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If Terrorist Conflict Comes to America


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As of this writing, I am not a pistol guy.
All of mine are revolvers.

One of my buddies suggested a pistol with a bag full of magazines might be more useful than a revolver with speed loaders.
I posted this question to Widder in an email, but will post it here as well.

My thoughts lean toward a Dan Wesson Kodiak in 10mm.

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There are four semi-automatic handguns in my house at the moment.  Three of them will accept the same high capacity magazines and have been fired with all of those magazines enough to know that they WILL work! There are many of those magazines available.


There are four semi-automatic rifles in my house. Three of them use the same ammunition and two use the same magazines.  All are tested and well maintained.


There is also a semiautomatic, magazine fed twelve gauge shotgun with several high capacity magazines, loaded and tested as well as SEVERAL pump shotguns that are capable of using the same ammunition.


We have ample ammunition for EVERY gun in the house, well within reach and easily accessible to those who would use it.


Everyone in the house is familiar with and competent in the use of all of these.

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While carrying a revolver might not be the best weapon to face a terrorist who's probably armed with an AK a revolver is better than nothing.


 Being proficient with a semi-automatic handgun and having extra magazines puts you in a more favorable position although still not a good one.


Situational awareness and knowing where the exits are in relation to your position in any building might even be more important. Know the difference between cover and concealment and be able to use both.


 I am a Glock guy but that Dan Wesson  Kodiak in 10 mm would be an excellent choice. Just don't use watered down 10 mm ammo to get its full effect and make sure your proficiency with your choice of carry is effective.

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My preferred choice is my 870 Wingmaster with extended magazine, loaded with 00 or 000.

My crystal ball is cloudy, and I have trouble visualizing what to expect.
So far, it is more likely that I will have ANTIFA/BLM in my front yard with a Molotov cocktail.

What disturbs me is the history of years past, where the threat was becoming ever more obvious, and yet the population did not arm or prepare.
I don't want to get caught with my pants down.

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This pair: 5 mags each. They shoot way better than I’ll ever be.


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57 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I got this a Canik 9mm 18 round mag and two 16's. 



The Caniks have the best factory trigger of any striker fired pistols that I've tried. The best semi-auto pistol for the money imo.


So far as mags vs speed loaders...not even close...mags all the way. Not my favorite caliber but 9mm also...much more ammo available for scavenge.

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IF? I can only imagine WHEN. I won't go through the list, but rest assured we are prepared. 


As to your question: I'd prefer the semi in a common caliber that takes common mags, but why not both? 

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Most of mine are revolvers too, and most of THEM are Cowboy revolvers. I Do, however have several self stuffers though. My EDC, Bigmouth is a 1911 in .45ACP. I have a half dozen mags for him, and probably 1000 rds of ammo. To some of you that might not be a lot, but that's what I have. I have 3 9mms that do not share mag compatibility, but have 3 mags for each. 

We also have His and Hers ARs, and a dozen mags a piece and a 1000 rounds. 

I think that we can hold our own for a while anyway. I we are successful, we will have "Battlefield Pickups" for when we run low on supplies.  

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I don't own any semi's, so mag sharing isn't a deal breaker for me.

It looks like the DW Kodiak is not CA compliant, so that one goes out the window for me.
That's a pity.

The 10mm would not be a CC gun, same as my Alaskan is not CC.
I'm just fine with the weight and suitability to task.

My next choice would be the Dan Wesson PM7 in 45ACP, which is on the CA compliant list.
But.. a 45 ACP is quite a ways down from the 10mm.
What it does offer is fast magazine change, which is the whole idea of why I'm considering one of these anyway.
I figured "go big or go home" in looking at 10mm vs 45ACP.

I had a S&W 9mm and dumped it.
I have less than zero interesting in 9mm.

Looking over my data, I see the 45 ACP is right up there with TKOF with the 10mm.
Perhaps I should rethink this more, and look back to the PM7.

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16 minutes ago, bgavin said:

I had a S&W 9mm and dumped it.
I have less than zero interesting in 9mm.

Looking over my data, I see the 45 ACP is right up there with TKOF with the 10mm.
Perhaps I should rethink this more, and look back to the PM7.

My preference for the .45ACP is mere long standing habit. I started carrying a .45 30 years ago, when it was a much better performing bullet than a 9mm. Bullet technology has progressed to the point that there isn't nearly as much difference as there used to be. If I were starting out today, I'd probably go 9mm.Everything else being equal, I'd probably get a newer Hi Power copy with 15 round magazines. I can't see myself carrying a plastic striker fired pistol, though. 

