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This is what I saw... would you call it different, do it different?


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Stage is a boardwalk across a storefront. Start at window on left, 4 shotgun, leave shotgun... move (about 4 paces) to doorway in middle, 10 rifle, put rifle down on table... move (about 4 paces) to right window, 10 pistol.


Shooter gets ready, says he can't hear beeper so good, would TO please tap him on shoulder... stage starts. Shotgun shot, so far so good... move to doorway, rifle is shot. Shooter grounds rifle, heads for right window. TO looks down and sees shiny brass empty case still on carrier of rifle. Tries to holler, loud, at shooter before he starts on pistols, shooter doesn't hear him. TO can't catch up to him before pistol is cocked. Lets stage proceed to conclusion. Time read off and penalty assessed.


Shooter doesn't take it gracefully, says the TO should have dumped the empty for him. (!!??)


TO looks at him, calls, "set shotgun targets... next shooter!"


Shooters score stands as called.

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Personally, I thought the TO did a great job. Especially not arguing with the shooter. Able to hear or not, it's still the shooter's responsibility... at least i.m.o. But, I've been wrong before... many, many, times.

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Personally, I thought the TO did a great job. Especially not arguing with the shooter. Able to hear or not, it's still the shooter's responsibility... at least i.m.o. But, I've been wrong before... many, many, times.


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T.O. CERTAINLY cannot clear the gun himself. Shooter was way out of line trying to pretend that should have been done.


Had I been the match director, I would have taken the shooter aside for a little chat, and then congratulated the TO for good handling of the situation.


Good luck, GJ

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Most shooters think or say things they normally would not when making a boo-boo. Most will realize after a few seconds set in the mistake they made, shake their head, some say thanks, and move on ta help out on the stage. Happens, next shooter, correct call.

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I'm one of those that frequently need a "tap" to get me started but everyone I shoot with knows to "Leave My guns Alone". If I screw up, I own it, and will take my penalty.

I hate it when the TO tries to be helpful and tries to tell me something while I'm shooting. I just asked him to tap me to start so he knows I'm deaf and I will have to stop my actions, look at him, and ask him to repeat whatever it was he said.

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ok, I'll pile on.


Next Shooter!


Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee

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It all looks good to me. Next shooter!

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I'd like to argue for the shooter this time....


.... um....

..... well...




Okay..... Call stands as stated.


Targets reset? (check)

Range clear? (check)

Safe to proceed? (check)


Nest shooter please!

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