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…on this day I was living in New York City when lightning struck an electrical substation and the lights went out in the entire city. The looting began almost immediately. Not in my immediate Queens neighborhood, but in the surrounding ones who could least afford it. A friend of mine living in Brooklyn said the sound of breaking glass lasted all night. A lot of businesses and jobs died at the hands of local residents in those 25 hours, never to return. Present times are sadly familiar. 

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On this day my family was essentially homeless. We were living in tents on a relative’s land. We were homeless for nearly 10 months after our home burned down on “Groundhog Day” in ‘77.

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I was seventeen, had graduated from high school, had a low paying job, was about to move out of my parents house...I was on top of the World.



Moved out and reality soon kicked in......

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On 7/13/77 I was.......wait.....I don't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. 

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I was going through a divorce, it became finalized in September of that year. I was living at my folks house which ironically is mine now.


That was a weird summer for me! I was worried about my kids but it all worked out!

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When the KC MO Fire Dept went out on strike. Cops, like me were now fighting fires set by arsonist along with crime. Now in Missouri it was illegal for fireman and cops to strike, also the arsonist were mainly firemen on strike. Several firemen were arrested for arson but when it was all over the governor pardon all firemen striking and those arrested for arson. 

Very bitter taste from cops

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7/13/77...I was rearranging MY room, as my sister had graduated and left home leaving me a room to myself.

I had just finished my eighth grade year.

I had not a care in the world.


This thread showed me once again the blessing my life has been.

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July, 1977.  I was between my third and fourth/final year in Veterinary College at the University of Missouri.  I was working for a two-vet rural practice and they were motivating me to do something other than farm animal practice!   After a one-hour drive home in the evening and taking a bath, it would be about time to change my two-month-old daughter's diaper, and then do the dishes after dinner.  The life of an adult student can be varied.  :lol:

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In High School, working at a local grocery store [Wiseway] and mowing lawns like crazy.

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Our chief water plant operator screwed me over so I quit and went full time as a paramedic.

Absolutely LOVED it!

There is no feeling like knowing you are absolutely in the RIGHT and getting paid for it to boot!

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I was a 16 year old lifeguard at the Jefferson City pool and life was good.  The pay sucked but the opportunities were endless.  That was back when there was 1 meter and 3 meter diving boards.  

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1 hour ago, Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381 said:


Lord have mercy... :blink:

Son of Sam scare was also that summer. Is one of many reasons I left. NYC was fun for about 80 days a year. The rest just plain sucked. Too much effort to live there. I am not a native New Yorker and had the perspective there were better places to live. Wasn’t a hard decision to pull the ejection handle. 

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