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Singin' Sue 71615

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Singin' Sue 71615 last won the day on February 11 2021

Singin' Sue 71615 had the most liked content!

About Singin' Sue 71615

  • Birthday 12/24/1962

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Buffalo Range Riders

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  • Interests
    Cowboy Memorial Chapel

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Singin' Sue 71615's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I like Buckaroo Bobbins cami/bloomer pattern. Also men's patterns...I believe both are sold through simplicity. I can tell you a size 40 mens cowboy shirt can be made from a queen size sheet!!!🤗 (50 cents from a thrift store, and really cool designs!!)
  2. True story... I put 'baby stroller' in the search bar for my photos to find mine... It shows about 40 photos of folks Rugged Gear carts on several ranges!
  3. I sit mine just like this...use leather ties to keep the mizzles in place. Easy Peasy. Put a pistol rack across the front.
  4. Soups Green Veggie Soup! Used a variety of veggies...the darker green, the better. Brussell Sprouts Mustard Greens Leek Onion Green onion Turnip Shataki Mushroom Celery Carrots Pressure cook for about 5 minutes after 'rockin' starts. In 6 cups of water, 2 Tbs of BETTER THAN BULLION :Rosted Onion Garlic, salt and pepper to taste! Enjoy
  5. Bobby Dazzler An Historical NM outlaw... Long Vest Gambler
  6. Remember when mom gave you a bad hair cut???
  7. Mommy put me in the pantyhose of shame!!! I won't stop licking!!!
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