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Chinese Buying Property

Yul Lose

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A number of avocado and citrus groves and other rural property out here have been bought by buyers from Hong Kong. The big avocado and citrus grove across the street where all the rattlesnakes come from was bought about 4 years ago and they don’t maintain it and the brush and weeds has taken over. Anyway they’ve been calling a couple of times a week on a line that has to be answered because of a business we own otherwise I wouldn’t answer it. The realtor that calls says he represents Asian buyers only, probably isn’t PC to call them that anymore but that’s what they are. He keeps offering more money and I hang up on him each time. I’d sell in a heartbeat but Mrs. Lose ain’t leaving and going through a divorce at my age won’t be fun. Anyone else out there been called by sales agents like him? 

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I get at least one post card or letter a week from someone trying to buy the house.  I don't know what they're offering.  Probably want to pay me 60 cents on the dollar, paint the house and flip it.  I'd move for enough money.  I can be bought but I ain't cheap.

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I have had over 250 calls on one place I own , that is in less that 3 months 


told em the price goes up $25000 for each call , told em $500000 cash , in my hand with in 24 hrs other wise GO AWAY 


 got a place out in the sticks , they want to buy , for 5% of its current value , un improved land there is $20 to $25000 an acre 

that place has a pond , well and electric already there ,  value $ 500 to $750000 offer $42000 NO Thanks 



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We are running into that here in Canada as well. Buildings and/or property purchased and just left idle or empty.

As far as buildings and homes just left empty, local governments are starting to impose a "Vacant Property Tax"  

I won't hazard a guess about the intentions of these off shore buyers, but it sure has one thinking, especially when you compare costs in say Vancouver, to a similar building in Ottawa. Like 2 and half+ times more in Vancouver, BC.

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There has been a lot of Korean investment capital put into residential and strip mall real estate on the north side of Atlanta.  They rent the 80's model houses to Hispanic laborers and do little to no upkeep on the properties.  The owners are in Korea and the properties are managed by a real estate company.  Very difficult to make a foreign based owner clean up a dump.  

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20 minutes ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

There has been a lot of Korean investment capital put into residential and strip mall real estate on the north side of Atlanta.  They rent the 80's model houses to Hispanic laborers and do little to no upkeep on the properties.  The owners are in Korea and the properties are managed by a real estate company.  Very difficult to make a foreign based owner clean up a dump.  

Ain’t that the truth. I’ve contacted our local fire department about the weeds and brush and nothings been done. I get a certified letter every spring that if I don’t keep the brush and grass mowed down on the side of the road on my property that they will do it and charge me for it, the place across the street looks like a jungle along the road.

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13 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

What I don’t understand is why any Foreign National can own land in the USA. I sure as heck cannot own land in their country. 

Because we were stupid enough to elect people who get rich off of it who don't care about anything but their own warped wants, and because your neighbors would sell their souls for a price.


We seriously NEED a depression and a major war to get us back on track.

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13 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

What I don’t understand is why any Foreign National can own land in the USA. I sure as heck cannot own land in their country. 

I agree. The one that really pizzed me off is the US Dept of the Interior allowing an Australian conglomerate to take over a gold mine in the San Bernardino Nat’l Forest. The aresholes began by closing roads and trails all around the mining area. I removed some of their blockages and was confronted by two of their security thugs. I guess having a strapped down pistol gets trumped by a very convenient 12 gauge pump gun quite handily. 
I raised so much hell the mining company was forced to reopen the roads and trails that we, the American taxpayer paid for. 
It still pizzes me off. 

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It could be quite simply resolved.


First, abandoned or neglected property can be declared unfit for habitation.

Then the party responsible for maintaining it can be ordered to repair or show cause for failure to do so. If it’s a management company, they can be ordered to reveal the owner. The owner can then be ordered to make the required improvements.


Upon failure to do so, the owner can be fined and ordered again to bring the property up to standard.


If the owner fails to have the necessary improvements made and/or fails to pay the fines, the property can be condemned and subsequently seized. 

The court can then sell the property at public auction.


 The problem here is getting the government entities that are responsible to do their damned job!!  Unless it suits them or is to their or the persons that run those agencies benefit, they are unlikely to do anything!!  :angry:

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Florida governor, Ron DeSantis signed a bill prohibiting Chinese citizens from buying land recently in Florida. Some info below. It is, of course, being challenged in court by the bleeding heart snowflakes.



