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Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

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Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439 last won the day on August 14 2017

Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439 had the most liked content!

About Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

  • Birthday 08/03/1955

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    25439 LIFE
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Goldcoast Gunslingers

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Coconut Creek Florida 33073
  • Interests
    Anything Shooting, My Family, And all the Veterans!

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I would seriously consider them if they had a .44 mag chambering, as I shoot .44spcl. Had many Taurus guns and am most happy with them
  2. I had both eyes done on Friday and was working by Tuesday the following week! I have shot a lot of different guns since but I have not shot a .45-70, got a 1886, a Trapdoor carbine and a .45-60 1876 original that i am slightly concerned about only because my right eye has had 2 detached retinas. About that, after you get your lenses, if you start to see something like a “shade” slowly coming down your vision, go immediately to either where you got the cataract surgery or the ER, DONT WAIT! You could lose sight in your eye! You won’t feel anything, the only way you know is the shadow on your vision. I went to Rand Eye Institute in SE FL! what the others said is also good advice, ask your DR as well.
  3. I am thinking they were shown as attention getters! Down here in FL, those examples would have been “Not for sale”, instead of not compliant. Still irritating.
  4. There are usually sites that list the three days of guns and exhibitors and I couldn’t find them that would show the cowboy firearms. Anyone see anything worth mentioning?
  5. My understanding is that when Colt came out with this rifle, a Winchester representative visited Colt with a single action revolver they were going to manufacture in competition to Colt’s SAA and Colt stopped production. Not sure if the story is true, but I never saw a picture of the pistol.
  6. Ok I was for a press for the .454 and .460 dies I just got and the set you are including would be good to have. So I would like to buy your press and dies. Send me a personal message with the pymt methods you accept and we can get the deal done!
  7. Hate to be critical but every time I look to see what you are selling you pictures don’t show up. Might help sales, at least for me.
  8. Want to buy the 2 canteens - pm sent
  9. Yeah, but then with Gunbroker’s fees, sales tax and shipping they might be cheaper from the retailer suggested above. I looked on EBay and was blown away by how high the prices are now! Last time I looked they were only about $110 - $150! Now they are starting at $150!
  10. And you can always find bond barrels on EBay
  11. Yes he did an engineer. I believe his sin directed it as well.
  12. I love that Gene Roddenberry wrote a lot of the earlier episodes and Victor McLaglen’s son Andrew directed them! We see the between 8-9am on H&I (ch 210 on Xfinity).
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