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Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

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  • SASS #
    SASS #20904
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Smokey Point Desperados

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Everett, Wa.
  • Interests
    cowperson shooting

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Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Made it to Norway and Samual b Carpenter says “let’s shoot long range, Norwegian style” reloading between shots was the hardest part
  2. One more joke like that and ”you get za DQ” that is a quote from “Huzzar”, wherever he is!
  3. Will do! looking forward to returning to your part of the world again, sure enjoyed it the 1st time!
  4. Thank you, that worked! I'm really computer stupid, so anytime you can offer advice, PLEASE feel free to jump in, all help is appreciated!
  5. Could ya get in touch, I need a fovor. Mudflat
  6. Not too hard getting firearms to Norway, ammo has a weight limit with the airlines, but this trip, we’ll use borrowed equipment, except leather. Difficulty varies depending what country yer landing in. The match director at the shoot yer attending can help with particulars
  7. No problem, I've been watching the Swedish Chef on the Muppets.
  8. COVID’s over! Nellie Belle and Co. (me) leave Wednesday for 2 shoots in Torsby, Sweden It’ll be good ta see all our European friends again, and make a few new ones. If Sweden declares war on the U.S. in the next 3 weeks, ya know who’s responsible! wish us luck🤠
  9. Always nice to know the spelling police are awake and ready!
  10. Anybody have a Suomi 31 reciever they don't need?
  11. Stainless, 7.5" completely stock, probably unfired, fixed sight Ruger old Army with box, paperwork and nipple wrench. $1,000.00 + $20 shipping
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