Madd Mike #8595 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 May I make a humble suggestion Too any and all SASS members that thinks they would like to host an improved SASS convention Please put together a promotional presentation complete with dollar and cents numbers present it to SASS see what they say geeeeeeeeeeeese
Colt McAllister Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Here's an idea. Follow the Shot Show location each year. Just think how much exposure we'd get. Gun manufactures could almost do both shows. I don't know if it could be held in the same venue or not. How cool would that be to be able to hit both shows in a week? Just a thought!
Innocent Bystander SASS #24171 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 To all the pards who think bundling the SASS convention with the Shot show...You do realize that the Shot show is an industry only show, don't you? That means that unless you have a business with ties to the shooting industry, you can't get in. Now many of our pards could arrange passes, but there are also plenty of pards who couldn't. Do you want to cut them out of the SASS show (assuming you take Smithy's suggestion and place the SASS convention inside the Shot show)? Moving the SASS convention has been brought up many times in the past. And it still boils down to the fact that the Wild Bunch seems to like Vegas. And remember, they tried the SASS Family Reunion in Tennessee back a few years ago, in the summer and where lots of pards said they wanted a convention. It bombed so badly, it lasted on one or two years as I recollect. My opinion is that summer is the time when pards want to attend shoots, not conventions. Bystander
hud Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Well, I for one, am NOT going to mention ANYTHING like moving the convention will work as well as moving EOT. Nope, I aint gonna do it, I aint, I aint hud (see below)
Justice B. Dunn, SASS #3516 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 I spoke with the Ruger people quite a bit during the NRA show in Charlotte, NC a few months age. Basically they would rather deal with a guy who buys 6 Rugers in a life time than a Cowboy shooter who buys 4 Rugers and shoots them to pieces. I got 3 pairs of Ruger Vaqueros ( That I shoot all the time) 3 Ruger 22 pistols (one is a revolver) A Ruger Red Label Shotgun ....and dern I can't recall anyothers. I also live 8 miles away from the Ruger Plant in Prescott, AZ. I know several of the Ruger Management....but I didn't get no Christmas card from em. Hummm?
Anvil Al #59168 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Think we are planning of going to the convention next year. But the only real reason is because it is IN Vegas. Although we may not stay at the Riv Lets see. At SASS convention time. Vegas has. Cowboy Christmas, and the NFR. All to go along with the SASS Convention. AND it's VEGAS BABY. Hard to beat all that. If you are there. And not taking advantage of those other two events. Seems you would be really missing some fun. Anyone else got all that at the same time??????? I would say. Keep it in Vegas. Just move to another hotel.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Hi Al, Give the Riv a chance. It isn't really that bad. The food court or British Pub are fine for lunch. Kristophers Steakhouse or the Pub work for dinner. This year I went to two other hotels for dinner. That was a nice change. Staying at the Riv isn't as bad as some say and most folks are there. Hope to meet you next year ! Regards, Allie
Black Jack McGinnis, SASS #2041 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Ya gotta be careful with Branson this time of year. The weather can get mighty nasty.
shenny Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Where was that.... I missed that part..... DANG! Snakebite Queen Victoria Pub on Friday night. All kinds of sheenagans. Shenny
shenny Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 For those of you complaining about the distance, I live in Virginia. 2 hour flight to Atlanta, MD88,lay over and then 4 hour flight to Vegas,757. Small seats, no room, triple A wide butt, exhausted. We had a great time at convention, met a lot of old friends, partied with some new friends. Then flew red eye back to New York, even smaller seat, 737, and jerk in front piled his seat in my face. Get to New York and flight to Virginia delayed one hour. It snowed in Richmond. Then boarded even smaller, 135. Then again, I could have been like Curly Rider and had to take a 15 hour flight back to France. I did not meet anyone from Australia but I'm someone was there. All I can say about this is, wait until next year, I plan to be there with alkyhol in hand and ready to party again and attend the TG meetings Shenny PS Got scanned and hand searched by TSA in Richmond and Las Vegas. I must be on the bad list. For those of you who know me, I really fit the profile. If so, its the only profile
Swiss Kid, SASS #54030 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 If SASS decides to move the convention out of Las Vegas, I would like to see it in San Antonio, TX. Nice town, nice weather, nice people and a great historical place. Swiss
Anvil Al #59168 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Hi Al, Give the Riv a chance. It isn't really that bad. The food court or British Pub are fine for lunch. Kristophers Steakhouse or the Pub work for dinner. This year I went to two other hotels for dinner. That was a nice change. Staying at the Riv isn't as bad as some say and most folks are there. Hope to meet you next year ! Regards, Allie We will. As most the time when we are in Vegas. The room is only for grabbing some sleep and a quick shower. Most the time during the day we are out and about on the strip anyway. Well. At night also.
