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Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

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  • SASS #
    SASS #20904
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Smokey Point Desperados

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Everett, Wa.
  • Interests
    cowperson shooting

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Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I’m pretty sure the gold and silver trigger BSS’s have different stocks
  2. 223 works in mine also I swedge down lead 38's and use 158 grain bullets at reduced velocity and shoot steel with them (got 2 rifles) Currently trying 9mm magnum brass, looks like it might work also and alot less case prep
  3. Did ya get ‘em shipped?

    maybe we could communicate using PM’s?

  4. My Address is :  Larry Siferd  11066 E. Glue Sky Dr.

    Scottsdale, AZ  85262

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dusty Buckboard, 62861

      Dusty Buckboard, 62861

      Not sure how that works.  Need to get him an address.  He should have it .  Ill take this one down

    3. Rip Snorter

      Rip Snorter

      You may have to ask a Moderator to do it.

    4. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      I got it, usually use a PM

  5. Do you still want them.  I leave in a few days for a while.  If you want them I have to send them by tomorrow.  Just need an address.  Tks  Dusty

    1. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mike Perin

      10029 54th Pl NE

      lake Stevens  Wa. 98258


      gimme yer info and I’ll get the funda on the way


  6. Ok Send me an address and I will send them today.  Dusty

  7. I've got one for $70 plus shipping if that helps at all
  8. I’ve got a bunch of 180rnfp I’ll never use if that’s any help
  9. I’ve got a Uberti 1885 in 40/65 for $1,200.00+ shipping also have dies, brass and bullets
  10. I’ve got a completely stock BSS, any interest?
  11. He's left me alone for some reason, probably because of the timely warning given by Outlaw Gambler, thank you Sir!
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