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Upcoming Costner Western

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I believe it was the reason he needed to leave the extremely popular YELLOWSTONE series.

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According to the info I read today this will be in 4 parts. One and two have been filmed and will be released this year the other two parts have not started filming yet.

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Just like when we were kids; had to go to the theater every Saturday to watch the next installment of the serial!

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6 hours ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

Didn't used to like Costner. As he got older, he got a lot better, and I changed my view. Hope this is a good one.

Always was a fan of his ,,,,,,,, But yes. 

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If I have to pay extra for some streaming service or some other weird format to see this they can stick it! If it was a movie in the theater I'd go.

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I'll watch it if it's free. No way I'll pay to see it.

I always liked Costner, even back in The Postman days...however, when he abandoned the Yellowstone series I lost a ton of respect for him. Hate to see him decide that he wants to do something else and never finish this new series.

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From the articles I have read on this he has wanted to do this movie for years but no studio would take it on.  He took out a personal loan against part of his property and has funded the filming himself.

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17 hours ago, Father Kit Cool Gun Garth said:

I believe it was the reason he needed to leave the extremely popular YELLOWSTONE series.

From what I have read it is the reason he wanted to reduce the time making Yellowstone episodes. He wanted more time for this movie.



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I didn’t like him in Wyatt Earp at all! 

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1 minute ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:


He gets my vote!

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Costner is not a bad actor.


But any movie that he is in charge of...

A guarantee of bloated stories and extended runtimes.


The man does not understand brevity or concise story telling and I cannot watch his films.

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I think Open Range is a good movie although the ending after the shootout was long. However I am a big fan of Robert Duvall so he makes any westerns worth watching.


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i have no issue with a movie running long , i rather like it , makes me think i got my investment back so to speak , but i want to watch a good one , ill atch this and let you know what i think after #1 , 

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