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Hello Folks,


I normally would not start a thread about W3G on a SASS forum. However, I just saw Palaver Pete's article in the December Chronicle and would like to set the record straight. :angry:


Western 3 Gun is alive and well, at least it is in Piru California. They shoot every month and have an annual match called World Cup. I have enjoyed shooting there myself. :)




Allie Mo

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Oh-heck yes, W3G is alive and well and a 'blast'. Come out to Piru, CA. and give it a go

Someone really should have done some research before printing nonsense like that. :angry::rolleyes:

BTW-maybe that writer should have shot a match of W3G before running 'off' like that.

Carry on,


Posted (edited)

PS I wrote Skinny, the editor and requested a correction.

GOOD :excl:

Sure as heck needs one :excl:

Along with a written apology to 'Lefty Longridge' who runs it :excl:


Edited by The Original Lumpy Gritz

I doubt many will read the digital CC. Palaver Pete seldom gets the record straight, he once wrote about the High Plains regional and failed to mention who the regional champions were.

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Western 3 Gun is NOT dead!!! We shoot it monthly and love the people and the sport! It's a different skill set than regular SASS but is equally safe and really hones your aim. Please don't knock it til you try it! New year's shoot at Piru with W3G on Saturday and regular SASS shoot on Sunday with the Hole in the Wall Gang. Would love to see you there!!!


W3G...That looks like fun! Where would one find info on it?


I tried 3 Gun, you know, modern semi-autos...too many big egos and too much "tacti-cool" for me.

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@patriot - Google Western 3 Gun and the Deadwood Boys page will come up. They're also on FB. Don't have to use black gins unless you want to. Stoke your '97 - it's soooooooo much fun!!!


@patriot - Google Western 3 Gun and the Deadwood Boys page will come up. They're also on FB. Don't have to use black gins unless you want to. Stoke your '97 - it's soooooooo much fun!!!

How about my 87? I love running that thing stoked.


Your '87 is GTG. But, you start out we 2 shells loaded.

BTW, Some SASS clubs allow you to 'stoke' the SG.

Cajon Cowboys is one.


Coyote Valley lets me stoke it for wild bunch, or their mix and match shoot. I used to shoot it at Chabot before that one closed down. I love running that thing like I stole it. So much fun.


Thank you, Calamity Annie. I will check it out. I don't do Facebook though.


There was at least one other thing in the article I questioned. However on this one let me ask a question. If Western 3 Gun is only shot at Piru isn't it basically dead (as far as being some sort of viable shooting sport)?

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It's dead in the Midwest and south or maybe it wasn't ever alive




I've only shot cowboy and wild bunch here in bend Oregon. Haven't seen any w3g but I would sure like to give it a go.

I have no idea as to the facts within the article but I can say palaver Pete is one hell of a great cowboy. I hope his prediction of the comeback of w3g is true. Locally here it doesn't currently exist.


WE have regular 3 gun shoots at PSC in Friendswood Texas. Always a good attendance.




Joined it when it started but never shot in it. Nothing up here but NRA bullseye and SASS. I have CFDA but we are only a "Club in the Works". It is hard to produce the energy at :( my age!!!


Never heard of one 'round here!! Never heard of one in all of Ohio. We have plenty of CAS shoots though, depending on how far you want to drive you can shoot every weekend twice!!! ;)


OHIO, the wild wild midwest!! :D


Hello Folks,


How wide spread W3G is does not matter. The sport was incorrectly and negatively portrayed in a Chronicle article by Palaver Pete, who wrote W3G is dead.


IMO, any shooting sport, especially one so closely aligned with CAS stylistically as is W3G, should be embraced, not demeaned. People who buy guns for W3G, will look for other sports to use them and SASS is the primary other sport. The same goes for W3G as your CAS (and WBAS) guns may be used in that sport.


Also, IMO, the WB and SASS officials have overcome most of the negativity that might have originally been directed toward the originators of W3G. They are different, but similar sports, as are WBAS and SASS. They all can coexist without animosity.


