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Alec Baldwin Shot and Killed Female Cinematographer, Injured Director on Movie Set

Buckshot Bear

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3 minutes ago, WOLFY said:

AD Dave Halls was fired from a 2019 production for passing a gun along without confirming it’s status himself.




Yeah ... I saw on RT where Alex was re-tweeting links to this article ... a lot ... (good plan Alex!!) ... :lol:

... AND this one ... about the girl ... 




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40 minutes ago, Patagonia Pete said:

Normally, he told detectives, he would examine the barrel for obstructions and have Gutierrez Reed open the hatch and spin the drum where the bullets go, confirming none of the rounds is live.


Sounds like Mr. Hall is just as clueless about guns as everyone else was. He never heard the words "loading gate" and "cylinder" before???

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20 minutes ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:


Sounds like Mr. Hall is just as clueless about guns as everyone else was. He never heard the words "loading gate" and "cylinder" before???


... AND ... 

Everyone is assuming this guy knew how to get the "drum" to spin anyhow. 

He probably just opened the "hatch" and kept cocking the gun ... trying to get those 45s aligned just right so he could check them (hole in the side). 

No wonder he only checked three. 

Betcha betcha bectha he didn't know how to put the gun at half cock.

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1 hour ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

Only one thing surprises me about the Alec Baldwin incident. And that is the amount of information being released before the completion of the investigation. It’s almost like they have already decided there will be no criminal charges filed. I’ve never seen a potentially criminal investigation handled like this.

I’ve pondered that exact question. Whatever happened to, “It’s an active investigation and we can’t comment at this time.”

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2 minutes ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

I’ve pondered that exact question. Whatever happened to, “It’s an active investigation and we can’t comment at this time.”

That's only for people like Timothy McVeigh and/or other Federal trials ... (zero coverage). 

Oops ... I'm gonna tune into Oprah and watch some of those Jan 6 trials today ... (uh ... nope) ... 


For OJ Simpson or stuff like this it is a free for all ... Good luck getting an fair/unbiased jury trial.

Everyone ... will have decided who they think is guilty long before there would ever be a trial.

If there is a chance they won't (come to the desired conclusion) there will be government leaks to steer/correct public opinion.  

IMHO as always ... 

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:58 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Someone SHOULD go to jail. Whether they will or not...


-New Mexico law looks to be more lenient than Calif.  “I didn’t know it was loaded” can’t possibly get one off, though.  


-Baldwin should have never pointed at the crew with the camera (nor anyone else).


from “theLatch” interview with Propmaster Dutch Merrick (decribing protocols on set w/ Actors, Armorers & firearms).






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2 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

EVERYBODY'S laws are more lenient that Kaliforia's.

Unless you are an actor, then you have no criminal liability for pointing a gun at people and pulling the trigger along with no personal responsibility for verifying the state of a firearm.


But in said region, I'm sure the producer of the film eventually will suffer strict liability under civil law for the actions of said actor. So there is that.


Still, I am so glad I moved to the United States.

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So Baldwin has been retweeting negative posts about the assistant director and armorer about past incidents  where there were shots negligently disharged and other actors and crew insisting they be fired and walking off sets. Trying to point the blame at only them. But he knowingly hired these people to save some money. 

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2 minutes ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:

So Baldwin has been retweeting negative posts about the assistant director and armorer about past incidents  where there were shots negligently disharged and other actors and crew insisting they be fired and walking off sets. Trying to point the blame at only them. But he knowingly hired these people to save some money. 


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This ass is working social media for his benefit.
I can see where he could claim he can't get a fair trial, etc, or the legal system is too afraid of a guilty verdict.

As noted above, I am shocked the LEOs have such loose lips.

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1 hour ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:

So Baldwin has been retweeting negative posts about the assistant director and armorer about past incidents  where there were shots negligently disharged and other actors and crew insisting they be fired and walking off sets. Trying to point the blame at only them. But he knowingly hired these people to save some money. 


he probably hired them PLUS as soon as his stunt double had 2 NDs the week before he should have replaced everyone in that line... his decision not to is going to cost him in the civil action (should the Camera Woman’s family choose to pursue one). 

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I saw a report yesterday, will try to find and post a link, from so "expert" reporter that a "Live Round" was recovered from the shoulder of the wounded victim. Now unless the pistol was a muzzle stuffer and loaded with a 'live round' I fail to see how that happened!

There's lots of "information" flying around, most of which I ignore.

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22 hours ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

Only one thing surprises me about the Alec Baldwin incident. And that is the amount of information being released before the completion of the investigation. It’s almost like they have already decided there will be no criminal charges filed. I’ve never seen a potentially criminal investigation handled like this.


It seems any time a case turns into a full-blown media circus protocol goes right out the window. The Brian Laundrie case is another example.

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I agree with Utah Bob… My guess is that investigators pretty much know that no one is going to see any criminal charges.  


Armorer just released a statement through her lawyers.  Her claim is that she was denied holding additional safety meetings (especially after 3 Negligent Discharges prior to the fatal incident).

She re-states there should have been zero live rounds on the set.



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2 hours ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:


It seems any time a case turns into a full-blown media circus protocol goes right out the window. The Brian Laundrie case is another example.

A  full-blown media circus IS protocol these days. Actual information is what goes out the window.

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3 hours ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:


It seems any time a case turns into a full-blown media circus protocol goes right out the window. The Brian Laundrie case is another example.

