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Paying kids to go to school?

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While I am absolutely against the idea of taxpayer money used to pay the children to go to school, exactly how is this any different than paying your kids for good grades?


"Yes Bobby, I will give you $10 for every A on your report card, and $5 for every B, and a dollar for every C. So work hard!"


My parents never paid me for grades, but I had several classmates that said they got money for A's and Bs.

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You just can't make this stuff up.:angry: I already pay 10K a year to send the little bastages to go to school and I have no kids. Real tired of paying for everyone else's, you had em, you pay for em. Now I have to pay for their college too!:angry: GRUMP

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9 minutes ago, Alpo said:

While I am absolutely against the idea of taxpayer money used to pay the children to go to school, exactly how is this any different than paying your kids for good grades?


"Yes Bobby, I will give you $10 for every A on your report card, and $5 for every B, and a dollar for every C. So work hard!"


My parents never paid me for grades, but I had several classmates that said they got money for A's and Bs.

I got punished for bad grades, not rewarded for good grades. Good grades were expected. My dad has a PhD in Nuclear Engineering and my mom has a Masters in Biology, Chemistry somethingorother and taught those for decades. Slacking in education effort in their home was not going to be allowed. I'm quite surprised to be alive today. :D

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Back in the dark ages when I was in High School, they had an attendance policy.  You could exempt your final exams and didn't have to come to school on final exam day if you had a good enough grade and no absences.  They also suspended kids for fighting, stealing, being disrespectful to teachers and staff.  Usually a 2nd serious infraction resulted in being told not to come back.  Most of the trash was weeded out during the 10th grade year.  They turned 16 and could legally quit school.


Some parents paid/rewarded the kid for report card grades.  I don't have any data on that but I know I didn't get any.  

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9 minutes ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

  They also suspended kids for fighting, stealing, being disrespectful to teachers and staff.  Usually a 2nd serious infraction resulted in being told not to come back. 

You can't do that today, the little darlings might get their feelings hurt. Then their "parents" would sue.

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In elementary school if I got all A's my parents would buy me a new toy of some kind. Car, plane, etc. It didn't happen very often except a few times. Later  in Jr High or HS, no rewards but punishment if I skipped school which I did a few times. Grounded for a week or so!!:o BTW I never got all A's in Jr high or HS!

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:

While I am absolutely against the idea of taxpayer money used to pay the children to go to school, exactly how is this any different than paying your kids for good grades?


"Yes Bobby, I will give you $10 for every A on your report card, and $5 for every B, and a dollar for every C. So work hard!"


My parents never paid me for grades, but I had several classmates that said they got money for A's and Bs.



How would you feel about parents being forced to pay someone else's kids for good grades?  I had the initial reaction of "How is it different?" and then thought, "But they didn't pay my friends for their good grades."  

My folks did "pay" us for good grades. I think it was a buck for an A, half a buck for a B, nothing for a C, 50 cents off for a D and an F cancelled everything.  That was the only allowance we got, but we could also get some cash for things like, "Mom? Can I have two bucks for a model plane (or a buck for a book)?"  and as long as we didn't do it too often, say once a fortnight, we usually got it.  Or slip a 5 cent balsa glider into the shopping cart.  

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10 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

How would you feel about parents being forced to pay someone else's kids for good grades


2 hours ago, Alpo said:

While I am absolutely against the idea of taxpayer money used to pay the children to go to school

Same thing. Use my taxes to pay your kid to go to school or use my taxes to pay your kid to get an A.


Using tax money - using my money - to do this is wrong.


But paying the kids has been going on for decades. It's just been their parents paying them. So hey, wonderful. Instead of spanking the kid for skipping school, pay him to go to school. You pay your kid.

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I never got paid or rewarded with anything for good grades. Got punished for bad grades.


Failure is a part of life as is success. While rewarding for success is admirable, it should not be mandated, paid for or legislated by any entity except parents and family. 

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Well, you gotta start that welfare mentality early, otherwise they might grow up and make something of themselves. 

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You wanna punish a kid today?


Take away his/her (only two genders, btw) cell phone for a week. Their precious heads will explode. :D

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Back in the fifties and sixties, it was accepted and even expected that many students would NOT go on to college, (higher education) and would find trades and or gainful employment, suited to their abilities.


If a student expected to attend college, he/she had better produce grades that met academic standards and had to pass a/some kind of entrance exam/interview.


I received scholarship offers because of my scores on the recognized standardized tests! I was already working and making good money, so I chose to take classes at a community college that would improve my knowledge of those things that I made my living with and by.


I’d had enough school after a dozen years!  

What really needs to happen is this nation and the world as well, need recognize that for many students, college is a total waste of time and resources, (money, time, and space) that should be devoutly avoided!!


Considering that many “trades” like plumbers, welders, and electricians now command higher pay than many many “degreed” positions, it would make sense to encourage those who have the propensities to seek further education there.


Doing this would lighten the overload in “higher education”,  produce more useful, contributing individuals into the workforce, help rebuild our sagging infrastructure,  and greatly enhance our economy!



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It ain't gonna matter soon. Won't be long we'll do a nice repeat of the depression Era followed by some type of war

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NO - this is asinine , first we start paying everyone to do what they should then the government changes a bit and they are dishing out what they think we need while we work our A$$es off to make them rich , oh yes , i know that sounds like communism - where do you think all this is leading us ? and just when in history has that been a great thing for the people ? we already got "WE THE PEOPLE" we just need to reassert it , 

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On 1/25/2024 at 4:32 PM, Blackwater 53393 said:

Back in the fifties and sixties, it was accepted and even expected that many students would NOT go on to college, (higher education) and would find trades and or gainful employment, suited to their abilities.


If a student expected to attend college, he/she had better produce grades that met academic standards and had to pass a/some kind of entrance exam/interview.


I received scholarship offers because of my scores on the recognized standardized tests! I was already working and making good money, so I chose to take classes at a community college that would improve my knowledge of those things that I made my living with and by.


I’d had enough school after a dozen years!  

What really needs to happen is this nation and the world as well, need recognize that for many students, college is a total waste of time and resources, (money, time, and space) that should be devoutly avoided!!


Considering that many “trades” like plumbers, welders, and electricians now command higher pay than many many “degreed” positions, it would make sense to encourage those who have the propensities to seek further education there.


Doing this would lighten the overload in “higher education”,  produce more useful, contributing individuals into the workforce, help rebuild our sagging infrastructure,  and greatly enhance our economy!



THIS ^^^^
As a CDL instructor I often had apprentice linemen fresh out of school going into the CDL program. Initially confused me since the vehicles they usually drove didn’t require a CDL in the first place. One of the hiring managers told me that some companies used larger vehicles to more efficiently handle bigger outages and crews and a lineman with a CDL had more options as to where they served their apprenticeship and commanded up to $10K extra pay over someone who didn’t hold a CDL. Starting salaries for apprentices were about $45K or so plus $10K for the CDL. $55K starting pay for a non degree job sounds pretty good to a 19-20 year old! (Me too!) and then throw in lots of overtime on top of that!


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
Gateway Kid

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On 1/25/2024 at 7:21 AM, Rye Miles #13621 said:

NO!  They are going to use YOUR money and MINE to bribe kids to do what they used to be forced by parents, peers, and the community to do.

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So since the NCAA has allowed college athletes to monetize their fame I have seen several commercials both local and national that have 'College educated' people very poorly reading que cards.


Not impressed

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3 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

NO!  They are going to use YOUR money and MINE to bribe kids to do what they used to be forced by parents, peers, and the community to do.

Not about bribing kids. It’s about using taxpayer money to bribe and cultivate voters. 

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