As a final note, this is my personal opinion and I do not mean to disparage either SASS or W3G. I enjoy participating in both of them (and WBAS).




Allie Mo



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I found it interesting that the author seems to think that wild bunch draws as many shooters as SASS. Maybe it is just in my area but it is not even close here. How many stand alone wild bunch events do you see apart from a monthly event here or there?


I found it interesting that the author seems to think that wild bunch draws as many shooters as SASS. Maybe it is just in my area but it is not even close here. How many stand alone wild bunch events do you see apart from a monthly event here or there?

That was the "other" question I referenced in my earlier post. Almost without fail at any large match the number of WB shooters is 15% of those shooting the CAS match. I wonder where he is shooting that the WB shooters out number the CAS shooters?


How about NCOWS??? Never heard of one of these 'round these parts either, there was one in Indiana a while back!

Posted (edited)

I'd love to try W3G but Piru is a bit to far for me. If there were W3G offered a little closer to home I'd be at each match. I guess the problem is finding a venue for it and down here IMO the only venue that might have a place for it is Cajon. Norco wouldn't be welcoming because they've pretty much turned into a public shooting range now and the other venues that I frequent wouldn't know what it was.

Edited by Yul Lose

We have a l8cal regular three gun and every nowvand then a couple of us use our cowboy guns (hey 1800s tactical). A lot of fun but a 40 round pistol and rifle stage is a challenge to reload on. Match director loves it and if 4 of us run then he will call it separate timed category along with prize. Thee gun is fun, doing it the marlin and schofields really lets you relive some of the old westerns.


I would love to shoot w3g but here in the mid west we don't have any ranges that I know of that has the set up or are currently shooting w3g anybody know of any ranges close to Oklahoma that shoots it ?


I'd have always wanted to shoot it but it's rules differs from sass as I recall like shooting while moving which is a no no in sass I would shoot using the sass rules so I don't develop bad habits


We tried a few W3G matches at Tater Hill a few years ago and even had the bonus targets made for it. We hoped it would draw more shooters to our small program and maybe give us a little something different.. All that came were mostly are small group of regulars, The serious SASS shooters complained about it messing up their timing. I thought it was fun.


We had several Wild Bunch matches before WB became official, but they did not catch on either. The shooters were so concerned about brass recovery it took forever to shoot a match. We switched to doing a .22 version of WB match and we get at least a few shooters. The last one I wrote with 20 pistol shots on a few stages was right out of a club's real WB matches. The shooters expected the usual 10-10-4 round count of a regular cowboy match complained about too many pistol rounds. At least we did not spend all day looking for missing brass.


Times have changed. None of the real competitive shooters want to shoot flying birds or shoot a Texas star. Even the simple shotgun target which pops up a clay slows down a regular match, but would add to a W3G.


If I knew I could draw some shooters, I would work to get some dates and put on W3G or WB on a regular basis.

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We had it at one club T and R ranch Lefty and Lill came down but that club is gone to many people moved in it is fun.I would still like to shoot it but no clubs offer it.Lefty is good people. Chance


Been around a spell so here's my thoughts and they are worth what you've paid for them.


WTG was formed by a bunch of IPSC guys who wanted to play cowboy. It;s run and gun, which is diametrically opposed to what CAS is/does. Piru remains it's stronghold as Piru is what's left of SWPL after it moved from Sand Canyon. I know it's since moved to Angeles but SWPL is a shell of it's former self. A lot of the shooters saw WTG as the best of both worlds.

Most of us are older and we grew up on cowboy shows/movies We don't want to run and gun SASS has moved far and away from it's original principles and WTG is in my opinion an abomination.


Remember for years SASS and NCOWS were at odds, yet we should embrace WTG with open arms? Why? Just because they use cowboy guns like they are 1911's and AR's?!

Doesn't make it wrong, doesn't make it right.

I don't think saying WTG is dead is disrespectful, it's the truth, In most parts of the country it never caught on, just because Piru is alive and well does not mean WTG is.


Maybe I'm just longing for another time??

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