to be mailed to me on January 6th.  Haven't seen it yet. :( 

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9 minutes ago, Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L said:


Me too!!!:(

I hit “like” because I didn’t want to depress you more with the other selections. ;)


I wanted mine to be a gun too....

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51 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

Better sock it away to pay for the inflation that is upon us. Last week gas prices jumped 19 cents in one day. Yesterday while I was in the dentist appointment,  it jumped another dime. 


Yep, gas will no doubt be back to $4-5 per by mid summer; ridiculous. Hope those that voted against the current POTUS are happy...

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Got ours a couple weeks ago via direct deposit, $600 each. Bought 2 Ruger Wranglers and still looking for a Kimber 1911.

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Got mine a few weeks ago, direct deposit.

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Yep.  Direct Deposit a couple days after they announced it.  Use it for extra tip money for the restaurants we don't want to see go out of business.

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Six hundred, direct deposit in checking on January 2nd. I bought a conversion kit at the post office with it and turned it into a 1981 vintage S&W Model 36.  :)

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