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What does “ISO” stand for?

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Don't feel out of sorts. I have been holding off on what BTT means, or when people say Bump. 


I love people who use IMHO - in my humble opinion. Which doesn't really mean they consider their opinion to be humble, more passive/aggressive writing.


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Nimble, we could start a topic about Acronyms used on this wire. What say you? Would help us newbies.


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BTT=Back to the top


Bump=Bump it back up to the top


Check out this thread that was once pinned at the top of the Wire. (Thanks Allie Mo)




Also remember, Google can be your friend.;)


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3 hours ago, Russ The Red said:

Nimble, we could start a topic about Acronyms used on this wire. What say you? Would help us newbies.


I say we go back to writing complete words in forum posts and let the shortcuts stay in texts!  Not bein onery just thinking that too much away from a good vocabulary foundation. 

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5 hours ago, Titus A. Gnatsass, SASS #71705 said:

BTT=Back to the top


Bump=Bump it back up to the top


Check out this thread that was once pinned at the top of the Wire. (Thanks Allie Mo)




Also remember, Google can be your friend.;)


Thank you for the reference. This is much much better than what I had envisioned - but then I'm more or less stuck in the 70"s.

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For most of this group   BFF    bran flakes forever

                                              OMG    old man groaning

                                             FWIW     forgot where I was

                                              LMDO    Laugh my dentures out

                                             LWO        Lawrence Welk"s on

                                               BYOT      Bring your own teeth

                                               LOL         Little old lady

Now let the fun begin      Not laughing at you,    am you!!!          GW

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To be proper,  you should spell it out first followed by parentheses with the acronym.  Such as: Fuel Oil (FO). 

In this manner everyone knows what you're talking about throughout your discussion. 


Just 2 cents worth, 




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1 hour ago, I. M. Crossdraw, SASS# 8321 said:

LMAO just reading all the posts. :lol::lol::lol:.


PS: don't ask me what LMAO means.B)


That would be the Louisa May Alcott Organization, correct?:P

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1 hour ago, Cheatin Charlie said:

ISO = I SO OLD!  Thas is cool. You can make a group of letters mean whatever you want and let the reader figure out what it means !

A new brain twister is created. DYGMD?

Did you get my drift

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Holy smokes guys!  Looks like I started something with my first post ever....   It's been a fun read!  and I did get some good help with my ISO carbine gunsight request!    Thanks All!

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9 hours ago, Cheatin Charlie said:

You all think this is funny but wait until your doctor starts substituting letters for words and see how your nurse likes it!  Of course after looking at prescriptions the 

doctor writes maybe he does already!

Too late Charlie, I pretty much know them letters.  Beside, I tell them what to write anyways. ;)

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On 3/6/2019 at 12:53 PM, El Cubano said:

Internation Organization for Standardization

I remember trying to be IAW ISO9000.



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5 hours ago, Alpo said:

I remember trying to be IAW ISO9000.



I know what that means. ;)

On both accounts. 

One is a pain in the arse.

The other is s funny sandwich. :lol:

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My sisters used to email and text me all those lovely abbreviations and acronyms. 

So, once when I was visiting back home I started using them during our conversation. They got the point very quickly after I spouted a few sentences use the abbreviations instead of saying the words.


“Bee Tee Double You...This could make for a very annoying character in a comedy skit, don’t you think Ell Oh Ell. It would have people Are Oh Eff Ell Em Aye Oh, dontcha think?”



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