I think that the 10mm is more on the order of using a .44 Magnum for defence. It would certainly work, but likely be overkill. Add to that that 9mm ammo is as cheap as anything else you can find that's not a .22LR, and that would be the way to go. .45ACP, while more expensive than 9mm, is still WAY cheaper than 10mm. AND both are easier to find than 10mm. 

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Howdy Bgavin.


Sorri, I haven't looked at my email lately but I will post on this topic.


My EDC are basically two, 357 sig caliber pistols.   A SIG P229 Legend and a P320.

BUT..... in my truck are a couple more 'items' that should help me stay safe until reinforcements arrive.


One item most folks overlook:  carry a few packs of firecrackers with ya.   Ya never know

when the appearance of 'suppress fire' might help you.


My home is protected with a Mossberg 930 AND Beretta 1301.  Godzilla loads are the norm for these shotguns.

Also at my disposal are some Magnum pistols and of course, my favorite..... three .460 Rowlands.

The Rowlands are a beast.


If the unwanted show up at my house unarmed with nothing but their load mouth and rocks, I have a

nice chain saw that should put them on the run when I go out to 'talk' with them.

I'm just a little too old to carry on any lengthy conversations.......... ;)


EDIT:   Bgavin, take a good look at the H&K P30.  Highly rated pistol, 9mm, high





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The Kodiak is not available in CA, so I dropped the coin and bought the Dan Wesson PM7 in 45ACP.
I got a very good price on it from TheGunDock, and they already have my FFL on file.
One of my Bisley Security Six 22LR came from that vendor.

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Although they are more expensive. 9mm enthusiasts should check out Stacatto like the one I I showed in the last post. Extremely well made in Texas. Some of the tightest tolerances out there for a semi-auto that while higher cost doesn’t hit that $5000 and up mark for quality craftsmanship.

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As to a make and model, you need to handle them and see what feels best to you.


If SHTF, how likely are you going to be able to find 10mm or 45 ACP on a regular basis?


9mm with proper bullets and shot placement will do everything a 45 ACP will.

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Like @Dantankerous I am a Glock guy. I have a few of them and lots of magazines. I also have my Ruger PC Carbine that uses the same mags. If that’s not enough I have a Ruger SFAR in .308. 

I love my revolvers and cowboy guns but if trouble comes to my house trouble gets big trouble real fast. 

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48 minutes ago, Tennessee Trapper Tom said:

Although they are more expensive. 9mm enthusiasts should check out Stacatto like the one I I showed in the last post. Extremely well made in Texas. Some of the tightest tolerances out there for a semi-auto that while higher cost doesn’t hit that $5000 and up mark for quality craftsmanship.

 Lots of Stacattos in my area for sale both new and used.  I've handled a couple but never shot any of them. They look to be well built and very ergonomically friendly. But for their price tag (even the used ones) I would probably own one. Made in Texas does mean something to me.


Having played around with about every model and make of "combat handgun" over the years I finally decided to settle on one make and sell off all the rest just so I only have multiples of the same tool at my disposal with no unnecessary parts and pieces in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then the money I used to buy more sixguns. :D

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Automatic pistol and a bag full of magazines ain't a bad plan.


Or you could have a revolver and a bag full of clips.










I agree that if the world goes to hell 9 mm will be easier to find.


But until I run out I believe I will stick with 45.

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A pistol is only useful for fighting your way to your long guns.  There are many variations, but if SHTF, I would go with the AR-15 in 5.56 with lots of 30 round mags.  Ammo is NATO and commonly available.  It's way more effective than pistol rounds and a rifle is much more accurate and easy to shoot.  The AR-15 is effective to at least 500 yards with iron sites.   Uncle Sam's Misguided Children actually qualify at 500 yards.  


If you're confronting even moderately trained terrorists armed with an AK-47 and you're using a pistol, you are going to die.  

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In pistols - I have warm weather carry guns and cold weather carry guns.


Since I broke both of my wrists a couple years back (and they did not heal completely right) - I have had to dial back the recoil a little bit.

So my 10mm and 357 Sig days are behind me (tho both are FANTASTIC calibers).


Fortunately smaller caliber bullet design and ballistics have come a long way in the last 10 years.


