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I. M. Crossdraw, SASS# 8321

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Everything posted by I. M. Crossdraw, SASS# 8321

  1. I think it only applies to monthly matches and not the State match. Unless they've changed the rule at their club level. PM or email their match director. Their info is on their website. This is a great fun match. They have a great shooting range and it's in a park-like setting. I've shot there for many years before I retired then moved to Florida. Great bunch of folks. You will have a great fun time, a great cowboy town of Stoney Bottom with great shooting bays, you'll love it. Good luck.
  2. Did you read my statement?
  3. BP is loaded by volume. Load the cases with BP and leave enough space for the base of the bullet to be seated into the case with slight compression. No need for moderate or heavy compression, 38 spec. cases are small volume. Usually, a 1.2 to 1.5 cc of BP is enough to charge the case with 2F or 3F BP. YMMV.
  4. I think it's reasonable. May I suggest that if you're not shipping, you may think about selling it at a local CAS club like the Logan's Ferry Regulators near Pittsburgh. Someone might take you up on it there. Good luck on the sale.
  5. I think this is for a single stage MEC press. I've got a Universal charge bar on my 9000 and it doesn't look like this. For the 9000, the charge bar has both dial adjustment for the powder and shot. But I could be wrong.
  6. Howdy Cpl. Henry, Hope you're doing well. Yes, the Multi-scale or Universal charge bar is the way to go for 9000E, I have one on mine. Unfortunately, they are nowhere to be found. I hope someone here might have one they're not using and be willing to let it go. Good luck. Regards, Crossdraw
  7. And it's going to be 77 here in Sebring, Florida. Stay warm up there, hope y'all enjoy your shoot.
  8. Place a strip of blue painter's tape over the bolt. That's what I did, and it works. Besides if you need to make more adjustment, you can just easily peel off and reinstall tape. Works for me.
  9. I don't have FB account, but the wife does so I asked her to vote. Great outfit, nice job.
  10. Sad news indeed, haven't met him but have conversed through the wire. Condolences and prayers up for a great cowboy and his family. RIP pard.
  11. Can be donated to the Salvation Army and they can come and pick it up if you're not willing to trash it. Just a suggestion.
  12. Nope, I've never used a baffle when loading BP, although I use a Lyman 505 to charge my ammo and shotshells. I agree that using a baffle for BP loading is a PITA.
  13. I don't know about that. When I used to live in Ohio, my backyard was full of clay in the soil. Never thought of using it to load ammo though. I was afraid it'll all be squib loads.😝🤣
  14. Back at you and to all, Happy Thanksgiving. 🦃
  15. Never heard of them too but Google Earth the address and it showed a physical store. It's located in Douglasville, Georgia.
  16. I have done it and have no problem. Go slow and easy and at your own risk. Wear safety glasses just in case. If in doubt, don't do it, not worth saving only a handful. IMO
  17. Hey PD, The straight 73 buttstock do fit on a 73 carbine, although have to redrill the screw hole of the upper tang. The lower tang screw hole lines up with the buttstock. But I know that I have switch a 73 buttstock on a 66 and they fit the last time I did it. I don't know if there is any changes on the newer buttstock. If you have a 73 buttstock, you can try it out on your 66. Regards to you and Skipper.
  18. Howdy Dawg, Have tried this before switched a 73 buttstock on a 66 carbine and it fit. That was a few years ago before I gave the 66 to Little Crossdraw. I don't know if that is possible with some fitting. I have a 73 carbine and try to fit a straight buttstock on it. I have to let you know.
  19. Well, here you go. This will get rid of that mule kick and Scarlett has the answer. 🤠 Get the APP.
  20. Thank you to those who have served and are still serving for our freedom.
  21. JMO, if the manufacturer suggested to no compression, I would heed that warning. They do a lot of research and testing of their powders. I agree with some pards that compression of 1/4" seems to be quite excessive, and I'd be too leery to do that. I shoot real BP and I don't compress my load that far not even greater than 1/8". IMO heed the warning of the powder manufacturer.
  22. You can call Bond Arms and they may send you a lightened hammer spring. At least that's what I did.
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