This is just another in a long line of media "shiny objects" contrived to divert the public attention away from the ongoing horrors in Afghanistan, the tens of thousands of unvaccinated illegals being released into America, and our chronic 3rd world shortage of so many items because works make more on the dole, than on the job.

The Gabby Petito object has lost its shine, so the professional mourners have moved on to the new glittering distraction of the Baldwin shooting. 

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On 10/29/2021 at 11:12 AM, Sixgun Sheridan said:

In the end Colt will probably get sued for not having another idiot-proof safety on their revolvers.

 It wasn't a Colt.


The New Mexico authorities will do a thorough investigation. Wait for the final report. Not a single one of us has anything to contribute to that. Not a thing.


Is it a circus? Yes; and a lot of the folks here are part of it. I guess none of us can ever leave enough alone anymore. Myself included. 


We complain about the media. We're part of it, like it or not.

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The woman Baldwin shot is dead, and she will remain dead.
She was alive long enough to speak to her crew as she bled out and died.

The only thing I want to "contribute" is finally seeing a loud mouth anti-gun limousine liberal actually have to own the consequences of his actions.

Baldwin took possession of the gun when it entered his hands.
Baldwin failed  the #1 responsibility:  clear the weapon
Baldwin cocked the hammer of that SA revolver.
Baldwin aimed the revolver.
Baldwin pulled the trigger.
Baldwin killed that woman and wounded the man behind her.

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3 hours ago, bgavin said:

The woman Baldwin shot is dead, and she will remain dead.
She was alive long enough to speak to her crew as she bled out and died.

The only thing I want to "contribute" is finally seeing a loud mouth anti-gun limousine liberal actually have to own the consequences of his actions.

Baldwin took possession of the gun when it entered his hands.
Baldwin failed  the #1 responsibility:  clear the weapon
Baldwin cocked the hammer of that SA revolver.
Baldwin aimed the revolver.
Baldwin pulled the trigger.
Baldwin killed that woman and wounded the man behind her.

There are different protocols in film. Rule one is treat every gun like it’s loaded, well then you can’t have actors pointing guns in movies. Don’t point it at anything you don’t want to kill. Again movies are fantasy. The failure is with the prop master for handing someone a loaded gun ( she has been in trouble before for similar issues) the producers for doing it on the cheap, and ultimately the director who is the ultimate say on a set. It they had Baldwin driving a car and the brakes failed killing someone would he be responsible?

Actors are just that, people who pretend. Not experts and they do as told by the directors. This is tragic but it was with Brandon Lee and Jon-Erik Hexum. Sometimes life is messed up and bad things happen. 

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Your are welcome to your opinion... but I do not share it.

Hexum was a fool... he put a blank gun to the side of his head, pulled the trigger and drove the blank wad into his brain and killed himself.

There is no end of fools in the world. 
Inexperience or stupidity does not excuse manslaughter.



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1 hour ago, Buckshot Bear said:

Total off topic.


Went to that site. It served up an ad for my local grocery store. A .au site serves ads for the grocery store in The Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.


Anyway, back on topic in my next post.

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6 hours ago, Mezcal Charlie said:

There are different protocols in film.

There are. Way back in this thread I posted the memo and firearms requirements while filming (this memo was not issued per its own requirements).


On reading the memo, it seems to me the first rule is that no firearm is loaded unless it is absolutely known to be loaded.


This is a sad SMH view of firearms safety.


Another SMH is seeing how those of us with firearms knowledge put responsibility on a shooter and those without firearms knowledge hold this shooter harmless.

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10 hours ago, Buckshot Bob said:


Too bad they didn’t have an NRA instructor on set. This would have never happened. 

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10 hours ago, Mezcal Charlie said:

There are different protocols in film. Rule one is treat every gun like it’s loaded,

well then you can’t have actors pointing guns in movies. Don’t point it at anything you don’t want to kill.

 If a gun has to be aimed at another actor, there is NO reason that it should be a real gun.

Again movies are fantasy. The failure is with the prop master for handing someone a loaded gun ( she has been in trouble before for similar issues)

If I remember right, The Armorer wasn't even on set. It was an assistant Director who handed Baldwin the gun, declaring it "Cold". HE is the one who had the similar issues. He's the one who had Negligent Discharges on two other occasions. Why there were guns unsecured when the Armorer wasn't on set is another question.

the producers for doing it on the cheap, and ultimately the director who is the ultimate say on a set.

She wanted safety classes given, but was overruled.

It they had Baldwin driving a car and the brakes failed killing someone would he be responsible?

The gun didn't malfunction, it did what it was designed to do. If Baldwin had been driving a car, and drove it into someone, would he be responsible?

Actors are just that, people who pretend. Not experts and they do as told by the directors.

Again, the Armorer wanted safety classes that would have told the actors how to safely handle the guns.

This is tragic but it was with Brandon Lee and Jon-Erik Hexum. Sometimes life is messed up and bad things happen. 

 Bad things didn't "just happen". If the people involved had proper training, "bad things" wouldn't have happened.


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Baldwin is no rookie. He's done plenty of films with real professionals where firearms were involved. (Red October, at least 2 Mission Impossibles, The Getaway...) He knows the rules and what is required. Ultimately this is on him.

From production to procedures to personnel to equipment to pulling the trigger, this is on him from top to bottom.  You can point fingers at the AD or the twenty nothing "armorer", but he doesn't get to play the victim. This is on him.

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