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Convention Attendance

Gold Canyon Kid #43974

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We didn't make the Convention this year. How did this years attendance compare with last year? How many vendors this year compared to last year? How many TGs were in atttendance? I heard there were 300 clubs represented, but that had to include a lot of proxie votes or did it?

We didn't make the Convention this year. How did this years attendance compare with last year? How many vendors this year compared to last year? How many TGs were in atttendance? I heard there were 300 clubs represented, but that had to include a lot of proxie votes or did it?

I don't know the answer to all of your questions, but seating was full in the TG meetings. I don't think that there was as many vendors this year. The various gatherings that I attended seemed to be full, and there were quite a few attending the seminars.




I walked through the Hall on Thursday and again on Friday. Pretty sparse and pretty quiet.


My unofficial and unsupported estimate was about 40 or fewer vendors - but there may have been more or less than that.

Many of the usual vendors were absent.


There did not seem to be a lot of foot traffic in the Hall at the times I was there but maybe there was more at other times.

There was a sea of chairs for observing the stage and there was usually some stage act going on with a few of the chairs occupied by observers.


Pretty quiet during the hours I was there but it may have been different at other times.





I believe my count on vendors was around 50, give or take a couple.


Because this year introduced unlimited seminars, the seminars attendance was way up. Many came close to filling their seating capacity. This is one reason the vendor area seemed uncrowded. When seminars finished, there was surge into the vendor area until the next seminar.


There were fewer vendors this year. The seating for watching the stage was at least tripled.

A fourth of the room was empty space dedicated to the Wild West Performing Arts "side matches".

The aisles were spread out to fill the room.


I do not know if the Riviera is the cause of the decline, or if SASS is overcharging vendors - but it is a sad reflection on SASS when folks that know nothing about the game see a poorly filled hall and very few attendees.


Perhaps it is time for the SASS convention to move to a different part of the country - maybe this would jump start excitement, attendance or vendors.

I go each year hoping for something, anything, that will make the event significant and every year, it is the same - only less.


The economy is probably part of the reason attendance is down. May clubs are experiencing a decline; people are being more selective in spending their "discretionary income". I'm only a six hour drive from Las Vegas, it would be an easy and enjoyable "short vacation" but I too am being careful in where I shoot and go for vacations.

...Perhaps it is time for the SASS convention to move to a different part of the country - maybe this would jump start excitement, attendance or vendors....


I could be wrong but seems to me that last year was the final year of a contract SASS had signed with the Riviera, and there was a lot of talk and conjecture about where the convention would go, whether still in Vegas or elsewhere in the country. And then we found out...SASS signed on with the Riviera again. I do not know if they have a multi-year contract again or not.


Having attended the last 3 Conventions as a shopper only, I will say that every year the number of vendors (and information) has dropped.


There was only one vendor of men's clothes there this year, Wild West Mercantile" and the selection was small.


I missed chatting with an old friend, Bob Munden.


I expected to see several manufactures of Gun Carts including Rugged Gear. They were not there.


Several gun manufactures were not there. I was hoping to see Bond Derringers but they were not present.


Ladies clothes seemed to be down quite a bit. As well as dress pattern vendors.


They did add a place to eat in the vendors area..... That took up quite a bit of room.


I wish they would move the time of year that the convention is scheduled. My wife is a teacher, and she sure cant leave school to "go to Vegas" for the weekend.

I always suggested moving it to Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kansas City, or the like to make it more central, and then have it scheduled for New Years weekend, as that would leave most teachers free to attend. I know its a busy busy busy travel time at that time of year, but summer schedules are full with shoots.

That or put the Convention on prior to or right after End of Trail.

My selfish thoughts on the matter anyway.



It only makes sense that the amount of vendors would be down because there isn't as many as there used to be. I haven't been to a shoot in the past 3 years that the vendor number wheren't down. I miss the old days when you would attend shoots and find individuals making there own stuff. Now especially on the clothings side everything has gotten real cookie cutter. Meaning everyone has the same shirts and pants. The vendor portion of the convention is basically a trade show and no matter what industry you talk to they are a dieing bread. This being said I hope the convention was a success to all that attended.


