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MAY the 4th .......

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6 hours ago, Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438 said:

Uhh.... Klingons are denizens of Star Trek, not Star Wars; let's keep our aliens properly arranged and attributed, shall we?




WJ started it! :P


Still over three hours to go! :rolleyes:

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5 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Star Wars doesn't deserve it after what disney did, and is still doing to it.:angry:

That reminds me of illegitimate children, or biracial children.


They catch all kinds of crap. "YOU'RE A BASTARD!!!" "YOU'RE A HALF BREED!!!"


Not their fault. Their parents are the ones that decided to have children without getting married. Their parents are the ones that decided that they were going to "mate outside their race" :rolleyes:. But nobody yells at the parents. They give the kids grief.


It ain't Star Wars' fault what Disney did.

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Posted (edited)

May the force boldly go ever in your favor.


There -- tweaked three groups of nerds with one greeting. :ph34r:


ETA: May the force boldly go ever in your favor to infinity and beyond.


(Just in case I could get a few more heads to explode.)

Edited by Ozark Huckleberry
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May the Fourth of 2023 brought me a grandson.  Today we’re celebrating his first trip around the sun!


We’re at his grandparents’ on the other side.  They live outside Louisville and love their horses, so today is themed with Kentucky Derby accoutrements.  At our house next year, it will be Star Wars!

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5 hours ago, Alpo said:

Not their fault. Their parents are the ones that decided to have children without getting married. Their parents are the ones that decided that they were going to "mate outside their race" :rolleyes:. But nobody yells at the parents. They give the kids grief.

Sorry, Alpo, but your analogy is more than a little off base.


Disney made a lot of money by stretching three great movies into nine, and people can debate their merits ad nauseam.


I have two biracial grandchildren whose parents have a partnership, not a legal marriage.  I will defend all four of them with my dying breath.

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I hate to ask and I think I can guess, but what did Disney do to Star Wars?



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I have  bi-racial grandson and a daughter-in-law with six step grandkids of African extraction and a ton of step great grandkids.  I'll cause anyone who abuses them in any way a lifetime of grief.

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43 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

I hate to ask and I think I can guess, but what did Disney do to Star Wars?



They made a lot of money by stretching the franchise from the original three movies out to nine. People have debated the quality of latter editions for years. 

The first two are the only ones I saw which so I have no dog in this discussion except listening to my kids debate all nine. They are passionate on all sides. 

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1 hour ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

They made a lot of money by stretching the franchise from the original three movies out to nine. People have debated the quality of latter editions for years. 

The first two are the only ones I saw which so I have no dog in this discussion except listening to my kids debate all nine. They are passionate on all sides. 

Thank you. 

I liked the first Star Wars movie. I also read the book for that movie. I saw the second movie, but none of the others. I guess I am a Trekkie. 
Honestly, I thought the complaints about later Star Wars movies would have been about PC or political reasons. 

Star Trek Discovery, while a good series is a bit too PC in regards to LGBTQ issues. I call it “The Coming Out’ Star Trek series”.
Star Trek “Strange New Worlds” left the PC issues out of the series. I like this one just a little bit more than “Discovery”. 
If someone asked me what my favorite Star Trek series is I couldn’t define just one. I love them all and all for different reasons. 

I keep saying that I am going to watch all the Star Wars movies, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. 

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1 hour ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

They made a lot of money by stretching the franchise from the original three movies out to nine. People have debated the quality of latter editions for years. 

The first two are the only ones I saw which so I have no dog in this discussion except listening to my kids debate all nine. They are passionate on all sides. 

Lucas did the prequels pre Disney acquisition.  So the Vader trilogy was all on him.


Disney did the post return of the Jedi/ endor stuff.


First 6 Lucas next 9 or so Disney cash grab

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4 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

Honestly, I thought the complaints about later Star Wars movies would have been about PC or political reasons

That's what I thought that was about also.


The first three - 4, 5 and 6 - were pretty good. The next three - one, two and three - with jar jar Binks, were pretty dumb. I'm not even sure I saw a number three.


The next three - 7, 8 and 9 - are about the girl. I've only seen seven and eight.


Then I start hearing about this TV series? But you have to subscribe to the TV channel? I've never seen any of them. I figured that's what the "damn Disney ruined Star Wars" carp was about.

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I brought my sons to the first one in 77. They both saw the second one later as did I. That did it for me and them . We were all done with Star Wars!

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Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Star Wars when it was first released. I've loved Science Fiction my entire life. Just as much as I love Westerns.

When I read in "Starlog" magazine that an upcoming movie, "Star Wars" was to be released in June of '77, the first thing I thought was" I hope it's still in the theaters when I get out of Boot Camp in August." Needless to say, it was. 

I've watched the first three, (4,5, and6) too many times to count. I took my family to see 1, 2, and 3 in the theaters when THEY came out. They weren't great, (Jar Jar), but we enjoyed them, and have watched them many times since. 

When the last three came out, we went to see them and were sadly disappointed. We didn't even see the last one. The same we saw week number 7, we saw "Antman" and liked it much better. 

Then disney started their "Force is female" bit, pushing things worse and worse. They've done the same to Marvel, Indiana Jones, and Pixar. They've ruined everything that they touch. They have a man in a dress at disneyland to escort your young daughter into the Bippity boppity boutique to help her dress like a princess. They are trying to groom your kids into thinking that that sort of thing is not only okay, but normal. It's not.  

