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Doc Shapiro

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Doc Shapiro last won the day on November 19 2017

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1 Follower

About Doc Shapiro

  • Birthday 12/07/1968

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  • Location
    McCall, ID

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. Can't advise with no information. Here are some questions to ask yourself. Maybe it will help you narrow it down (we just went through exactly this): Why do you want to move? What is it about where are you that you aren't happy with? What do you want out of your new location? Proximity to hobbies, work, doctors, various specialists, churches, other things, and prioritize a list. What is your budget? What do you want in a new home? homes.com was a big help for us in finding properties. Good luck.
  2. Yup, likely less than a 2 hour drive. We're here FOR the white stuff! There's one about 30 minutes South. Will check it out in the late Spring.
  3. I hope you can find the right place. We wanted colder and snow. As my wife and I get older, our tolerance for heat is going down, and we're doing better with the cold. And we like skiing, a lot.
  4. Thermometer outside said 0 degrees this morning, local airport was reporting 6. It was a bit chilly. I needed to wear a hat Honestly, I need the exercise and don't mind dealing with the white stuff. Will have to do it again Saturday. After I get home from skiing! Ok.... I'm amazed at how close we are able to park to the lifts at the ski hill If you look closely, you'll see in eagle on the left side
  5. We're shortly going to go out and play on all that white stuff. Sliding around on it is quite entertaining.
  6. So very much so. More than I dreamed of.
  7. And the same mountain in daytime. Note that there's an eagle in the upper left quadrant.
  8. Howdy folks. It's been a while. We up and moved to McCall, ID. It's a lovely little mountain town, and a dream I've been chasing over 40 years. We got a little place on an acre. Here's a pic of something I've been waiting a lifetime for. And shot from inside our house out the back window. Hope everyone is well.
  9. Personally, credit card (most banks have a clawback in case of fraud to protect you). Or physical check and I want pictures of the item, along with today's newpaper to validate that it's a real item that the person has in hand. I also want mailing address up front (in case of check) so that I can validate the address is valid. I won't pay for anything any other way. Credit card or check or cash in person, with the photo proviso above if all by mail. Scammers are everywhere, and there are more and more of them every week. Be very cautious.
  10. I actually talked to Studdly last weekend on the phone.  He is struggling with health issues, but says he's gonna' beat it!  He sent out an e-mail a few weeks ago that worried some of us, so I had sent him a message to call me. 


    He sounded weak and short of breath. He told me that he was sorry for any offense he'd caused, explaining that some of it was medication issues.  He promised to keep me informed of any changes and assured me that he would be okay.  His daughter is helping him get around and kinda' watching over him.


    Just thought you'd like to know.


    Tennessee Stud is a friend and helped me through a situation that I couldn't handle myself!  I'll always be in his corner.


    1. Doc Shapiro

      Doc Shapiro

      Thanks for the update.  I count him among my friends as well.  I haven't seen him in years though, and haven't talked to him in too long.


      I sure hope he gets things sorted.  And please keep me updated.  If you talk to him, pass on my best and let him know I've been thinking of him.

    2. Blackwater 53393
  11. It likely would have been felt of some sort. Driftwood may have more specifics.
  12. Hello from Canada. always enjoy your stuff. Best  wishes  VICIOUS

    1. Doc Shapiro

      Doc Shapiro

      Thank you!  Glad to hear B)

  13. I would suggest rather that TT is a marathon and RP is a collection of individual sprints with the scores being nothing more than the order of finish.
  14. Townhouses? Really? That's so sad. It was a really interesting range.
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