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Didn't we have this argument a while back?

Trailrider #896

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Seem that Texas and the federal gubmint is having a discussion about who has the right to control who can put up razor wire or take it down. The governor of Texas is arguing it is a matter of states rights. I am NOT taking sides...that will be the job of the courts. But, didn't we have some difficulty along similar lines (though on a totally different situation) some 163 years ago? Hope it doesn't wind up the same way that situation did! :o


At least one Governor, whose state borders Mexico, is trying to stop the invasion of "Criminal Invaders", or as the Biden admin. and left wing media calls them "immigrants."

All of them need to be rounded up and sent back across the border.  Our tax paying, elected Fed. Govt. needs to do their job and close our borders to anyone trying to enter the USA illegally.  You want to emigrate to the USA, you should have to do it legally.


Ain't it funny that its a States Right to determine Abortion and the guidelines for allowing it.


BUT, when it comes to guarding our boarders, etc........ our Govt don't like 'States Rights' law.




54 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

SCOTUS ruled the Fed's have the right to order and enforce this.

Yes but they have also previously ruled the feds have the obligation to defend our borders. How’s that working out?


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid


Interesting that the governor of N? Dakota, who has been mentioned as a possible VP candidate says she is ready to ship more razor wire to Texas. More power to her!

8 hours ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

SCOTUS ruled the Fed's have the right to order and enforce this.


As I understand the federal argument, the razor wire keeping illegals out interferes with border agents' ability to process the illegals into the U.S.


If that doesn't highlight the absurdity of the administration's border polciies, nothing will.


Same with fences around the capital.


People here in Texas are pretty riled up. Some are flying the old 1845 Gonzales 'Come and Take It' flag, with the cannon replaced by razor wire. This could be the nidus of something much bigger. I think the WH realized this, and Biden blinked.




48 minutes ago, Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381 said:

People here in Texas are pretty riled up. Some are flying the old 1845 Gonzales 'Come and Take It' flag, with the cannon replaced by razor wire. This could be the nidus of something much bigger. I think the WH realized this, and Biden blinked.





The oblivious only blink because of instinctive reaction. Their caretakers are another story.


All the SCOTUS ruled was that the Feds could cut the wire.  They did not say that Texas could not put more up.  My solution is (and I submit it is a "Green solution") is scatter broken glass along the river bank about 100 yards wide and one inch deep. This instead of paving the bank with toxic asphalt.

20 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Ain't it funny that its a States Right to determine Abortion and the guidelines for allowing it.


BUT, when it comes to guarding our boarders, etc........ our Govt don't like 'States Rights' law.




It is an enumerated power of the federal government to control immigration as well as protect states from invasion.  However, Should the federal government not perform its' enumerated duty to defend a state from invasion the state can defend its' self.  The question is does the situation on the TX boarder legally an invasion?

Another question is can the federal government enter state property wo/permission from TX or court order.

7 hours ago, Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381 said:


Where were these flags manufactured and when were they imported to the US for distribution and sale?


Just curious...


Flags, signs, protests, calls to politicians, blah, blah, blah.   Want to stop the "Criminal Invasion" on our borders?

Put Snipers, US Military, Nat'l Guard, local, or State Lawn Enforcement, or paid mercenaries, if that's what it takes, on the border with orders shoot anyone crossing illegally, and I guarantee it will stop illegals from invading our country within 48hrs. 

1 hour ago, John Kloehr said:

Where were these flags manufactured and when were they imported to the US for distribution and sale?


Just curious...


No idea. Warrior 12 is selling the shirt.



Leaving bodies hung up in the razor wire will send a message as well. Might add some piranha to the river as well. They need to eat too! Maybe we could borrow some critters from Australia!

1 hour ago, Lone Spur Jake SASS #7728 said:

Flags, signs, protests, calls to politicians, blah, blah, blah.   Want to stop the "Criminal Invasion" on our borders?

Put Snipers, US Military, Nat'l Guard, local, or State Lawn Enforcement, or paid mercenaries, if that's what it takes, on the border with orders shoot anyone crossing illegally, and I guarantee it will stop illegals from invading our country within 48hrs. 


You go first, and concentrate on the kids. Somebody else can take the women.

17 hours ago, Lone Spur Jake SASS #7728 said:

Flags, signs, protests, calls to politicians, blah, blah, blah.   Want to stop the "Criminal Invasion" on our borders?

Put Snipers, US Military, Nat'l Guard, local, or State Lawn Enforcement, or paid mercenaries, if that's what it takes, on the border with orders shoot anyone crossing illegally, and I guarantee it will stop illegals from invading our country within 48hrs. 

Quit giving them anything but a one way ticket back across the border. Free housing, food, medical and education is bringing them over by the thousands. If they didn't get any benefits or handouts I am willing to bet a bunch of them would return back to Mexico. I also think if they added more alligators to the river it would stop of lot of the idiots coming across.



On 1/26/2024 at 9:19 PM, Trailrider #896 said:

Interesting that the governor of N? Dakota, who has been mentioned as a possible VP candidate says she is ready to ship more razor wire to Texas. More power to her!

that would be S dakota , but no worries , 


On 1/27/2024 at 4:15 AM, Ozark Huckleberry said:


As I understand the federal argument, the razor wire keeping illegals out interferes with border agents' ability to process the illegals into the U.S.


If that doesn't highlight the absurdity of the administration's border polciies, nothing will.

gotta agree with that thought , 


this is an invasion , the sheer numbers say so - but when that one incident happens [coming soon] who do we hold accountable ? i say trials for all federal admin that have anything to do with boarder starting from the top two and working our way down , 

BTW doesnt texas have a bit of special designation as a state ? 


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