Well I can offer up a bit of reasoning for low vendor turnout, at least for the big boys (gun manufacturers and the like). In less than forty five days they all have to be back in Vegas in a large way for the Shot Show which is their true meal ticket as opposed to Cowboy Action Shooting only being a portion of their business. Take Ruger for example. They sell a large number of cowboy action shooting pistols, but that pales in comparison to their overall business of firearms in general making the Shot Show much more important to them. The Shot Show is sneaking up on close to forty or so years and is always held in January and usually held in Las Vegas at the Convention Hall with its second venue at Dallas but Vegas has taken the spotlight over ninety percent of the time. It was posted earlier that our convention might be held at a different time of the year? Might be a good idea. Or any thoughts of incorporating with the Shot Shot Show? We would Never be at a loss for attendance and could have our very own section of the show as we probably already do now but enhanced and really showcased at that very large venue? Just a thought. Smithy.


be careful what ya complain about


ya just might get it


no convention at all :blink::blink::blink:



just go back to a TG summit




  • participate as a TG
  • increase my knowledge base by attending classes
  • visit old friends from accoss the :blush:

I dont go there to shop


but I did spend over $200 buying things (not really shopping)


I really enjoy going to convention and the location doesn't really bother me that much. The Riv is what it is and I'm only in my room for short periods of time. It's really about seeing friends anyway, for me, and I had a great time catching up with folks last weekend.


However, seems like in this economy and until there are some new/different workshops it might be time to consider holding Convention every three or five years. I know without a doubt that I sure wouldn't miss it on the years it rolls around. Make it a quality event with a large turnout!

Take Ruger for example. They sell a large number of cowboy action shooting pistols, but that pales in comparison to their overall business of firearms in general making the Shot Show much more important to them.


I spoke with the Ruger people quite a bit during the NRA show in Charlotte, NC a few months age.


Basically they would rather deal with a guy who buys 6 Rugers in a life time than a Cowboy shooter who buys 4 Rugers and shoots them to pieces.


Guest Kid Sopris, Regulator, #3290

Y'all get out of that cocoon you're all in, and you would have found Colt and others at Cowboy Christmas.


You know the really big event across the street!


Although we've gone to the convention 5 of the last 6 years (since we joined in 2004) -- we didn't attend this year.


The Reason -- As someone once said, -- "It's the economy, stupid".


Sad to say but we decided to stay home for in December. Let's face it, things are uncertain and tight. DDJ and I talked it over and no matter how you slice it, we always spend $1000 (or more) at the SASS Convention. We love the event -- but it's a $1000 bill to go.


I've heard all the other excuses (and there may be an element of true to each) -- BUT IN THE END, IT'S THE ECONOMY.


We're hoping for a better 2011. If things look up next year, we'll probably attend.


And YES, (contrary to comments), Las Vegas is to the place to have the convention -- after all -- the first two weeks in December are the NFR Finals and Vegas is full of Cowboys. The only other place to consider is Fort Worth and it's too far and too expensive.


Here's to a more prosperous 2011.




I was there helping a pard of mine vend. Foot traffic was down compared to last year and although we did well as did some other vendors I heard several others say they did not do well at all. The venue needs to be changed, as in moved to a different part of the country. Of course those that have it in their backyard right now won't like it,but it would breathe some new life into the event given that folks from the east coast might be able to attend. If something is not done they will get less and less vendor participation every year. Then it will just be a TG summit.

I'd like to see it in branson Missouri or Nashville.


Yup, that would be cool, still a good drive for most of us, but you would get a bunch of new folks that have never been.

Having attended the last 3 Conventions as a shopper only, I will say that every year the number of vendors (and information) has dropped.


There was only one vendor of men's clothes there this year, Wild West Mercantile" and the selection was small.


I missed chatting with an old friend, Bob Munden.


I expected to see several manufactures of Gun Carts including Rugged Gear. They were not there.


Several gun manufactures were not there. I was hoping to see Bond Derringers but they were not present.


