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Value of a good wife

Trigger Mike

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I really don’t think that you can put an actual value on what a wife brings into your life.  I am also glad that when she was sick and constantly angry that I didn’t walk away.  

this past episode she has really stepped up to help me do things that are not pleasant but without her I could not do them since sometimes I was forced to lie still and couldn’t move yet had to perform some task at the same time.   

she has shown compassion and love and care.  She even spoke of how much she needs me and the various things that I do for her that she can not handle without me.  

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I have a bit of a different view..  My wife is suffering from  depression, dementia and serious bipolar mental issues ( possibly Alzheimer's).  It is hard to watch as a 72 year old person makes themselves into a bedridden, incapable to take care of themself person. It is not a pretty thing, but the wedding vows did stipulate "for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."  So, I take my vow as serious as one taken to defend against enemies foreign and domestic.  I will never renege my vow.

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I can sure attest to a Good Wife's value, She tells me every day:D.

All kidding aside, like Steel on Steel we sharpen each other and knock off the rough edges...


Jabez Cowboy  

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i will chime in with my limited experience of only three wives , ill give little to nothing to the first two and blame myself for all of the failure , but i will add that my third has been my faithful companion for 32 years and altho difficult at times , i cant imagine life without her , good thing longevity runs in the female side of her family , i expect her to outlive me by a good many years , she has not only made me a better man over the years we have been together she also has tolerated all of my activities , even when she would not join me in them [like this activity] without criticism ,  one cannot overstate the comfort of knowing another has your back no matter what life presents - life has presented a lot of things over the years 

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I’ve been married twice, both tried to change me and mold me into what they thought was a good husband. I never tried to change either of them. 
If you guys have found good wives that’s great but it never worked out for me. 

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Mike, I can relate to your feelings.  For 51 years my wife and I took on the world together through the best of times and the worst.  We fought family, well-mening friends, acquaintances, bosses, employees, strangers, and everyone else who tried to separate us.  We starved and thrived together and faced the challenges of raising our two kids, faced separations when I was overseas and she handled the home front alone.  We faced illnesses and injuries together and when her time came to leave this world we had prepared for it as best we could.


I still miss her terribly and talk to her every day after more than seven years and thank God for letting her be my wife.  He couldn't have given me a better one.


I only wish I could h ve been a better husband, but to the last day that she was lucid she said she loved me and that is my anchor to carry on.


My prayers for you both.



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43 years for us, but it took me three strikes (and two for her) before we hit that home run.
I had to go from CA all the way to Western NY to find her, but I got lucky and struck gold.


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38 years so far for us. God blessed me with a wonderful lady.

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21 hours ago, Muleshoe Bill SASS #67022 said:

I have a bit of a different view..  My wife is suffering from  depression, dementia and serious bipolar mental issues ( possibly Alzheimer's).  It is hard to watch as a 72 year old person makes themselves into a bedridden, incapable to take care of themself person. It is not a pretty thing, but the wedding vows did stipulate "for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."  So, I take my vow as serious as one taken to defend against enemies foreign and domestic.  I will never renege my vow.


You have my deepest condolences. I'll be sure to say a special prayer for you both.

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2 hours ago, largo casey #19191 said:

Same here Rye.I only tried it once.Raised my kids myself.


I give you credit! Good for you! 
The one thing I have is two great sons and I actually get along very well with their mom who was my first ex-wife. We raised them together even though we were apart. Life worked out well despite the divorce. :)

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im lucky , this time around , it took three trys to get here but now after 32 years ill say its working -- three times as long as the others and more , but i will also say after combined 50+ years of marriage ...you have to work at it and some might be better off not starting it , if you choose not to - DONT HAVE KIDS , they need intact families or at least cooperating exs 

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29 minutes ago, Aljhanon said:

I tell people all the time, Don't force it if it doesn't work. Always try again.

life is to short to live without someone by your side. 

I disagree, I’m 75 and I’ve been single for 35 years, I’m doing just fine with no one by my side. I’d rather be alone than with someone that I’m not happy with or visa versa. 

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2 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I disagree, I’m 75 and I’ve been single for 35 years, I’m doing just fine with no one by my side. I’d rather be alone than with someone that I’m not happy with or visa versa. 

I would disagree with you for the most part. I'm 63. been happily married for 25 years, was single most of my life before that (except for 2 year marriage that didn't work out). True, marriage isn't all cake and roses, but having done both I have no desire to be single again. I actually have nightmares about that some times. Being single certainly has advantages, but so does being married.


May be an image of 2 people and indoor

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17 hours ago, Trigger Mike said:

Thankfully I cut my hair short before the heart cath 


one pic is before the heart cath and one is after 

They shaved me.
The heart cath is the last to be taken out.
Goes in the carotid artery, then down into the heart.
Big diameter sucker, feels weird on extraction, zero pain.

Have your bridge buy an 18-pack of plain white wash cloths.
Each cloth is only used once, and only on a single cut point (arm, leg, sternum),
Each is then washed and bleached.

My bride did this for me in the shower for a month or more.
Zero infection of any kind.
She's a very special woman.


2022.09.22 Bypass-12.jpg

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2 hours ago, bgavin said:

They shaved me.
The heart cath is the last to be taken out.
Goes in the carotid artery, then down into the heart.
Big diameter sucker, feels weird on extraction, zero pain.

Have your bridge buy an 18-pack of plain white wash cloths.
Each cloth is only used once, and only on a single cut point (arm, leg, sternum),
Each is then washed and bleached.

My bride did this for me in the shower for a month or more.
Zero infection of any kind.
She's a very special woman.


2022.09.22 Bypass-12.jpg

My wife is also an RN. Having your own nurse has come in handy a time or twa. Holy carp pard. I just showed this to my wife and she said "That looks about right." Hope I never have to have one of those. I did a couple sleep studies where I felt like that (less the IV's of course)."Now just go to sleep normally"..........Yeah right. You know I have to pee at least twice at night!


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My #2 daughter is an RN specializing in Access Therapy.
She is the team that pokes all those tubes into your arteries.
She was chuckling about how BIG the carotid heart cath actually is.
As noted above, removing it was zero pain... made me think of "oatmeal" for some stupid reason.
They took it out on Day 7 just before I went home.

I had more plumbing than a high rise building.
Hopefully Trigger Mike will have a good experience.

Secret:  learn all your nurses first names.
#2 said to me, "Dad don't be an asshole.  Nurses don't like assholes."
This was my opening line with every nurse I had... works great.
Tell 'em you're gonna be their very best patient.
It pays off big time.

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I’ve made a point to be totally polite to each nurse I see and friendly and try to do as much as I can on my own and only ask for the supplies I need and ask for minimal help.  

they have responded by being above and beyond and we work well together 

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