I'll continue to watch and enjoy the earlier movies. I'll continue to watch earlier Marvel movies, and the first three Indiana Jones movies. But disney will never get another dime out of me unless and until there is a complete and total change there. So far, the only thing that they seem to be able to realise is that nobody likes their stuff anymore. And everytime we don't, they come out and blame the fans for not liking it. They refuse to recognise that we think what they're doing is crap, and they continue the say that we just don't get "it". I get it, and I don't like it. 

As far as I'm concerned, disney needs to die.

Maybe we can harness the Light side of The Force and make that happen. May The Force be with us ALL!


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As already mentioned episodes 1-6 (in chronological order) were made before Disney bought Star Wars.  Episodes 7-9 had great special effects, but the plots weren't very good.   Standalone movies Rogue One and Solo were both good


Of the live action TV shows on Disney Plus The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka were all good.  Andor remains to be seen, I found much of the first season slow, it was only the last couple of episodes of the first season that things picked up.


There some animated series as well which fills in the gaps in the first 3 movies and between episode 3 and episode 4

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What I found odd was there were already Canon 3rd trilogy material in the thrawn stuff.


Whatever they did for the last trilogy wasn't very good

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Posted (edited)
On 5/3/2024 at 9:39 PM, Alpo said:

 Their parents are the ones that decided that they were going to "mate outside their race" :rolleyes:. But nobody yells at the parents. They give the kids grief.


Where do you live that 'they' give biracial kids 'grief'?  Nobody has ever given my 'biracial' great-grandchildren any grief, or their parents either as a matter of fact. They'd better not, but I've never seen a hint of it in these parts.


"Mate outside their race"? You gotta be kidding.

Edited by Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619
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1 hour ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:


Where do you live that 'they' give biracial kids 'grief'?  Nobody has ever given my 'biracial' great-grandchildren any grief, or their parents either as a matter of fact. They'd better not, but I've never seen a hint of it in these parts.


"Mate outside their race"? You gotta be kidding.

Unfortunately I’ve met people like that everywhere I’ve lived. I would say that they are in the minority but they are there. Surprisingly the most prevalent place I experienced it was CA . IMHO division between races and economic class has gotten worse in the USA in my lifetime. Ca was the only place I ever lived where people openly talked about “race wars” . Heck I’ve met people who wouldn’t marry out of their religion or ethnic group let alone race . And that includes every race I’ve had interaction with, not just white people. It’s always amazed me how tribal people still are . Whether it be economic class , race or religion. Even though segregation is illegal people still seem to “self” segregate . Everywhere I’ve lived there’s a white, black, hispanic, etc…side of town. In many large cities if you want good chinese food you go to china town . If you’re ever in Mi take a drive through Dearborn if you want to see a prime example of self segregation. Many of the street signs aren’t even in english. 
I think it’s great that people here are stating that race doesn’t matter to them. And I’ll let Alpo speak for himself but I just took his comments as pointing out a facet of our society that exists. I understand not liking or accepting it but I don’t understand not acknowledging it exists. 

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10 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednigo in the furnace, along with the fourth, our Savior?


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

pardon the spelling 

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53 minutes ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednigo in the furnace, along with the fourth, our Savior?


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

pardon the spelling 


This year May 4th was Orthodox Holy Saturday.   One of the Old Testament readings in the Vesperal Liturgy is that passage,  and the accompanied hymn is "He Who Saved the Three Young Men."

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6 hours ago, Buckshot Bob said:

Heck I’ve met people who wouldn’t marry out of their religion or ethnic group let alone race . And that includes every race I’ve had interaction with, not just white people. It’s always amazed me how tribal people still are . Whether it be economic class , race or religion. Even though segregation is illegal people still seem to “self” segregate . Everywhere I’ve lived there’s a white, black, hispanic, etc…side of town. In many large cities if you want good chinese food you go to china town . If you’re ever in Mi take a drive through Dearborn if you want to see a prime example of self segregation. Many of the street signs aren’t even in english. 
I think it’s great that people here are stating that race doesn’t matter to them.


I was raised Roman Catholic in a smallish town in San Diego County.   The 7 a.m. Mass was mostly Italian and Portugee (that's what they preferred,  and would correct you if you said Portuguese),  9 a.m. was Irish, 10 a.m. Mexican families and early rising Americans.  All others were people too tired, hung over,  or had gone fishing at dawn and couldn't make the earlier ones.


Go to a big city and one parish is Italian,  down the street is the Polish,   around the corner is the Irish parish.


Heck, look at Native American/ First People's language.   For the most part their name for themselves best translates as "people" and the name for everyone else comes out as "not people" or "people with this negative characteristic."  That used to be normal and natural. 


As an Orthodox Christian I've visited different parishes with strong ethnic identities,  and because of my cassock people give me benefit of the doubt but are still wary/standoffish, "What's this gadjo doing here?" Until I enthusiastically knock back whatever potation they offer and ask for another dose.  Then they stop giving me American distance personal space and step into whatever their cultural personal space is, usually much closer than Americans are comfortable with. 

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3 hours ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

I'm hardly naive on issues of ethnicity and race, but nonetheless I've never heard anybody in these parts putting any kid down for being "mixed race". Fifty years ago, maybe. And in  some parts of the country, I suppose.



Yep didn’t seem to bother or hinder Obama! His daughters seem to be doing okay too. Talk about biracial!

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It's a big world these days. One grandson-in-law is a cyber genius from a far land originally. Another grandson-in-law's mother is Japanese-American. Her family have been American citizens longer than my paternal side has been.


Both terrific guys. I've had good luck with sons-in-law and now with the next generation of 'em.

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