My most common carry pistols are a Ruger LCP in 380acp with Federal Hydrashoks; underpowered, yes (but incredibly concealable even in Southern Nevada 115 degree weather) and if I stick it in someones eye socket and pull the triger - I guarantee they are having a bad day.


I also often carry a Smith & Wesson Equalizer in 9mm with red dot sight (wife carries an identical one - but hers is still iron sights).


Cold weather carry is usually my Springfield Armory 4 inch 1911 in 45acp.


My wifes cold weather is a Smith & Wesson round butt model 66 3 inch 357mag.


I also have a bug out bag where a Springfield Armory XD45 and 24 13rd mags (25 magazines {one in the gun} all fully loaded) lives.


I have 223 AR's, a 308 M1A, Remington 870 extended magazine 12g shotgun.


I have 1000's upon 1000's of rounds for each of these.


And if I deplete all these and am still kicking - cowboy guns/ ammo.

Custom Ruger 10/22's and 20 to 30k rounds of 22lr.


Hopefully it never comes to all this.


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3 hours ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:


How do you like the Caniks ? Me just my FN's  as far of the rest of the tactical stuff well I have better than most LEO's so no issue there however I will not click a trigger to save a liberal .


I like it a lot. The trigger has some takeup but once I got used to it it shoots great. It’s a full size gun with hardly any recoil. 

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2 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

A pistol is only useful for fighting your way to your long guns

This is a dumbass statement attributed to Clint Smith, and quoted by people constantly.


Is it better to have a J frame 38 in your pants pocket, or an AR-15 back at the house?


The purpose of a pistol is to have a gun when you can't have a rifle.


You go down to the grocery store. They'd probably call the cops on you if you walked in with a slung rifle. You're plowing the field. You're splitting wood. You're digging a hole. You're sitting at the dinner table. Hell, you're squatting down to take a dump. You can do all of that wearing a pistol. You can't do any of that with a rifle in your hand.


Are there better things to go to war with than a pistol? Certainly. But the pistol allows you to have a gun with you just about anywhere.

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30 minutes ago, Alpo said:

This is a dumbass statement attributed to Clint Smith, and quoted by people constantly.



There's a lot of truth in that statement.  I spend 35 years carrying a badge with pistol on my hip in Metro Atlanta, so I have a little experience in this area.  I also had a Remington 870 pump shotgun and/or an AR-15 in the truck of the car.  (Policies changed over the years)   If we were expecting trouble, you better believe I'd rather have along gun in my hands than a pistol.  

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2 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

I also must add your EDC ect will not matter it is not your enemies prefer weapon of choice , and will not be of any use .

Well, I tell you, if that dystopian nightmare happens, brass in the air, and hopefully taking even one or two along on the way out the door will ease my transition and let me RIP.  In my location, and situation, unless I am very unlucky, I won't be fighting with a handgun till the last. It will be a rifle.  Will I lose, likely but with a price.

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49 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

Well, I tell you, if that dystopian nightmare happens, brass in the air, and hopefully taking even one or two along on the way out the door will ease my transition and let me RIP.  In my location, and situation, unless I am very unlucky, I won't be fighting with a handgun till the last. It will be a rifle.  Will I lose, likely but with a price.

Same here but rifles do zero good when you get blown up 


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1 hour ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Same here but rifles do zero good when you get blown up 


Good point, first factor, you have no idea of the terrain on my ranch, and second, there is dam' all you can do about being blown up, ex making it hard to find you.

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We have 2 semi-auto's, .45ACP and .380, one revolver in .22,  one semi-auto .30cal M1 carbine, one Mosin Nagant M44 in 7.62x54R, a shotgun and an adequate I believe, amount of ammo. Our area is a somewhat low to moderate risk area, for now, so I'm satisfied with our current level of armament.

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Pretty safe as long as we stay out of big cities and big events.  Otherwise they pick the time, place, weapons etc etc.  We play defense.  Sadly the government is more worried about being WOKE and canceling us and our rights than doing their primary job.


I don't think there will be an attack at End of Trail:lol:

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19 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Whats funny is not one single person said one thing about having a trauma first aid pack around , couple tourniquets ect . Hopefully you never need it but you could save someone else 

I would never have thought to mention it in a "what gun " thread, but I do have those attached to my plate carrier. Won't do much good if I'm at the music festival tho. I also have a CAT tourniquet in my car.

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