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I am disgusted by politicians (no names mentioned) taking $ from Chinese businesses.  I don't think they are that naive to believe that many Chinese businesses are fronts for the communist party.


The Chinese government should not be able to buy favor with our politicians.  It is Treasonous and bothers me more than them buying property.  What ever happened to the Clinton Foundation after they had no power?  Hmmm.


This is the problem with being a free country with a constitution.  It is the same problem THEY have when they want to ignore the 2nd Amendment.  You are not KING AZ Governor.  Every time they claim EMERGENCY you are losing rights or $.


Our spending like drunken Sailors and not protecting our jobs from China will eventually be our downfall.  It will not be good when the $ is not the reserve currency for the world.  We need to protect our economy stupid.  We have had too many leaders recently that want to be world leaders not USA Leaders.

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Dollars are dollars. People earn dollars by making things and selling them to willing American buyers. If I employ my capital and labor and make something that you then buy with your dollar, is that dollar then not just as good as when it was yours?


Or, unlike your dollar, mine can be spent on anything but real estate?


If you don't want Chinese buyers here, don't buy their manufactured goods.

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 I'd probably sell my place.












For $1 billion.


And I'd throw in the crap in the garage.



With the drought in the Midwest affecting small farmers over the last 2 or 3 years I can see foreign money being very attractive to these farmers and landowners who are going to go bankerupt otherwise.

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25 minutes ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

Dollars are dollars. People earn dollars by making things and selling them to willing American buyers. If I employ my capital and labor and make something that you then buy with your dollar, is that dollar then not just as good as when it was yours?


Or, unlike your dollar, mine can be spent on anything but real estate?


If you don't want Chinese buyers here, don't buy their manufactured goods.


The Chinese are buying farmland as fast as they can. Why do you suppose that is?


Could it be to have leverage against us when war threatens? Imagine the impact of destroying millions of acres of crops, stored grain, beef and dairy herds overnight. If you think the Communist Chinese government is not in charge you are sorely mistaken.


The Communist Chinese government is bank rolling most of the legal and illegal drug operations in the state of Oklahoma. Proof is in the identities of those arrested and others that have been found dead that are tied to the drug trade. Most have ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

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This might be a good reason not to buy Chinese goods....


I have a very nice Englishwoman friend. She's lived here for decades, but is still  an English citizen. A fine and active member of the community. She bought  a nice house, which she is allowed to do with her dollars, though she is a foreigner.

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I still don't understand why Gates is buying up so much farmland and then stopping all production on that farm.


The Microsoft co-founder is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the country with some 269,000 acres across dozens of states, according to last year's edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nation's largest landowners.May 2, 2022





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Gates is selling the fake beaf.  I Thought he is vertically integrating.  He took advantage of COVID to buy land cheep.  He is also involved in Vaccines.  There is a documentary called something like "In the mind of Bill Gates".  He is a bit mad scientist, take over the world.  The kind of villain Batman fights.


I wish I didn't feel our leaders were so inept while Putin and China seem to be executing a strategy effectively.

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4 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:


The Chinese are buying farmland as fast as they can. Why do you suppose that is?


Could it be to have leverage against us when war threatens? Imagine the impact of destroying millions of acres of crops, stored grain, beef and dairy herds overnight. If you think the Communist Chinese government is not in charge you are sorely mistaken.


The Communist Chinese government is bank rolling most of the legal and illegal drug operations in the state of Oklahoma. Proof is in the identities of those arrested and others that have been found dead that are tied to the drug trade. Most have ties to the Chinese Communist Party.


It's not just farmland in the middle of nowhere that they are buying. They are also specifically targeting farmland next, and in some case abutting, US military bases and major transportation hubs. It's not just farmland they are "innocently" buying and they aren't providing TikTok because they want to be humored either.



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36 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


It's not just farmland in the middle of nowhere that they are buying. They are also specifically targeting farmland next, and in some case abutting, US military bases and major transportation hubs. It's not just farmland they are "innocently" buying and they aren't providing TikTok because they want to be humored either.



That’s right. We’re near Camp Pendleton, Mira Mar Marine Corps Air Station and of course all the San Diego Naval ports. Just to the north of us is March Air Force Base.

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