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I have one that will change automatically, three of the will not need changed because I never changed them 3 months ago, and I noticed my Blu-ray player is 2 hours ahead, which would put it maybe 500 miles out into the Atlantic.


But I don't know how to set it and it doesn't record so I don't care what time it says.

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46 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:



I usually change the clocks in the early afternoon.

Since we've had electronic ignition for 40 years or so?, I guess it's only old farts (like most of us) that will get that.

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1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:



I usually change the clocks in the early afternoon.


Special Hack!


Make sure that you pull all of the wires off of the top of the cap 1st, makes it much easier to put it back on. Just stab them back in after...doesn't matter where.

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The problem is NOT adjusting timepieces. The problem is adjusting your internal body clock! Our younger dog usually wakes up at 6:45 AM. Will he now wake up at 7:45, or will he eventually shift back to 6:45? He usually goes to bed about 8:00 PM. Does that mean he will now wait until 9:00 PM? :unsure: My wife usually gets her body clock about a week to adjust. Usually doesn't bother me. OTOH, calling our relatives in Arizona gets messed up because they don't switch, thus are now going to be an hour different! :wacko:

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1 hour ago, Alpo said:

Since we've had electronic ignition for 40 years or so?, I guess it's only old farts (like most of us) that will get that.

I guess I am part of that group.....Points, plugs and set the timing....Some might not understand....Tune up...With oil change and maybe some STP added....


Texas Lizard

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Clocks?  I'm retired.  What are these clocks of which you speak?

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 My body clock does not care, perhaps it’s because I flew half a world away so many times.


the clocks over the stove and microwave, I work hard to assure they are in sync. I have to set them every time there’s a power glitch. The two I can see from where I sit now are never in sync anyway, so I just get them close. The one over the bed, I’ll get to it sometime next week, the one on the right of the tv, that is a pain to set. Best way is to put the battery in at midnight. 

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55 minutes ago, Trailrider #896 said:

Our younger dog usually wakes up at 6:45 AM. Will he now wake up at 7:45, or will he eventually shift back to 6:45? He usually goes to bed about 8:00 PM. Does that mean he will now wait until 9:00 PM? 

How does he do with eating?


When I was growing up, Mama fed the dogs at 5:00. Time change? Well they ate an hour later. Time change again now they ate an hour sooner. 5:00. Did not matter what their belly said. She fed us the same way. Supper was at 6:30. Did not matter that my belly said it was 5:30 because this time was 5:30 yesterday. Or that my belly is growling because 6:30 was an hour ago. Nope, we ate by the clock.


I've tried that with this one. But she thinks suppertime is when it starts to get dark. Middle of summer, I can let it go till 8:30 and she has no problem. Middle of winter, and she is demanding to be fed about 4:30. It's dark. It must be time to eat.


As for getting up and going to bed, she sleeps all day, so time doesn't matter.

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Shovelhead ignition??

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Shovelhead or early EVO.  It’s a carbon copy of the original on my Shovel.


It doesn’t have provision for a rotor and the standoff screws that are holding the breaker plate are threaded for screws to hold the points cover.




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I always leave the clocks in my vehicle and motorcycle on DST. When ever the timing retards I just have to remember the clock is an hour fast. Unfortunately my new bike shop is a full service shop. They corrected my clock’s time the other day when they installed my new tires, sprockets and chain and did a full service on it. 

I am looking forward to the time change. :D

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Some Richard Cranium decided the 7th of April this year would be the time for us to wind out clocks back for Winter.

So we have another month of daylight saving, it goes well with the heat waves :( 

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i think , and a lot of others here ive spoken to , also yjonk its time to do away with this antiquated practice - meanwhile most of my adjustments have been made - ill adjust the car in the morning 

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What a bunch of wild outlaws here in the Saloon.  The law says you have to change the clocks at 2AM. Not earlier, not later.  The FBI is going to have a field day with y'all tomorrow when they find this thread.:lol:

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12 hours ago, Alpo said:

Since we've had electronic ignition for 40 years or so?, I guess it's only old farts (like most of us) that will get that.

Those whippersnapers who identify as preppers are learning and buying them as conversion kits.  Supposedly the truck will still run after a EMP or CME if they use points, carb, and mechanical pumps.

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I get up naturally around 5:30 so today I got up at 6:30. I usually eat some breakfast around 7:30. It’s almost 7:30 new time now and I’m hungry but it’s 6:30 old time. My internal clock is adjusting fine! :lol:

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40 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Vote for the politicians who promise to change it.

They almost all do and then it never happens! Promises, promises!:angry:

Sen. Rubio has a bill he introduced...........


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On 3/9/2024 at 2:48 PM, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

I think I am seeing 6 lobes on the shaft , that the points ride on 


  maybe , I need more coffee 


There are 6 on the bolt head. The part of the shaft the lobes run on is below that bolt head


Blackwater knows his stuff and it is a picture of the inside of a Shovelhead distributor.




Better view showing the lobes the points actually ride on.






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ill admit it - my bio clock failed me that morning , i woke up a half hour later than usual , so i rushed a bit to get where i was going , i repeat this BS of changing the clock an hour forward and back does nothing but mess up our normal rhythms of life , no need for it and no good reason to keep it in place ...........


to my friends in iowa - you didnt really get an extra hour of sun for your corn .......old joke that was most likely as real as the congressman that said Quam might tip over if we built another base on the same side as the first .....actually did say it ..........and yes he did get elected ............whats that say about over half the voters in this country ? wanting communism and all , ill never get that , glad im old 

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