Grizzly Dave Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 While Vegas isn't my kind of place really, it makes sense for a convention. Lots of flights, airport transportation, hotel rooms, activities, etc. Maybe next year....but then again, I said that last year....
Nawlins Kid SASS #36107 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Hi All Leave it in LV. Sure you can go to other places, which could be more expansive. The Riv is older our room was nice and clean. We have been to other conventions in newer hotels and more expansive that were not any better. The food is getting better The British Pub ( was there a few times) The Pepper Mill a four min. walk outside and Kristofers. We also ate at other hotels. The seminars we went to were verry good. We met new pards and had a great time width them and old acquaintances. Its up to the individual to make the most of it . Every year the same topic comes up about moving it . I agree with Mad Mike "Too any and all SASS members that thinks they would like to host an improved SASS convention Please put together a promotional presentation complete with dollar and cents numbers present it to SASS. There is not many places that hold conventions that are as cheap as LV and have alot of other venues and is easy to get to. Maybe Branson may be nice , I don't think venders would like to go someplace that may get snowed in. I for one come to LV to get away from the snow and cold ( We are now 4 ins away from braking our Dec snowfall record. Must be global warming ) that I would never go someplace with snow. Nawlins Kid
Colonel Richard Dodge, SASS #1750 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Blackjack Annie and I missed the convention for the first time this year. Economics was the major factor. Hopefully we can make it next year and I think somewhere in "cowboy country" might be considered for a site if it has to move. I'd like to see it in some place where we can wear our guns. And I wish folks would stop complaining about the Riviera. Are we tough cowboys or not? There's nothing about the Riviera that any dust-covered cowboy or trooper wouldn't give up a clean pair of socks for. Declining vendor attendance isn't the Riviera's fault. I know a couple of vendors who won't go because of the expense (fees, hotel room, meals, travel, etc.) and the probability that they won't cover expenses. A friend of mine was there this year hoping to buy a gun cart. No gun carts. Col. Dodge
Madd Mike #8595 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 dont forgit internet shopping now days that makes it REALLY hard for vendors (out and about) and real..... storefront..... stores
Black Harris #154 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I had a great time! BH PS : Allie thnks for the pictures BH
RLMartin Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 As long as its held in Vegas there will always be two less attendees there than there might be otherwise. I can't fly due to messed up sinuses/ears. It takes my head hours to equalize with the pressure changes, so flying is quite painful for me. It even becomes uncomfortable sometimes just driving through the mountains. I wouldn't fly now anyway just because of the TSA, but that's a topic for another thread. Being in GA its a 4 to 5 day drive to Vegas, and by December, if I have any vacation left, its reserved for a few days around Christmas. If it were held in the middle of the country (say Kansas or Oklahoma or even Texas) or swapped around, somewhere out west one year, mid country the next, and east the next, then my wife and I would likely attend a few anyway. Yes I realize that logistically, having the convention in a different location every year could be a nightmare for the organizers, but maybe it could be changed up every 5 years or so. I'll bet there's a lot of folks in the eastern US and even the midwest area that don't attend because they either don't have the money or the time to take a trip across the country.
Rev. Cepheus, SASS #77174 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 they have a Rivera in the Mid-West and East Coast? Plenty of options up her in the northland. If the Twin Cities can handle the RNC I'm sure the can manage a few cowpokes around
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 they have a Rivera in the Mid-West and East Coast? nope, believe it or not there are more than a few of us that could care less about Vegas, spent six days there and didn't put a dime into a slot machine. Good food and drinks can be found almost anywhere and for cheaper to boot. There are people that participate in SASS outside of AZ,NV,CA,and TX but it's obvious that it does not matter just as long as everything is held in your own backyard.
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