Ladies clothes seemed to be down quite a bit. As well as dress pattern vendors.


They did add a place to eat in the vendors area..... That took up quite a bit of room.



Where was that.... I missed that part..... DANG!




My understanding is there is one more year of the SASS/Riviera contract, so a decision may be made as to convention venue sometime next year. Either they will stay or look elsewhere for a convention site. I was also told by one "in the know" that attendance was up about 10% over last year.

I had a great time!

Major Payne :mellow:


Made the last minute treck there.

Met up with a bunch of old friends and made some new ones!

Queen Victoria's Pub rocked!

Will I be there next year??? Yep! I like to see folks from other parts of this great ol US of A!!!


It seemed to me there were more cowpokes, but there were less vendors. The vendors that were there were top drawer. I know that Wildcat and I left them a bunch of dinero.


The Riv is still the Riv, old and beat, but comfortable like an old shoe. The addition of the food court and the Queen Victoria Pub are real pluses. We still went out to eat at night. The rooms were clean. The Convention seminar rooms were very good. Hotel staff were more friendly this year as well.


The entertainment was the best of any Convention I have attended. Riders in the Sky put on an excellent show. The guys and gals from WWPAS did a great job as well.


Last but not least, the seminars this year were very good. Hats off to the people spending the time to lend their expertise to attendees.


How about a Mid-West Cowboy Convention?????? Everyone is invited and everyone can shoot at no extra charge..... All Inclusive Cowboy Convention..... Now that's a selling point!!! If ya ask me......Vegas was great this year,,, as in the past-- was also.... I enjoyed everyone and thing, I could There where a few things I did not get to do but I can wait till next year.....The vendors where down a bit But there smiling faces and eagerness to help a customer were fast and attending. The concert was GREATTTTT that's with a triple ott T. for Terrific.. The Gals on stage where the prettiest I have ever seen in SASS and my room looked like it has just been refinished with marble tile floors and gold fixtures. If you could not tell I had a great time.... I bought a flag pole for our barn at the Bar 3 Ranch.... Oh yea the ladies at the Ruger booth enjoyed the Tea Brunch... Thanks Misty!!!! Raincheck on the drink. I also met a man on a park bench---well thats another story for facebook.... Life and the SASS Convention is what you make it...If your looking for the bad stuff you'll always find it.... Thanks to all who made it happen. T-Bone


Rotate Venues every year?


West Coast ---> Mid-West ---> East Coast ---> West Coast ---> ad nauseum


Other, much bigger organizations do this, in fact, they changes cities and don't return to the same city for 10-12 years.

Even the Olympics changes venues. There are many good convention cities wanting business.


Rotate Venues every year?


West Coast ---> Mid-West ---> East Coast ---> West Coast ---> ad nauseum


Other, much bigger organizations do this, in fact, they changes cities and don't return to the same city for 10-12 years.

Even the Olympics changes venues. There are many good convention cities wanting business.



Well...do they have a Rivera in the Mid-West and East Coast?



Wasn't it last year's big announcement that the Convention was going to be at the Rivera?


Someone must like it...




maybe fullfilling a contract?

maybe not

Although we've gone to the convention 5 of the last 6 years (since we joined in 2004) -- we didn't attend this year.


The Reason -- As someone once said, -- "It's the economy, stupid".


Sad to say but we decided to stay home for in December. Let's face it, things are uncertain and tight. DDJ and I talked it over and no matter how you slice it, we always spend $1000 (or more) at the SASS Convention. We love the event -- but it's a $1000 bill to go.


I've heard all the other excuses (and there may be an element of true to each) -- BUT IN THE END, IT'S THE ECONOMY.


We're hoping for a better 2011. If things look up next year, we'll probably attend.


And YES, (contrary to comments), Las Vegas is to the place to have the convention -- after all -- the first two weeks in December are the NFR Finals and Vegas is full of Cowboys. The only other place to consider is Fort Worth and it's too far and too expensive.


Here's to a more prosperous 2011.





No it aint. Its just up the road a couple of hours.


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